Rare merchant thread? Part III

Rare merchant thread? Part III
Post your favorite ones

Other urls found in this thread:
























Can confirm




Post some merchants merchant

Got any of the dank line minimalist merchants?



Thank you, user. Here have a gay merchant.



this is a classic..

















Always preferred this one.

kek, this has to be the most basic merchant ever


Merchant animu



Thread theme tune.


little do you know^^



Most rare one here guaranteed.

Remember when the merchants were nice enough to draw a few merchants for us?

Jews IQ - White IQ
White IQ - Black IQ




>On how many layers of shekels are you right now?
>4 maybe 5
>now watch me...

(I think this is closest to a real life happy merchant have ever seen.)

>meanwhile Israel's average IQ is 94

>I am 1/64th shawnee indian. Gib me free college now!



Some here may remember Joe Bernstein as the kike who got BTFO by Sam Hyde during a phone interview.

Blockhead Joe, as he called him, and shall be known as from here to eternity.

Some of my merchants are so basic that Sup Forums thinks I am duplicateing

I can't seem to find my favorite minimalist merchant. Makes me sad.

> b-but middle eastern shit hole IQ

Sorry are we talking about the minority of people who have made you their slaves through your own institutions. That's no meme.

You're slave-tier and best part is that you know it.




Yes!!! JIDF is back. Thank you for the bump Eliahu.

>the backpeddle


>learn more about the jews goyim
learn more about the jews goyim
>learn more about the jews goyim
learn more about the jews goyim
>learn more about the jews goyim
learn more about the jews goyim
>learn more about the jews goyim
learn more about the jews goyim



Oh you're right... in that case a group of people with an IQ of 94 run all of your institutions and bring your you down in secret.

thanks for the new bump

>and bring your you down in secret.
really showin off those IQ skills eh herschel?


I really missed JIDF, they're much better at their job than CTR ever was. It's too bad there's so much new blood on Sup Forums who will fall for their trickery, so I expect nothing less than a full on shitstorm of a flame war just like it was in 2014.


Average IQ of the special kind of Jews = 115

How can you compete?

The best actual 3rd Reich stuff is on calvin.edu They have the entire "The Poisonous Mushroom" in original German and with English translation. bookmark it if you have never been there. Will get a few and post.

Hey, I never said they were good at what they do. There is a reason they haven't succeeded in their century old plot yet, but that is a secret only the eternal Anglo gets to know.


>typos on mobile

I understand that is the best you can do when defending your white supremacy.


I didn't even know that JIDF ever stopped. At their website they claim they are still active

