Bogdanov threads are getting shut down. What is it with these two?
Bogdanov Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Quick rundown on them:
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
We have suggested that there may be a deep underlying reason for the Bogdanov Affaire.
What if it is true? What if there is something in their work - a particular question, leaving aside whether or not they are capable of answering it - that is sufficiently threatening to the "theorized" powers that be, so as to necessitate maneuvers against them? What if their popularization of this question - or questions - might lead to someone else - who might be able to answer it - taking a second look?
The possibility that COINTELPROis in operation in regards to the Bogdanov twins ought not to be taken lightly.
Physics and mathematics are the numero uno professions that have been used - historically speaking - to support the power elite. It is logically evident that "they" have a vested interest in making sure that the money goes only to projects that,
1) will augment their control; in which case such projects will be buried and no one will know about them
2) projects that do not threaten their control, in which case we may assume that they are funding research in the public domain that leads AWAY from the "important" issues.
In short, if it’s popular, gets funded, is allowed out in the open, you can almost guarantee that it is smart but useless.
You can take that to the bank.
The Bogdanov papers assert that there is evidence of what happened during the first 10−43 seconds of the Big Bang, known as the Planck era.
Present knowledge is unable to determine what happened during the Planck era, and the Bogdanov publications purported to have discovered what happened during this earliest epoch, and even before the moment of the singularity itself.
>first forced meme
horrid and weak as fuck
Reminder that every poster dismissing Bogdanov threads, especially if they are from France, is a BIDF shill. Do no believe them.
They are annunaki
are they actually jews?
are they homosexuals?
what's the problem with thir faces?
BIDF shill detected. You will not silence the truth about the Bogdanov
This is my dog. She started researching about the bogdanoffs 7 months ago and has had a crush on them ever since. She recently ordered a custom dog shirt and collar with the bogdanoffs on them, using my credit card without even asking me. I thought it was an innocent crush but its starting to become an obsession. I must call Cesar Millan for help.
forced ? these guys became the meme, they got into a plastic surgeon and asked to be more meme like he could do, and the surgeon was good.
holy shit
>Bogdanov bros are same big chin than pharaoh Akhenaton.
Whith chins, you win !
Holy fug!
This meme is funny as fuck, wtf are you talking about.
its an failed dissinformation action.
The goal is for pol to pick it up, then reddit, then once it gets some traction the mainstream media would 'btfo' it badly and call it fake news shaming sheep that just shared some story on facebook.
No. Forced because these threads have been shilled here for nearly 6 weeks.
Even CTR memes were more genuine. Anyone who bumps this tripe disgusts me
Fuck you, BIDF shills. You have no power here
so forced
Please stop it nigger
How did they get so ugly. Were they born this ugly?
They have been a local meme / minor celebrities in their home country for quite a while, it's still odd they suddenly started getting posted to Sup Forums though. Could be a slide tactic.
You shill scum can't argue with that
OP here asking about these guys. Somehow that means forcing a meme. I saw another post on them that 404'd so I make this one to ask what's up. The censorship is what rang this bell for me.
Theyre quadroons who had a lot of plastic surgery.
how he shave himself ? what kind of razor adapt to his chin ? too many questions... these lips man, he's like an anime character.
So yes.
Also these guys sound like retards.
they own the jews
they are twins
there is literally 0 problem with their face
BIDF Shills
French BIDF shill, be especially careful around this one.
You will not stop us.
>implying it wasn't deleted
>implying the other 100 of these shitty threads for nearly two months have ever been deleted
>implying there is any conspiracy other than the same larping faggots who need to force memes day and night for muh lulz and (You)s
>implying this isn't a typical JIDF kike tactic on Sup Forums
nu/pol/ makes me physically sick
Last week when this started I said this would be a new forced meme and hey I was right.
France. That's all that needs to be said.
>muh implications
They're 75% russian and 25% nigger,french people doesn't look like that
What exactly are they stopping though? I haven't seen anything other than that questionable copypasta list and the science paper and their fucked up mugs.
Are these guys the driving force behind mass immigration from animal countries and race mixing in France?
You can't counteract the power of The Chins, CTR loser.
you people are deplorable, leave them alone
Allergic reaction to bee stings
>shut it down
They are the brains behind most of the plans we see from the Jews and the NWO. They have a superhuman IQ and it really makes them unbeatable in the grand chess game they're playing.
What is wrong with their fucking face?
ITT: most forced meme ever
It's like something in a fantasy novel where the most powerful rulers of the realm are all fucked up by their use of black magic
Who are these plastic surgery faggots?
OP needs work on trying to force memes.
They are true alpha males. Absolutely beautiful. They are what all men should strive for. I offer my gf to them so that she may be fucked by a real alpha.
So,no evidence of anything, but plenty of shilling that would seem to point to something.
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
And they still look like Mickey Rourke's retarded cousins.
>last week
except this idiocy is posted here since November. Maybe it's the Bogdanoffs themselves doing it.
The phone call that saved Europe
Delete this thread right now.
>Strong ties to the French prime minister; evidence to suggest that they influence his every move, pushing for policies meant to weaken the nation's moral fabric so that they might rule over them without difficulty
>Belong to an ancient bloodline which has been associated with royalty and untold power
>Evidence which suggests that the Rothschilds are operating under their supervision
>Own DNA editing research facilities throughout the world
>Extensively funding NASA research regarding sustainable life on Mars
>Rumored to possess psychic abilities and are said to have IQs upwards of 200
>Largely believed to be in contact with alien life forms
Or maybe... DOOMED?
Did they ever not look like mongoloids?
Thanks, another for the filter. Sage.
I am a representative of the Bogdanov twins and these threads have been marked as inflammatory and possibly slanderous.
You will feel the presence of our agents shortly. It starts in the frontal lobe.
i fucking love this meme
Any evidence to back up all that green text?
Obligatory thread theme
just because you post it on Sup Forums doesn't make it politics-related
They are the only 1st hand account of what happen during the Big Bang
guy on the right looks pure evil
fuck these botox snow niggers
Yeah but it's not even very funny, with the jew always kvetching over his fat mother, it's pretty lame desu.
the fuck is this video
wtf is going on here?
Looks like it starts in the cheekbones mate.
Its """Them""" doing Science shit, on what looks like a French ripoff of the Amazing Race
Let me know when you guys come with something.
>nobody posted thread theme yet
it's just a meme dude stop being autistic
>It's just a prank bro
They're ugly and no one wants to look at them.
No conspiracy, just protecting our eyes. Now fuck off
>tfw to inteliggent to force memes
>Tfw to intelligence to be self aware of my obscene plastic surgery face