Thoughts on Finns receiving basic income, Sup Forums?
Thoughts on Finns receiving basic income, Sup Forums?
Thoughts on Finns booing their prime minister off the stage on new year's eve?
Just a matter of time until (((they))) deem it successful and stick with it till the country becomes Turbo-Sweden
Also, be nicer to your cab driver. Estonians need love too.
Let me guess, those 2000 people all look like the guy in the foreground.
Why is the pic they choose of some nigglenog holding a finn flag?
>Finland's basic income experiment will test whether the unemployed become more or less productive once they start receiving free money.
kek, this should be fun
2000 pff.... kek
Try 2.300.000+ "people".
Not counthing the all the Achmeds there were already here prior mid 2015
the same reason they put a nig on the the battlefield 1 cover. I can't figure it out myself, but there it is; they put niggers in every commercial, photo op, or vidya game these days. Why? Who the fuck knows. jews probably.
there we go
Would be pretty nice, I can leave Sweden for Finland for a while and just cash in on gibs. Then leave before this shitty system is revoked.
Also expect an Ahmed influx.
I thought those migrants were supposed to solve your labor shortage though, why have you not put them to work in the factories yet?
>free money
Spurdo incarnate.
we've been doing the same shit in America for decades, it's called welfare, and it doesn't work so good
All the arguments for basic income are retarded and its proponents are mainly known for handily losing all debates about it.
This. I oppose anything that can make the lives of niggers, spics, or muslims any better.
Bought BF1 recently because (((Origin))) had a sale. Upon the opening campaign cutscenes of the white nurse's hand touching the nignog with PTSD I instantly recoiled in disgust and regret. Fuck this game, it's literally BLACKED.COM with guns
>black ""fin"" supporting American basketball team
Fins are what you find on sharks, Finns are what you find committing suicide in the sauna after drinking the last of their kossu (soon to be haram in Turku).