Does Sup Forums support the 2-state solution or would you rather Israelis BTFO the muslims or the muslims BTFO the Israelis?
Does Sup Forums support the 2-state solution or would you rather Israelis BTFO the muslims or the muslims BTFO the...
Palestine needs to be wiped off the map
Troll trolling trolls?
trumps ambassador to Israel says no to a Palestinian state.
I would prefer if all the Pali fuckers, just genocided themselves. Insahhala.
two state meme will never work
give everything to the jews
I support a one state solution.
That's kind of what I think at this point. Won't the UN and world trip balls?
I understand there are crazy fantasies about reinstating the crusades, and maybe that's possible in the distant future. But I mean immediately, which would you like?
Stop posting this.
not gonna exist come 2018
Trump will literally cut globalism in the bud
Muslims are subhuman scum who worship a pedo idc what Sup Forums says or thinks about Jews when it comes down to it everyone here would pick being civil over that monkey terrorist bullshit arabs always bring around. So ya I'm with Israel on this one
That would be awesome. Seems pretty hard. He'd have to make a pretty great deal.
Just nuke them all
why what is it? who cares?
A two state solution: Israel and Judea
>Does Sup Forums support the 2-state solution or would you rather Israelis BTFO the muslims or the muslims BTFO the Israelis?
Israel needs diversity--much more of it.
Single state--open borders.
>we oversee unfairness in this world
>save for Israel
>and Saudis
>we hate Iran also
why are Americans such hypocrites?
Muslims need to die, they're more overtly dangerous than Jews.
Frankly, I would prefer if they could get along.
But if it came down to it, I'd say I want the Israelis to win.
>ywn live in an ethnonationalist democracy which requires you to btfo of your enemies
Israel needs so much diversity
trips of truth. Kek demands open borders in Isreal
To be honest, at this point it doesn't really matter.
Israel is such a complicated question when you include the Jewish question and the Arabian question.
Israelis remove kebab
Destroy Palestine once and for all. Jews are consistent Nobel prize winners.
Both groups are mentally ill. They believe the land was given to them by God, and they are serving his will by fighting the other group and pushing them out. Neither is fit to rule, and it appears the Israelis, who are really the only ones militarily in charge at this point have rejected the two state solution entirely.
Wipe out the leadership of both groups, put the British back in charge, rule with an iron unwavering fist, the only language that desert savages understand.
((They)) are going to jew themselves without a two state solution and fortress Isreal. it would be wiser to stick to 1967, if they don't cleanse the mudslimes altogether