The Nazis banned the healing frequency 432Hz

defend this drumpfkins
>A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

>According to Brain T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It’s true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.

>432 Hz seems to work at the heart chakra, “the feeling”, and therefore could have a good influence on the spiritual development of the listener. Some people who are not able to distinguish the 8hz difference claim they can feel the music warmer due to the longer wavelength.

>There is a theory that the change from 432Hz to 440Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. The Joseph Goebbels theory is certainly interesting, but the true reason of the shift to 440Hz is still not clearly explained.
Well? Why do they nazis have to ruin everything?

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What a waste of my life reading this.

time is a social construct.
you need to allign your chakra.

hi freq weapon systems for mind control since the 1940s
color me surprised

>a musician and researcher

It was actually changed by the Vatican.

Look up cymantics. Certain vibrations can change the very way your own body resonates. The most obvious time this happens is when you heard a piece of music you really like, it instantly changes your mood. Now imagine if you were able to feel the vibrations passing through your body.

The Vatican started building entire churches to resonate with this tuning and they wanted to be the sole providers of it.

Look at some of the old temples, the all have symbols that look like the shapes made from certain frequencies.

because jews use this frequency to put thoughts into your head

I can feel myself getting stupider just reading this.

I fuck my ass with a himilayan salt dildo every morning while doing yoga and my chakras are so aligned that I fart like a foghorn


no, thats the heavy metals causing brain damage because you are ACTUALLY thinking.

fucking source

Gentlemen, this Leaf should be spared on the Day of the Rake.


this fucking meme has been floating around for years

it's LITERALLY nothing

Every conspiracy theory has a major variant in which nazis are behind it all. Interesting.

math is a social construct and cannot be 'fundamental to nature'

is this what redpilled means

"Mathematically consistent with the universe."
Stopped reading there. It's the same fags that spew golden ratio shit.

Go back to /x/ faggot

boy the shills always come out in full force huh

thats how you know its true, who the fuck would have such vitriol over such a non-problem?


>healing frequency


I'd do this but I'm at work right now,

If some user can start up ableton live (or pro tools if they're a faggot) and set a tone in operator to 432hz and report back with results then we will know if it's worth even debating.

This looks like a job for these two

What did he mean by this?

>unfounded feelgood newage bullshit
>ever provably effective
ya nah. Natural selection will run its course, those too ignorant of reality will get whats coming to them.

it literally cured my self-diagnosed adhd, ocd, autism and depression

why are they squatting?

there's already a million youtube videos of people re-tuning songs with this method and reporting that it doesn't "feel" any different

>They are not shit
>They will always be shit
nice scatologic there

Yeah but maybe they're doing it wrong, who knows?

Isn't the point of science to test test test?

we are creating a beige super-race where we all be smart and equal


can consumer grade speakers even operate at this frequency? why would they allow that?

Not an argument.

Well why doesn't some fucking orchestra tune their fucking As to your goddamn faggot 432 hz?? Let's see if it helps

What do you want me to fucking do about it?

2 spooky to stand

>not trying to rediscover the purpose, which was hidden from you and which your creators designed for you
>being this much a pleb
shiggy diggy

Consumer grade speakers such as those in laptops and phones usually roll off around 5/700 hZ

Social constructs are an expression of society and are highly subjective. Maths is the opposite, if anything; highly abstracted and about the only area of knowledge where something can be *proven*.

This isn't in defence of the OP, though. The 432Hz meme is demonstrably bullshit. A Hz is defined as 'one cycle per second', and since time is relative (and for our frame of reference, based solely on the Earth's rotation and orbit) the notion of an 8Hz margin psychologically affecting people on a mass scale is ridiculous.

You have to be fucking retarded if you think frequency is not important and dismiss it completely, everything around you exists as a solid because of fucking frequency.

whether it can heal you is another thing altogether, but it can certainly change you mood. You people need to some real research on this shit somewhere other than /x/ though.
Read a science book nigger.

>an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe
the fuck does that even mean?

time is relative... Fuggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Guys help I listened to it now this image in on my computer. WTF

>(and for our frame of reference, based solely on the Earth's rotation and orbit)
Not anymore.
Now it's precise as fuck. but explain this shit to a kid

what you need to do is activate your almonds bro

>Read a science book nigger.

have sex


>mathematically consistent with the universe
What the fuck does that even mean? Fucking bullshit spiritual mumbo jumbo crap. Literally everything that exists is "consistent with the universe", mathematically and in all other ways.

>Maths is the opposite, if anything; highly abstracted and about the only area of knowledge where something can be *proven*.
but that's not true at all

>it means i know nothing beyond algebra 2

i need to activate my sex chakra first

>4 mb
how did you even manage this aussie?

fucking healing frequency confirmed real

Yes. You get it now.


so if i open up FL studio and set a low pass filter on a piano tone to 432 hz i can heal myself n sheeit?


Right, but the method used was based on what had come to be defined as a second, so this doesn't really affect the point.

The fuck does hippie /x/ shit have to do with Trump, faggot?

he compressed a 4mb file to fit on Sup Forums and it healed itself thanks to this thread
praise satan

just use a pure 432 hz sinewave for optimal chakra healing and almond activation

The reason the tuning standard has creeped up is that it makes string sections in orchestras sound more brilliant. I think the Philadelphia Orchestra is almost at 450. They just want their recordings to sound more impressive than other orchestras however they can.

Nazi bullshit is bullshit but 432hz is definitely more stable and thus better than 440hz

However the real problem is the tempered scale

You people are just so out of touch and tune with your bodies that of course the very delicate subtleties of sound frequency have no possible way of penetrating your overly distracted minds.

pretty interesting

It does, the equation contains the second, if the second is redefined, everything that it has any bearing on is redefined too. you can't use "the old second", the new definition was made to fit the exact length of the second we, and Hertz, have known forever.

post your beautiful black titties or GTFO

All 432 does is make pretty wave patterns. It doesn't do jack shit for music.

t. A musician who actually studies and play music.

stay unwoke famalam

>still believing the Nazis created this kind of tech.
Ashke-nazis maybe.
what is it that you niggers dont understand?
Alien tech was given to a group we know today as Jews and they went apeshit with the human experiments, child abductions and mind control since whitey chimped out under Hitler because they were sick of playing on a server against a minority that had the cheat codes.

Secret slavs

I checked
it was a (((Rockfeller)))
pushed for the frequency change,

not the Reich, mein Freund.

>Now it's precise as fuck. but explain this shit to a kid
"Timmy, a bunch of retarded ass '''scientists''' got really fucked up on LSD and decided to bullshit their way into a clusterfuck of a definition of a second, using multiple disciplines and shitty equipment to make a second almost 10 billion vibrations of the cesium atom"

I mean, really how stupid do you have to be to make it that complicated?

>let's base it off of atoms!
>>mite b cool
>except let's peg it to a second we already have based of the Sun/Moon/Earth orbital relationship!
>Also let's not round up to a nice even number like 10 billion, like pretty much every other SI measurement let's do something stupid like make it approximately 9.2 billion cesium vibrations
>Oh yeah and our fancy new standard depends on the altitude of the cesium atom on Earth

Just as bad as the meter, and just as arbitrary and foolish as every other measurement system. This is why metric cucks (and other Unit of Measure cheerleaders) are utter scum.

Fuck I'm mad

>algebra 2
>Not Integrated Math 10
fuck off with your antiquated school system. We Common core now!

>transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature
Thats one hell of a leap of logic

You can tune to whatever you want senpai. But no one wants to play with an autist that wants to play at some retarded frequency cause of muh chakra. Nobody is forcing you to make music tuned to A 440. Do whatever you want.

I got a special rake for you.

Sorry, but falling from the protools hype DOWN to muh ableton hype isn't better or worst.

it's just hype

It's almost as if they wanted the measurement systems to be based off universal constants that did not depend on your location in the universe.

>he doesnt know the ancient relationship between the foot the meter the cubit and the second

You're a fucking retard. Frequencies affect the world around us, just look at bridges collapsing from wind slamming into them with their eigenfrequency (Tacoma Narrows Bridge for example).

your fat post is biased toward jewish propaganda

Is there a connection with the Golden Ratio? My instincts tell me there should be.

>mathematically consistent with the universe

Yes. But that's the final redpill you hear everyone speak of. Don't start down this path until you're ready kohai


>the texture on that bikini
I'm not even looking at the boobs in them, what the hell is with this thing

why does everyone just make up stuff about the nazis??

i mean, we fucking built fleets of bombers at an industrial scale and consciously dropped bombs on women and children.

and we hear this ubllshit about nazis changing frequencies? i mean, come on.

Everything is timing and vibration. Literally everything.

I've been using 432Hz for severals years now with my bandmates. It really sounds better and gives good feeling. I play mostly bass and I've noticed that my vocal range is much larger when I match my vocal vibration to 432hz. I can sing low-E with 432Hz but with 440Hz I'm stuck at low G despite it's higher frequency. Voice also comes from the chest with 432Hz instead of throat like with 440Hz. It really feels more natural to sing at 432Hz base frequency than 440Hz.

People have commented how good our music sounds and feels. Humans are mostly water so all water molecules inside the body also change shape when you humm/resonate to those frequencies. 432Hz is mathematically constant and every note/frequency can be divided by 3.

I also have tuning forks for solfeggio scale and chakra tones. I can match my vocals to pretty much any vibration. Once you learn one frequency, it becomes easy to learn others. I recommend listening tibetan singing bowls and humming same frequency. I can go easily into deep meditative states with them.

Chakra tones resonate at the right spots. If I match my humming to throat chakra for example, it really resonates at my throat. Doing all of them in row gives so good feeling that it's hard to explain. You have to try it for yourself.

I really recommend 432Hz to every musician. Many players I know have started using it after us. 432Hz was the standard before modern times and Hitler. It's coming back now when more and more people realize how good it is.

Stop blaming the Nazis for everything

the frequency is fine for us normal people because we don't have the autistic need to swing back and forth like you do

bollocks, they set it at 440hz because orchestras kept tuning up higher and higher because it gives the illusion of a more powerful sound

is there an actual source for when/how the freq changed?

Yes I'm sure lowering the pitch on your ipod by a quarter step will cure your cancer

Fucking hippies I swear to god

Is this the ultimate redpill?


Why are you so afraid of the truth?

If you think anything posted in this thread is scientifically sound you need to re read high-school physic or whenever burgers are taught about sound