>0% jewish
Feels good man
>0% jewish
Feels good man
Other urls found in this thread:
disgusting mut kill yourself
oh no, its a another potato famine!
I have more respect for Niggers than mutts.
>2% non european
You, my friend, are a true mutt. Kudos.
>0% jewish
enjoy being retarded compare to us
Ancestry results show scotland and wales as ireland for some reason.
just stop posting
Have you considered paying them?
Potato nigger
>4% Iberian peninsula
>4% British
Being Jewish is like being a woman, very exploitable. Wouldn't be so bad to find out you were a Jew and then use anti-Semitism as your constant shield in life.
How do you check this? I'm curious.
how do I do this?
>literally zero trace of non-white
>by and large the eternal beady lord and master
Feels good lads.
how do i check my own stats
Why did you pay 80 quid to find out something you already knew?
This, all you had to do was look in a mirror
It was a Christmas gift. Didn't have to pay anything, and even got my health stuff done.
Nothing better than free mate.
You sure there isn't a little Ashkenazi in you?
Top kek. If only the results could corroborate that one.
What a fucking mess.
>0% finnish
Fuck out of here ask your bitch how my dick tastes