What exactly is the problem with immgrants in Europe? America is mostly immgrants and it's the best nation in the world.
What exactly is the problem with immgrants in Europe? America is mostly immgrants and it's the best nation in the world
>America is mostly immigrants
low quality bait
also "immgrants" two times
49.8% white babies in 2016, according to pew
Rome was mostly immigrants. They turned to shit once the Barbarians started to integrate because they were sub-human.
It's not that people are immigrating, it's who; and what they are. What's their culture like?
Hard working Asians/hard working Europeans immigrating =/= Africans who don't understand the concept of work, who are uneducated, whose culture differs greatly to ours, who steal and murder, because they aren't going to integrate well.
>and it's the best nation in the world.
Weak b8, image gives it away
neck yourself you cuck
Just because they're nonwhite doesn't make them immigrants.
>file deleted
Based mods
The barbarians never conquered Rome, as is generally believed. They simply became Romans, just as the Romans had become Greeks before them, and everyone is becoming Western now. The greater culture always conquers the lower in the long run, no matter what happens on the battlefield, because there's always been, and there always will be, a greater war than that between nations: that between individuals.
he just looks italian
I think all the retarded children in this thread don't realize that white people are immigrants from Europe. Native Americans were the OGs. We were just immigrants that invaded their land just like middle easterners are invading Europe.
>immigrants from 400 fucking years ago
>"hurr were immigrants"
Majority of Americans are 5th generation+ citizens. They're not immigrants
You can't immigrate to a place that isn't a country. The natives had no law, no borders, no immigration policy. They didn't even believe in land ownership.
The colonists were not immigrants.
>Le white people in America aren't immigrants meme
>le you're an immigrant if your great great great great great great great great grandparents were
Fuck off, shill.
>"You don't want me in your country, user?"
>Native Americans were the OGs.
clovis says fuck off (((((native americans))))))
So where exactly is the line drawn?
threads over
I'm not in charge of deciding, but it's common lot agreed that after 3rd or 4th generation you're not an immigrant or part of an immigrant family.