Turkey Terrorist Attack

Why is no one talking about the NYE Terrorist attack in Turkey? Are terrorist attacks and happenings to be expected and common place now?

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Nobody cares about what happens to Muslims

>A terrorist attacks a country full of sand niggers

Good. God speed and I hope there's many more. Hopefully they can spread some religion of peace over to India too. Can't stand those fuckes.

Nigger, we did. But you amerifags were asleep when it happened. Pol exploded with it.

>Why is no one talking about the NYE Terrorist attack in Turkey?
Someone post the screenshot about the shit and the toilet and the kitchen ....
>Are terrorist attacks and happenings to be expected and common place now?

People were speculating if it was worth a happening, cuz it was in terrorist center itself. And who gives a fuck about turkey amiright?

>in Turkey
this is already a daily occurrence for them lol

There have been several threads on it.

this and that

It's analogous to the outrageous attacks in Pakistan and Bangladesh, or local warfare in Iraq or Syria. ISIS killing Muslims is a nonevent.

I really just don't get terrorism at all. Is it an intelligence thing? Are they just too stupid to figure out another way?

roaches killing roaches, no one cares

Are you implying terrorism is ineffective?

wasn't it mostly western foreigners that died or were injured?

It's only effective at getting yourself bombed back to the stone age and everyone hating you so much that they would rather retaliate than work with you.

MSM hasn't reported jack-piss. They're more concerned with Mariah Carey and dead celebrities.

Why is ISIS going after Turkey anyway?

>Are they just too stupid to figure out another way?
What other way? A terrorist attack is nothing but that - an attack. They want blood, not spread a philosophy. It's a war where one party hasn't understand yet that they are part of it.

they want to cause terror that's why they attack random civillians instead of politicians

they want to put the government and citizens under pressure and force political changes with violence, because they see no political option to force their radical opinion onto others

it's better to be feared than to be loved, but that's just my opinion

Because it happened in Turkey. If 50 people are murdered in Africa it doesen't even make it into the news every time, but when some father kills his family in America it makes it into news even here. I think mostly because medias copy each other.

isis did this or did they just SAY they did this?
I thought it's the kurds, because turkey is attacking them just like isis does

I don't watch basketball

Seeing my team score gave me no excitement because they scored like 40 times a game, it just wasn't interesting until the end of the game.

Same thing. Happenings in western countries are interesting because they shouldn't happen if people weren't importing terrorists. But Happenings are expected in nations that breed the terrorists in the fist place.

There will be as many happenings in turkey this year as there will be in all of Europe and NA. Or close at least.

Islam allows polygamy. Mudshits have average 50 IQ. Mudshits have oil.
These 3 conditions converge to : rich mudslimes taking all the women, and using the religion to solidify their power. They teach the idiot mudshit boys about islam and how they'll get pussy, but only if they kill the infidels.
Mudshit boy knows he can't get pussy IRL, so maybe 72 virgins aren't so bad.
then the west arms these mudshits & tells them to go kick out the secular dictator they just installed...
all of this is to keep Israel safe by destabilizing mudshit countries. this isn't random speculation it's directly in the wikileaks emails





that guy doesn't even look like a turk more like a phillipino
could've been isis

no one forced them to go there
it's like going to the bee farm and expecting not to get stung

High class night club that caters mostly to middle eastern folks with lots of money and Turkish elite. Mostly Arabs who travel to places like Turkey and Lebanon to drink and party.

With sound:


no thx
I hate the sound of blood filled lungs

>Feed viper
>Complain when it bites you

Turks are just reaping what they have sown.

She doesn't make any noises.
Thought maybe a Turk might translate wtf is being said.


Turks aren't people. They are below dogs. If Turkey were to become an ISIS stronghold tomorrow, would anything of value be lost? It be easier to nuke, that's for sure (Turkey is bigger than current ISIS territory).

Fuck Turkey, bunch of shitty goat fucking animals.

Someone post the other images of the bodies on the floor inside the club

Need them for research