What are some redpilled YouTubers?
I often see threads and posts on here slagging off Sargon, PJW, Info Wars, etc.
But what're some good ones, if there are any? Is Black Pigeon Speaks okay? He very nearly named the Jew in a recent video.
What are some redpilled YouTubers?
I often see threads and posts on here slagging off Sargon, PJW, Info Wars, etc.
But what're some good ones, if there are any? Is Black Pigeon Speaks okay? He very nearly named the Jew in a recent video.
Other urls found in this thread:
Expecting any non-shill channel not to get shut down imediatly....
Brother Nathaniel and David Duke. Also Murdoch Murdoch.
EdgySphinx was good while he lasted. Uh... The Distributist is also pretty good, I guess.
Black Pigeon frequents Sup Forums and thinks a lot like the average faggot here except that he might actually be really intelligent
Sargon, Steven Crowder (love the man no homo), h3h3 even though he bashes trump and voted Hillary, keemstar even though he is really fucking cringey and acts like a kid who just found Sup Forums, and joey salads (I know he is half fake but his "social experiments" are redpilled)
+1 for Borther Nathanael.
Truth Serum
WLP Wisdom
Alerta Judiada
Oh and of course MillionDollarExtreme
Based Redpilled youtuber thread?
I'll start
Jordan Peterson
Armored skeptic
Rebel Media
Joe Rogan
These three are fucking cucks, and h3h3 is a kike.
>Rebel Media
>Joe Rogan
wtf Leaf
Joe Rogan's podcast is good though, but I wouldn't say Joe himself is 'redpilled'. You should check out his talk with Jordan Peterson and Gad Saad however.
Prepare to be redpilled.
There's no going back.
ET Williams
iDubbbz and h3h3 are normie level redpilled
Millennial Woes.
Black Pigeon is a sensationalist. He might be right-wing, but he cares more about attention than about the truth.
Murdoch Murdoch and Styxhexenhammer666.
Black Pigeon Speaks is ok too, I guess. His videos are pretty good quality at least.
How do you dress up as a "video player." And what is a video player? Like, a VCR?
There are no redpilled Youtubers. Sup Forums thinks anybody who goes after low-hanging fruit and attacks SJWs is redpilled.