There ARE more than two genders

there ARE more than two genders.

come at me, fuckfaces.

Prove it.


how many?

there are 4 states of gender

pangender (somewhere in between)
angender (neither of those )

all human sexuality falls into one of these catagories

>once slice of garlic bread slice per gender

That's how it should be

so basically:

mental illness
mental illness.

Op on suicide watch

You know Israel, you aren't so bad at times.

based kike


>1 post by this ID

good goys


for the most part yes but distinctly separate illnesses like anorexia vs compulsive eating

PS: Back here in reality, of the TWO genders women don't really matter.....unless a guy wants kids.....and a headache forever.....oh boy...

>anorexia vs compulsive eating
Basically attention-whoring/brainwashed/mentally ill (or all three combined) lard-asses and skeletons.

It should be seen as sliders, not individual labels

>gender or whatever you want to call it
Masculine on one end and feminine on the other

>what you're attracted to
Again, masculine on one end and feminine on the other

>physical sex
A simple yes or no question on whether or not you have a dick. Rare exceptions exist

Does your brain and body agree on your dick status? yes/no. This is a mental illness with no known cure


both crazy but still opposite ends of a spectrum of crazy


People have a SEX, not a Gender.

There's only two sexes, and gender is a meme created by SJWs and Frankfurt school types to pebble bullshit identity politics.

ty (((my friend)))


Can you name them all?

Wasn't Lithium the cure for gender dysphoria?

What I did not understand with this fuckers, is that they claim that gender roles are a social construct, yet accept the very thing they hate, by thinking that to act one way or another you need to switch your identity.

Why are they so retarded?

>attention seeking autismo

Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't

Truly our greatest ally.


Whatever. Just keep your nonsense in burgerstan.


I'm not sure about that but I do know a foolproof cure.

>Browsing OkCupid
>They've recently added a bunch of genders
>The place is flooded with new traffic
>I wonder where from
>See a Tumblr link on a good 1/4 of the profiles now
>See one girl who labels herself "genderfluid"
>Genderfluid means your gender changes based on your feelings

How did this movement even start? It has ruined my favorite site to find one night whores for free.


Male and female only. At least according to natural human biology.

not sure if proxy or best kike.

תן לי ניחוש


they spend far to much time thinking about their own sexuality and trying to define it and also subscribe to a system where said identity is seen as central to ones personal worth much like racial identity on Sup Forums

most people just kinda fall into their own sexual preferences and nobody really falls perfectly into any single category anyway

>1 post by this ID

Hebrew, Its pronounced tan lo naichush

Because it's just about trashing morality and social norms, and being logically consistent is not a requirement when you just want to sow instability.

We all know that there are three genders:

> Male
> Female
> Trap

So what?

If I had a dollar for every gender, I'd have two dollars.

more like ten lo nihush, aval ma ze meshane?


but since when does sexual preferences = gender?

Such a forced meme pic. Not even done properly

Truly disgusting tier

>Come at me
Id rather not tbqh


Unless you're a mutant or a mushroom then no

I guess that is correct. But what does one's mind need to consist of to do this shit?

>1 post by this ID

Fake and gay

but OP, nevermind gender for a moment, how many numbers are there?

ok so how do I identify a pangender or agender? Do they just have to tell me that they FEEL that way?

If genders matter, why don't the unborn?

Why the fuck are you faggots bumping this thread? If you have to reply then sage ffs. We don't need to debate whether or not 2+2=4

Time to end this fuckstick debate.. once.. and for all.

How many chromosomal (which are the chemicals *DIRECTLY* responsible for gender, and nothing else) pairing possibilities are there?


X and Y

You're both with a predominance for ONE or THE OTHER, due to genetic expression, which manifests itself in one of two ways.. (and I'll make it simple for you here, since you can't seem to grasp difficult concepts, like genetics)
Testicles inside , or testicles outside.
The end.
That's it.
You are genetically a man, or genetically a woman (hermaphodrites need not apply, since they are incapable of reproducing). Period.
If you were born with a genetic expression of X and you *choose* Y you have a mental disorder, and vice versa.
The end.
No argument can refute this, this is science. Ano other references are psudo-science, based on conjecture, and 'feelings' which have no place in a logical world.

What the absolute fuck is going on in this webm?

Read it's name.


Depends. The typical SJW was never taught to think critically, and has been primed to be based off of pathos/appeals to emotions.

The Frankfurt school types that designed this shit are pure sociopaths and have a sickeningly devious system for dissolving social bonds that impair a socialist takeover.

>1 post by this id
slide threads

So the solution is to nuke the Frankfurt school?
And what's a Frankfurt?

Down we go

Queer Theory is based on the Post-Structuralist movement, not the Frankfurt School.

gender might be the wrong word to have started with

4 states of sexuality might sound better

a pangender is a very feminine male or a very masculine woman

angender is harder you're going to have to ask because they look like whatever gender they are but just don't give a fuck about sex of any kind

some think this is a chemical imbalance causing the brain not to receive the hormonal signal to mate for some reason


Dad puts gun and ye table and tell suicidal son to kys thinking he can call his bluff


Op died



Are you on your period or smthg? Cuz you sure repeat it alot.


What about people that naturally have both parts?

Yet people feel the need to go trough plastic surgery and ruin their body with useless hormones to switch between? Why can't they just act retarded and not ruin their body?

>neet son
>parents at wits end
>"life so bad here's the gun you pussy"
>weeping and gnashing of teeth

I never thought that I'd agree with a Jew.

And I never though there is internet in goatshagger-land.

When I was in treatment for depression there was a girl in my room who identified as a guy, she was there for suicidal attempts, no it wasn't because of "muh ciscum heteronormative oppression" she was just there because her brain was a mess. No wonder why these people have such a high suicide rate.

it's actually a weird form of what libs would call internalized homophobia

>I like men
>but I cant be gay
>I'm not a faggot
>but I like men

>what if I'm a woman and I'm just trapped in this male body?
>then it would be normal for me to want cock right?
>that's it I'm a normal cock loving woman I was just cursed by go with the wrong form
>holy shit I gotta go find a surgeon
boy I feel better
I almost thought I was gay for a minute there

>Masculine woman
>Feminine man
those still male and female Just because they look a bit different then what is normally expected doesn't mean you make a new category
if a human has 11 fingers are they a brand new species of humans?
so from what you described when you as Agender you are really saying Asexual
meaning not attracted to any sex, that's not a new gender that's called a lack of sexual orientation


Yeah but the Frankfurt School pushed critical theory which is used by all Postmodernist garbage. So it has a hand in it.

>if a human has 11 fingers are they a brand new species of humans?
They acually did something like that when they discovered aligators.

>1 extra tooth
>better make a new specie

>if a human has 11 fingers are they a brand new species of humans?

if all their kids have it and so do their kids then eventually yes

kek, what a joke. They are nothing but a waste to society.

Academia absolutely has a huge hand in this.

That's what the American right totally screwed up. They knew about this in the 1950s, whined about it, yet didn't try to take control back and was overly focused on elections.

I guess we better make new human species based on eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.

When it comes to education, just make sure to avoid anything that ends with "studies" and "arts" and you should be fine.

I just lump anyone that isn't straight and cis into the giant category of "faggot".

anyone that isn't actually a faggot in there I just call a "rare faggot".

mentally ill, the lot of you weird pervs.

>Testicles inside , or testicles outside.
You almost had me fooled.

>1 post by this ID
guys stop
bait-chan the OP nigger needs attention

>one post by this ID


We already did nignog :^)

By the time you reach college, you've already been in the system for at least 12 years and propagandized.

And it is the jib of the parents to keep their kid sane and open-minded. And to tell him to question everything.