Should women be punished for using their sexuality for manipulating men...

Should women be punished for using their sexuality for manipulating men, especially when it is used to push a political view point?

Men are punished for using their power, physical strength, to get what they want. Why are women allowed to use their power, their sexuality, to get what they want?

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i think that pic just made me gay

ok time out.

is the one on the far left in the second row a trans?

fake tits? hair legs?

No that's just a woman that's made incredibly poor decisions her whole life

>the right hand side has dat birthing hips and dem tatatays
>left hand side ain't shit

Sup Forums lied to me again

This shit was hilarious.

Goodtimes. It's nothing more than entertainment.
Someone post the webm of Putin smiling and giving the thumbs up when topless protesters rushed him.


Is this what leafs jack off to as porn?


some artsy guy stuck us in a field with these mirroirs.

The levels of degeneracy are deeper than most of you are realizing. That's what makes this picture so hot. It feels akin to some type of brainwashing.

cultural marxist's utopia. and you can't forget mr. Atheism for introducing this degeneracy en mass. The west needs a reset button!

Ha! Look at his face!

looks dumb, why is this artsy shit always so stupid.

This protest was organized by a white male

i get a devious satisfaction from seeing those muslims beat the fuck out of that girl on the ground. i bet she did not expect being kicked in the ribs by 5 grown men because that's not how civilized people act

Fucking special

>is the one on the far left in the second row a trans?

this one however ....

Men should be punished for being manipulated if you ask me.

The weak should fear the strong.

His facial expression is priceless.
Also, forgot that Merkel-jerkel was there.

one of these things is not like the others!
one of things just doesn't belong ...

We don't take shit from women. Even as an assimilated "Muslim" living in an upper middle class white neighborhood in Orange County if there is any part of my "savage" culture I hold dear its our understanding of a woman's place in society.

Where are the Nafris when you need them?

I don't even understand what these women are attempting to achieve with this shit.

Is this some kind of direct energy weapon?

It would have been awesome if someone stole or burned all their clothes while they were chimping out.

mad observation haki Mr. KGB has


slav whores getting soros money

quiet simple infact

Nu-Males and Beta Orbiters bare equal responsibility.

Good one.


Because the right to violence on behalf of you has been delegated to the government. If women want violence they will have the government enact it for them.

The right to sexuality and reproduction is completely in the hands of women. If men want sex their only recourse is to seek women, however women in the same sense take away all rights and tools ( such as resources, physical force, freedom of speech ) from men through the government. This is why feminism works the way it does - it is simply a branch of communist statism.

You're a feminist and you don't even know it.

>i'm a woman not an object
>use your bare body as the only significant argument of your protest

Ive never seen so much pussy in my life.



I didn't even read the OP. I don't care what his shitty thread is about.

Did they purposely put the most repulsive women towards the front? I see one qt in the back left but the rest are disgusting roasties.

black chick on the right has some nice titties.

Of course it should.

Everybody. And I mean everybody should wear all-covering bags so the sex could not be determined.
And they should always speak trough voice-obscuring device.

It looks buff

Those are a lot of bad butts
>1/10 would smash

Far left has a nice ass desu.



lol at the far and away hottest one


being placed dead center

Oh god


The red head and the girl with real short hair are the only human like ones in this pic

The black women look like orangutans

>drink liquor through straw
>never touches lips

I thought about this the other day.

In order to legally hold women accountable, a catalog of gestures and classifications of gestures would need to be created. If one could prove that a certain look nearly always produced a certain involuntary reaction in a man, then one could shift the legal responsibility for the man's actions to the woman who essentially drugged him.

You would need an institute to study the 'Science of Women', before you every got them to be held accountable.

So basically, Yes they should be, and no they never will be.

God, she is sooo fucking ugly, I usually have a bit of pity for ugly women, but she has such a toxic personality that she becomes completly unpitable.

I don't even think you need any laws to hold women accountable. In the past, it was social stigma that would be enough of a reason for women to behave like humans. However since social norms are now in alignment with some kind of Marxist utopia, women will never gain be shamed for being political prostitutes.

Her body looks like a sock filled with mashed potatoes

nah, it's the same shit different wrapper like when a woman is being 'led on' and there's no violence in that

don't be like sour grapes mang

All those disproportions make them look like they're straight out of Attack on Titan

Gosh, I'm all for putting these people in labour camps, but using them as solar panels? Seems a bit harsh.

I am talking about society accepting a tyrannical government because some naked laddies don't want a WHITE MALE as their leader. This is in no way comparable to women being 'lead on'.

Kek.They will always be objects

he should add cyanide the next time he feeds it.Just for the mercy of it.
