Your honest oppinion on Serbia?
Your honest oppinion on Serbia?
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shithole filled with shit people
killed some muzzies so good
Thx leaf
Yugoslavia is not a thing anymore?
Never was lol
antifa: the country
kosovo je srbija
Possibly the most disgusting country in the whole of the middle east
Our standard may be shit, but at least we dont have niggers and sandinggers wandering around
All serbs are my friends
Nice shitpost leaf. I live in degenerate Belgrade an i saw like 3 antifa faggots in my entire life.
Same shit in Novi Sad, rarely saw those fags and I was born there
I like the Serbs that stay in Serbia.
3 more than i've seen
Their fucking great , kosovo is serbian land
Could be bigger.
Or rather, should.
C'mon, Novislav Djajic was in our country, the Meme Himself
>implying bavaria is german
Where do you live? Alberta? lol
You have a point
Pretty good, needs more land though
Love it. Fucked a real qt while bagpacking through Europe shit was so cash.
Brothers in arms
>don't join EU pls
>Said the swede
>Said the butthurt former ottoman
Slobodan Milošević did nothing wrong
Former Yugoslavian states and perhaps former USSR Baltic states could be much more powerful on the international stage if they co-operated while maintaining sovereignty, kind-of like a NATO for Eastern Europe. You guys could stand up to Russia and the EU.
Ah well well, what do we have here? "My papa escaped the country in the 90s and moved to Sweden so now I shitpost from here on Sup Forums. My best friends are Marko whose parents are serbs and Armin whose parents are bosnian muslims"
Anything in or around my home produced there? Nope. Appears even infrequently on any news outlet? Nope. Could 1 out of 10 of my neighbors find it on a map? Nope. Any resources making it a target for political fuckery? Nope. Its like you dont even exist. I recommend posting with a proxy from a nation that earthlings give a shit about.
Based. Also good food. karajorjeva schnitzel is to die for.
>not target for political fuckery
Ask Bill Clinton
Did I hit a nerve turkish rape baby?
Glad you found karadjordjeva schnitzel, it's really speciality of our cousine
Just wanted to tell you that i love you all.If you're not gay or black or Muslim or Jewish,that is.
slav brothers
Good taste
Godlike taste
that's what i was about to post
glad so many know him
Sad not enough people know Roki.
His Turbofolk is addictive.
russians arent slavs
slavs in russia are slaves of russians
yeah actually
I know the thumbnail.
Is That Junaci Iz 1. Semberske Brigade?
Just found that earlier today
A poor white trash country, the average wage in Serbia is just 372 euros while even Bosnia-Herzegovina do have a bigger one of 427 euros.
Yes, my family comes from Serbia. Only thing I can really say about it though is kickass food. I'm 50% serb
They're gypsies.
who fucking cares?
>Serbien muß sterbien
Particular sample displayed here is indeed gipsy
Fpbp, even if it is a Swede
The Burgers of Europe.
Like most Serbs.
They can't even compare
They need those for Bosniaks, Croats and the Clinton Family
a meme
the memes say Serbia removes kebab
the reality is that Serbs faithfully served their Ottoman overlords for 500 years
First ever F-117 shot down in history though
They know how to shoot
Russian puppet and the people look no different from arabs.
Well grandpa got his CZ-99 and Zastava M59 confiscated 2 years ago when his licenses expired for them, he still has few packs of 9mm ammo and few packs of 7.62 ammo left
Make Serbia Yugoslavia again.
My country's attack on yours in the 1990s is the one thing I'm genuinely sorry for in our history. We should have been helping you.
Meme originates from the 90s war songs, kebabs are bosnian mujahedis and albanian uck kebabs
Absolutely awesome and based
but alot of time too much butthurt just like the rest of balkans
Ever heard of the Zugoslav wars and teh Bosnian Genocide?
Why did they ever stop it, that saddens me
>Check flag
>Is neighbouring with sweden
>has immigrants in it
>has cucked liberals and sjws
>only considered based thanks to the victory over ussr in Winter war
Oh really?
>tfw qwerty keyboardd but too retarded to remember it's set to German
Yugoslav, I meant
Couldnt agree more, idk why we have natural inclination towards butthurting
Never been to Europe besides little stops on the way to the sandbox
based on what I read here its a crummy 2nd world country but filled with some pretty based people. Wish Serbia the best sry about Clinton bombing you as you can see Clintons are a blight for everyone.
I wish they weren't so Muslim. Or is that Albania? I forget.
>you will never see Serb sending dead mudslime in a coffin to hell.
All I want to say is Belgrade needs to be cleansed from degeneracy.
/t. Tourist
i love it, i have senpai in beograd
visit every year.
Thanks senpai
thats the meme you are talking about
Albania and 51% of Bosnia (federation of BiH (excluding Croats living in federation))
>faithfully served their Ottoman overlords
Well other than the 3 rebellions and those times they joined forces with Austrians and Russians.
I unironically cannot understand your fascination with Russia. How can anyone want to be friends with them, given you could easily become allied with the west?
For as long as you don't start claiming our land i like you guys, just focus on splitting Bosnia with us and then take you lost territories like Montenegro and Macedonia.
Just leave us alone, please.
>Calls bosniaks starving and being murdered in concentration camps a meme
Oh wait
>A U S T R I A
the text on this should literally be
Muslim infested poor shithole.
Poor country that needs to get back into the kebab removing business
Based Serbs
I would love to visit
Never met a nice serb in my life. They all look like weasels.
Maybe being allied with the (((west))) isnt as good as people think?
t.Cucky Cucković
Mostly the Russian interests on the Balkans were concentrated on Bulgaria and Serbia (orthodox + slav), they had interests in Bosphorus and Dardaneli so they could have access to Meditteranian sea, so they helped us in 1st uprising, and 1876 when the Eastern question (status of ottoman empire on Balkans) appeared, that is the reason why people here endorise Russia because they have some interests that we do and they see oportunity of controling Balkans troughout Serbia and Bulgaria. They don't want want us to get in EU, but our politicians want because they are mostly puppets, it's really fucked up because we are torn between west and Russia