This is Spain and Portugal in 750 AD

This is Spain and Portugal in 750 AD

How did they get so cucked?

What is Spain and Portugal in 750 AD?

wars betwen 2 retards and the jews, and nobody gives a fuck as always, ty France, Germany, England and Holy Roman whatever, well at least the silk road is safe again fucking cryptojews

They cucked the Umayyads back in the Reconquista tho

>This is Spain and Portugal in 750 AD
Spain and Portugal didn't exist in 750 AD duchfag.

How did you get so cuked btw?

The country was still overwhelmingly Christian and Iberian in culture though, also they fought back at a time where countries and populations weren't that much of a static thing and could be changed if the high class wanted it.

Our countries on the other side are getting cucked to the point we are importing their populations and can't do shit to throw them out.

whats that image about? source?

>he doesn't know about the fucking Spanish Netherlands
you should be ashamed of yourself

how do we go from this...

to this?

So I just looked it up and apparently the Mudslimes had Spain for 500 years or some shit. Why'd you faggots keep this secret until now??

>Why'd you faggots keep this secret until now??
Start reading some books you spastic poo in loo

What is name of that book? No one mention it to me before

In the case of germany, it was (((their))) influence.
The US forced us to take turkish workers - instead of other europeans, who would also have loved such a deal - and in return turkey went into the nato.

Visigoths originate from Gotland (Modern day Sweden), the results are to be expected

mooie vlag kut hollander

Source? If true, that is a prety good argument agianst muh turks built germany after WW2

Historia de España, maybe some mudshark books talk about it? IDK.
You have enough clues on that picture to begin searching.

and then what happened

>not acknowledging your country's history to avoid getting taken over by the eternal Batavian
fuck off Muhammad


german snowniggers showed up and fucked the whole thing up, leaving the door open for mudslimes

kind of like what merkel is doing today

This is Portugal and Spain nowadays. How did nordfags get so cucked?

The autist from the north got mad

Top Kek Spanish bro.

Some faggot down in the Ceuta garrison let the Muslims into Iberia. Visigoths couldn't get their shit together fast enough and pretty much collapsed.

(also the Ummayads barely had any control over most of the northwest part Iberia)

not the worst moment

Swedes are cucks by blood? No surprise

>11,8 %
Fucking hell.

Britain had India for like 300 years. Why do you still shit in roads?

Don't you consider Visigoths as your ancestors? How does that work?

>id is diarrhea brown

next time you journey to your neighborhood's designated shit street, take a history book with you

That looks like a great big butt pooping green stuff onto an elephant in a red hat.

Yes, but there is another Chapter to that and other related stories, Reconquista (Spain) 722-1492

Canadian quality post



Portugal was founded in 1128. Spain was founded in 1492.

are you retarded?



United we stand, divided we fall!

You know you are being trolled by a poo, right?

y ummayad tho

pretty much all these independists arrise only in spain because it is the only dagger in your back, the jew finds a weakness and exploits it.



Nordics were in control of Iberia at the time and Jews helped the muzzies

Reminder that places like the Iberian peninsula and the Balkans are shit tier because of mudshits. This is good enough reason to make north africans and middleeasterns go extinct.

u mmayad bro?

They were a group of East Germanics (numbering at most in the low hundred thousands) that settled in Iberia. After wresting control of Hispania away from the WRE, they existed as a political elite and had very little genetic or linguistic impact on the population.

I don't think you'll find very many Spaniards that will be able to trace their ancestry back to them with the exception of those descended from the nobility.

god damn beat me to it and got digits

They had much of india until we came along and gave you civilised rulers.

We don't, at least in the north (Basque Country and Navarra), we consider our ancestors Basque and romans. Cant talk for the rest of the Peninsula tho

>some Austrian guy happens to be both the king of Spain and the king of Netherlands
>Spanish Netherlands

A few thousands visigoths came to Spain to ''reinstaure the order'' and deal with other barbarians at Rome's behest

They became the ruling class and after Rome fell they became an independent kingdom, which they ruled during the next 200 years among innumerable civil wars, without any significant mixing with the population (of native and roman origin)

Then muslims came, defeated their army, killed most of their military-aged men and broke their power. The few remaining visigoths then got mixed among the population

Don Pelayo, who defeated the muslims at Covadonga and founded the kingdom of Asturias, was a visigoth noble and to acquire legitimacy claimed to be successor of the visigothic kingdom, claim later followed by his successors

So while we have some visigothic blood and we claim descendency from them, their legacy is pretty small and most people don't care a lot about them. Most people rather identify themselves with their roman and iberian ascendency

i'm pretty sure that it's the same thing as us with ostroghots and lombards, they ruled the land but we don't consider them our ancestors, unless you're a LARPing padano that thinks he's germanic or celtic and sheeit

goudas on suicide watch

Straight from Google's 1st page.

How can they even compete?

I'm not sure, most that I met are as daft as a blackbird

Showing these battles is kinda retarded though since they pretty much only won in the Western hemisphere, while the Batavians cucked Portugal in the Indian Ocean, which was the most important part of the empire back then.

Stick to the Reconquista part m8 before you get fucked on this sidenote.

They became the ruling class and after Rome fell they became an independent kingdom, which they ruled during the next 200 years among innumerable civil wars, without any significant mixing with the population (of native and roman origin)
>not mixing with native populace
why would you believe this?
Visigoth at later stages simply meant a law and culture system of iberians.

holland confirmed for old-timey county fair

can confirm alberto knows how to cook

>The country that isn't a country
>In charge of history

Thanks for the keks though.


alberto barbosa makes some really good fish

I'm Portuguese you fucking retard. Have you even read what I wrote? What you're doing is basically like if a German praised WWII because the Reich was winning until 1943.

and pastries, and bitoque, and stews, and mediocre bread that's still better than america

>literally the only colony in the Indian Ocean the Portuguese could retain that was worth it

>Claiming Navas de Tolosa as a Portuguese victory
Why do you have to lie? Portugal didn't participate in that crusade and just some Portuguese volunteers fought.That battle was purely Castillian plus some Aragonese and Navarrean aid.Stop appropiating others history you scumbag

>I'm Portuguese

Claro que és, avec. Verdadeiro Tuga vive em Portugal.

>WE WAZ KANGZ tier thread

yes awesome past, but now its shit! at least we don't have muzies here..

nice cherrypicking bro

how comes they're free now?

>12.4% for Sweden
>Belgium is a hotbed of terrorism at 5.9%

For comparison's sake, the USA's black population is at 12.2%. Let that sit in for you - proportionally Sweden, the UK, Belgium, France, Germany will have almost as many muslims as America has blacks. For you fellow burgers think about how ubiquitous niggers are if you aren't living in a rural white wonderland, and imagine that being Muslims. Imagine Muslim detroit, Muslim baltimore, Muslim St Louis, Muslim DC.

Look at our crime rates inflation due to the niggers. Now imagine Europe's crime rates AND terrorist attacks inflation due to the muslims.

how much middle eastern DNA do Iberians actually have?

Not until now bro, sorry

there's almost no ""Germanic"" lineages in Iberia whatsoever, whichyou'd expect if those warriors had lots of reproductive success, even Italy got more(although many of those could be of Celtic origin, since they are only "Germanic" given their modern north atlantic distribution).

>He does not like bitterballen

do you have shit on your cut dick?

They actively tried to stop the mixing with the native to preserve their culture, they made quite a few laws to that end.

They know they were few among many and if they mixed they would lost their culture and then their power and privileges.

This is not even something exclusive of them, other germanic tribes did the same such as the vandals.

And while in the last decades those measures lost efficiency they still worked for quite a long time



There's a reason why people are leaving. And spastic fucks like you aren't helping. I'm Portuguese enough to acknowledge that our Empire went down at some point and that the Batavians were sadly better than us in many points, especially when it comes to forcing entire regions into becoming Christians and being too retarded to keep commerce commercial instead of burning trading posts down.

"Celtic" is nothing more than a cultural term Giuseppe.

Probably not much, I think a lot of them were killed in the reconquest.

I dig this

Not true.It took the Carolingians to do some cleasing before the Count of Barcelona declared independence later on.Catalans were always shit warriors

None of those Battles are about the Dutch though?

If you don't like raw herring you are not white

not exactly, there are lineages associated with certain cultures, and R1b is one which has many subclades associated with them

If you don't like Codfish you're gay. It smells like pussy.


Muslims rekted Christians
Ummayad bro

It isn't a "Celtic" subclade though. It's only associated with Celts because it coincides with the main distribution of Celtic people in later history. It doesn't coincide at all with the Hallstatt culture though.

You're just proving my point that Portugal lost the war in the Indian Ocean and won in the Atlantic.

As one sea-faring nation to another, does Portugal have anything close to salty herring?

that is quite bogus.

>Autistic infographics
Do you realise that this proves nothing right?

Salty sardines.

>it coincides with the main distribution of Celtic people in later history
you just answered yourself
Hallstatt is just one of the initial steps of Celtic culture

We do eat a whole lot of sardines. There are even concerns they'll go extinct in out shores.

Not raw though.

Turks came to Germany around 1960 and later, Germany was already rebuilt at that point. Many here do push that narrative though.