Brit/pol/ - Back To Normality Edition

>Sharia May's New Year Message - Hapless PM quotes Jo Cox as she vows to fight for Remainers in Europe

>Comrade Corbyn's New Year Message - Hapless Leader of the Opposition says that getting an EU deal where only the bankers and bonuses benefit isn't good enough

>Tim Farron's New Year Message - Milkman says that 2016 was the 'Year of the Unexpected'

>Nuttall's New Year Message - "2017 could be even bigger"

>Russian hackers have fingers in Tory pie, claims May - PM vows to crack down on party funding by pro-Putin oligarchs

>"The Conservatives are taking the piss out of the honours system", claims Corbyn

>Terminal decline and the madness that follows - UKIP hosts Spanish New Year party with Lembit Öpik

>The Queen is STILL deeply unwell. Be ready

>The absolute STATE of post-Christian Britain

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Hello everyone

Saberposting, saberposting or karenposting?

I vote all three

>No frog image

I vote for mandatory euthanization

Never forget the ethnic cleansing of protestants in the Republic of Ireland:

Avante Camarada

uhh, lads..

She has room


by the time kek is finished dunblane will look like a primary school disco

Nige is on LBC tonight at 10pm. Don't miss it lads.

inb4 YKTD is triggered by LARPing


Oh shit

Delete this

the inferno hath spoken


How long will it take to mop up the blood?

Every politician post 1930 isn't worth your time.

Lets play the old game of 'fuck, marry, shoot and stab while repeatedly shouting "Britain First!"'

who's the grill


eons my dude


Realistically. what would happen in the event of a chemical attack








>Admits she was raped by her brother
>Becomes national news

>Her husband's constituency has 1,400 paedo rapes

It's a scale. We no longer have big political figures even if many of them had great flaws.

I'm going to blame Blair.

it's true. kek. the digits. all of it.

A Karen is good too.

Blame the EU for turning MPs into glorified Parish Councillors that don't actually have to do anything

Case in point being their total inability to deal with leaving the EU even if they wanted to


Just finished Part 3, my sides.

Praising scraps for filling you up won't elevate you to a great connoisseur.

I just worry brit/pol/ gets too caught up in the 20th century "nationalism" we've been fed. ITs an outdated baby boomer mindset and it wont provide for a positive future.

I'm here lads.


I think Karen will always be out unofficial mascot.

Here's a completely unrelated image of HMS Illustrious (Note: the WWII era carrier, not the recently scrapped one).

Part 3 is objectively the worst.

episodic, plodding and gimmicky. Battle tendency will always be the best.


>no part 5 teaser at the end of DiU

it hurts desu

I don't know. Holyrood was outright called a glorified parish council at times and yet crafted itself into something of relative relevance.
(Consider how irrelevant the Scotland secretary is compared to the First Minister.)

I think the 24hr news cycle and spin-doctors are more to blame.


As long as it isn't the Prussian flag then it doesn't bother me that much.

Who here /stoicism/

I agree - they could have trimmed down a hell of a lot of stuff.

Kek'd and rekt

Yeah but her husband doesn't have tits like this.

Please don't be the highlands...please don't be anything of historical value...

lets hope they just attack a lefty march or something.


epicureanism is superior

flag combo braker

>Part 3 is objectively the worst

Your opinion is objectively the worst. Egypt Arc is GOAT.


>Thanks for taking our bins out, you're the best councillors ever

>What? Vote for you in a general election? Fuck off

The Joepill is a Cuckpill

Neck yourself.

there was no need for 49 episodes, lad

>Clarke on university challenge

Objectively shit taste. I'm glad you enjoyed the arse pull victory at the final battle with Dio and the stand user of the week formula instead of 3 compelling antagonists and character development.

>49 episodes

Most fights could have been 1 episode, but all fights were necessary.

>he isn't a Cynic

Thou shiggeth verily

>he didn't read the manga

Lads, I present to you the Scottish Conservative candidate for my council ward in Aberdeen. His name is Freddie John.


Dumme inselaffen, du wirst sehen, sie sehen alle.

That's an Aberdonian all right...

looks like a nonce

stumpy t-rex arms

Pretty much.
not got around to it yet lad

I'm just getting into stoicism, and it seems to be pretty good

but I have seen epicureanism mentioned along the way

not looking to complicate things and get sucked into something else right now though

trying to live as a stoic for a while

Some ideas from cynics are incorporated in stoic teachings

>I'm glad you enjoyed the arse pull victory at the final battle with Dio

Star Platinum, being the amalgamation of all previous Joestars powers, abilities and even aesthetic butt fucking Dio's ZA WURALDO was not an arse pull.

literally HP Lovecraft

>The Tories even managed to recover in Scotland

There really is no stopping Blairism

is.. is that a leopard skin tshirt he's wearing?

Wir fühlen in Horsten und Höhen
Des Adlers verwegenes Glück!

I spewed all over my fucking monitor when I read this.

Anyone bought one of those Bose mini bluetooth speakers before? Got an Amazon voucher for Christmas but don't want to fall for the Bose meme.

She wants Tomsett's dick pretty badly.


Wir steigen zum Tor
Der Sonne empor
Wir lassen die Erde zurück.

Their recovery is somewhat illusory. It's more that Labour has fallen beyond the abyss letting them come second by default.

>meme philosophies

Id honestly rather see Platonic Gnosticism spread on Brit/pol/ than philosophies that oppose the basic human essence of heroism, emotivism and expansionism.


I'm tired, lads

Kamerad! Kamerad!
Alle Mädels müssen warten!

Why are british slags the best?


End-of-civilisation poetry time?

t. Benjamin Zephawagwarn

Take some Picts, Celts and Silures
And let them settle,
Then overrun them with Roman conquerors.

Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years
Add lots of Norman French to some
Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then stir vigorously.

Mix some hot Chileans, cool Jamaicans, Dominicans,
Trinidadians and Bajans with some Ethiopians, Chinese,
Vietnamese and Sudanese.

Then take a blend of Somalians, Sri Lankans, Nigerians
And Pakistanis,
Combine with some Guyanese
And turn up the heat.

Sprinkle some fresh Indians, Malaysians, Bosnians,
Iraqis and Bangladeshis together with some
Afghans, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese
And Palestinians
Then add to the melting pot.

Leave the ingredients to simmer.

As they mix and blend allow their languages to flourish
Binding them together with English.

Allow time to be cool.

Add some unity, understanding, and respect for the future,
Serve with justice
And enjoy.

Note: All the ingredients are equally important. Treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter unpleasant taste.

Warning: An unequal spread of justice will damage the people and cause pain. Give justice and equality to all.


Get in here and discuss programming, lads.

Go to bed then senpai. I'll see you tomorrow.

That doesn't make it not an arse-pull mate.
It was lame and compared to the Cars fight an utter let down. In fact Season ones showdown with Dio carried waaaaaaaaaaay more emotion with it.



>that bag
>that name

What a joker

tbf I couldn't really give much of a shit about philosophy either way, I just hate how the stoicism meme gets pushed here all the time