RIP in piece American internet.
RIP in piece American internet.
oh no it will just go back to how it was a year ago before we had net neutrality
r/le_donald WILL defend this
Why would I want the Feds regulating ISPs?
Because the biggest ISPs who have a near-monopoly in several areas around the US fleece their customers for all they're worth.
let the states regulate them
So the answer is for the state to regulate the products ISPs can sell? Sound like a great plan.
>PROTIP: The reason there are near-monopolies is because it isn't worth spending the money to compete there with the same product. Not enforcing net neutrality means lesser ISPs can expand there without the costs of having to provide everything the bigger ISP provides.
All of which were created under the net neutrality regime. Kind of makes you think.
it doesn't cost them more or less to provide equal access to all sites, though, it's just an excuse for bribery
next thing will be restricting access to fake news sites :^)
you mean, de facto net neutrality until the isp's pull what they did to force it onto the books?
lol why shill like this? dont you realize you will be out of a job when the internet is censored?
And how will federal regulation solve that problem?
It's the regulations under the telecommunications act that allowed for these kinds of monopolies to be established in the first place.
hahaha what
how do state regulations differ from federal
answer clearly and concisely
>instead of one common regulation we have 50 different regulations
>this is the small government solution
How is it wrong? Net neutrality is the reason ISP monopolies have gone unchallenged. Without it, people will be forced to confront the real problem.
whats the real problem exactly
and tell how net neutrality has anything to do with monopolies
Read how much money AT&T has gotten since the 80s to push towards a fiber infrastructure and how much of that was actually used
Because sites like Sup Forums will be in the crossfire. How soon until there is public demand to throttle "hate sites"?
The real problem is cable franchise agreements.
What net neutrality has to do with monopolies is that it makes them tolerable.
if this is anything like the last couple net neutrality threads people are going to scream "REGULATIONS" over and over again, and when asked what those regulations are, they have no answer
how does it make them tolerable
yup, every time
Because they can only abuse you on price and service, not content.
Content will be the last straw.
It may be better if it happens under a Trump presidency, though. If it was a typical cuckservative they wouldn't care, but Trump would eventually realize how much his support base depended on net neutrality. I.E alternative news that needs equal access.
how does net neutrality abuse content
>internet fine forever
>"Trump will ruin it by undoing changes to return things to the point of a year or two ago!!!"
Fucking nothing, as always.
Jesus christ Americucks, surely this is illegal under freedom of speech or something.
I hope he takes it back from the UN.
>a year or two ago
net neutrality has been the standard since the inception of the internet. there is no difference "a year or two ago"
The fuck are you all talking about? Do any of you even know what net neutrality is? It doesn't sound like you do.
The internet has always been neutral in that you pay an ISP, and they give you access to the entire internet. You browse any website you want and do what you want. That is net neutrality.
Removing this means ISPs can divide their internet access into packages kind of like TV has. Basic internet is now $40 a month but it only gets you access to a small pool of websites, if you want extra like to visit social media websites, that's $5 extra a month, video streaming is $10 extra a month and so on.
How the fuck can anyone be for this?
takes what back
What's wrong with net neutrality? Unless you're some ISP CEO shilling I don't see what's wrong
America elected an orange nigger.
You will be forced to use service your isp wants you to not the ones you choose, it's like charging extra for tap water if you wanna make pasta with it.
Let's say there is a new better YouTube launched by a smaller company it wouldn't thrive cause Google will pay isp for faster YouTube and the new service even though it was better would die because of lack of neutrality, customers gain nothing from this
net neutrality is a bluepilled meme.
alright, this meme is going too far. you guys can't defend this.
Kill yourself.
a significant number of people on Sup Forums bought into the "net neutrality is Obamacare for the internet" memes spewed by Ted Cruz into the like and claim "government regulations" cost ISPs billions a year because of net neutrality. when you ask them what those regulations are they conveniently don't have an answer other than telling you "government regulations" again
Will we be at least able to pay for QoS?
thats the exact opposite of what net neutrality is
yup it's potentially awful
internet is going to be sanitised completely in the coming decade desu, if the isps get their way anyway, most people will be happy for the deals that give them 'free' access to facebook, netflix and maybe things like snapchat but nothing else
>trumpcucks will defend this
yeah yeah all crowd around and worship this 'alpha', you might as well be prepping him to fuck your imaginary gf
there would be nothing stopping them for charging you extra for the same level of quality you have now.
I hope the internet gets completely eliminated. We need to go back to text-based BBS's and no DNS. Command line interfaces only. This will keep the women and niggers out.
After we shoah the modern internet we need to get rid of smartphones with cameras and portable video cameras.
That way we can start beating up niggers, Jews, women, and all other undesirables like we used to in the 90's.
What do you mean? I was making an argument for net neutrality
>linking ((wired))
ok, so what do the name servers have to do with anything?
>instead of one common mega-state we have 50 different states
>this is how our government works
Government size is based on amount of collected power not overall volume
Fuck Trump for wanting to let the internet kikes rip us off.
>leaf caring about american internet
worry about your own shit hole faggot. meanwhile, here in america, everyone is getting data caps, higher prices, slower internet, throttling and more. nice net neutrality you fucking faggot. trump is going to get rid of their monopoly.
It's ICANN, not ICAAN.
>mfw trumpcucks defend this
>I hope the internet gets completely eliminated. We need to go back to text-based BBS's and no DNS. Command line interfaces only. This will keep the women and niggers out.
The internet has nothing to do with this, you retard. What you want to do is roll back technology to the '80s.
good maybe i'll fucking do something with my life instead of procrastinating
Feds already control your internet. Haven't you noticed people only using Facebook and Google?
>Whats the proof
The reference to the fairness doctrine is interesting, because it was essentially the requirement to pay lip-service to conservative ideals, while conservative media faced a liberal, left wing dominated regulatory structure which forced them to give more weight to left wing views or get fined and punished.
A similar thing occurs today, as ever, in the structure of the BBC, which only pays lipservice to right-wing news or views, even though it is mandated to hold them all on a level playing field, but gets away with it because the regulatory body's ideological blindness or just pure willful opposition.
On this note, I believe that Trump would support the ideal of net-neutrality treating all traffic as equal, and may have confused the two by believing it may prejudice against types of traffic. It's not as if he has been completely resistant to advice by knowledgeable professionals, as was the case with torture, which Mattis persuaded against.
just remind donald if it was up for main stream media and not the internet, he wouldn't have been elected.
>being a unitary state peon
What the fuck are you even saying?
Net Neutrality just means that all data is treated the same. So for example, Buzzfeed data wouldn't get priority over Sup Forums data.
>Said the nervous Sup Forums poster for the 40th time
I still don't understand.
Does Trump support net neutrality or not?
are you against monopolies
Control of internet domain hand outs. I.e. who can get a site and for what purpose.
It is important that such a facility be governed by the US, as your country is perhaps the only one in the world that has 200 years of legal precedent supporting freedom of speech and conscience to persons of all views (brandenberg test aside), and no caveats like the UK, Canada, other cuck or muzzie states have about """""hate speech"""""
Of course not, Jews have to control internet to sell hamburgers.
Also read about Chattanooga the town turned it fate around by having state provided internet as it was much cheaper and better than the mainstream isps they sued the bejesus out of the so this trend couldn't be continued
The old need more regulations to fix the problems of regulation argument liberals and net neutrality supporters believe
Then why is he referring to the fairness act?
(((net neutrality))) fags that vehemently defend it are retarded. It doesn't mean what you think it does. Yeah, let the FCC regulate the internet, that's a fucking genius idea. The same people that fine for cussing on radio and TV, wow so neutrality.
uh what, thats not what they do at all
net neutrality is stupid and is basically communism
>regulations are jewy as fuck
>more regulations will get us out of this jewyness!
Trump needs to create his own state run media. That way we can get the facts straight from him and not have to worry about fake news.
Making sure you get to the right site? Issuing IPs and hostnames?
> no more Tyrones on the webs
Im okay with this
so whats the regulation?
> How the fuck can anyone be for this?
Any entrepreneur who gave come in and start a ISP that offers the complete internet cheaper than ISPs doing tier pay for access will win out in the market.
I sincerely hope you are trolling
Before net neutrality was regulated, ISPs in America were trying to charge certain companies (Netflix, YouTube) more for "faster" (i.e. not throttled) delivery to users.
They are trying to explain to goys how net neutrality isn't neutrality. They go reverse psychology. It's like when Trump said he's going to drain the swamp, but instead created the swamp. But basically most people don't even understand what net neutrality is or why it was even purposed for law. Basically ISPs limit bandwidth and charge stupid prices and limit high traffic connections. This is what net neutrality was suppose to end, to make it like internet was in 90ies.
Don't be a dumb goy, do you really want generic top-level domains to be administered by the fucking UN?
The same body that says you ought to pay reparations to niggers?
this will be trumps internet. they'll get rid of all the fake news libtard sites.
I remember this shit in the 2000's happening as well
>The internet has nothing to do with this
sure it does
it was meant as a tool to exchange knowledge
but people use it to exchange misinformation, stupidity and degeneracy
if internet was harder to use, it would tone things a bit
one is actually constitutional
Yes that would happen in an ideal condition, but look at the cable industry, they serve you ancient hardware for extreme prices, the only way to get a certain channel is by buying the 'pack' it's in, there are premium channels with the same amount of advertisements as regular so why the extra charge are they transmitted through gold satellite
i remember you from the other thread and you fucking embarrassed yourself with that shit there too
You want CA and NY policy dictating the US?
Killing of net neutrality started with Napster, since after that ISPs got "smart" and wanted to limit specific types of internet. If net neutrality passes that means that downloading from torrent might not be limited any longer. But people who never used old types of p2p don't even understand this fully. Net neutrality is suppose to be that ISP shouldn't care what internet is used for, since now they do care, more and more.
This, this would happen so fast as soon as Trump gets out.
>muh free market
It's going to suck, but not to the degree some think.
ISPs know that they cant go that far without getting huge backlash.
You don't harm a free information exchange without people talking.
The internet was fine for me a year ago before the feds stepped in
Net neutrality was a solution in search of a problem
Please tell be where the feds get the authority to regulate ISPs
what does the FCC regulate on the internet?
google lost billions on setting up fiber and its plans for it have grinded to a halt. the problem is that the ISPs have already carved up america amongst themselves, they have a vested interest in keeping themselves in power. ideally you'd have competition in the market, but you don't, and getting rid of net neutrality won't create it. it'd only make it even more expensive to compete as existing ISPs will be able to buy out up-and-coming ISPs
If americans allow this shit to pass it's going to spread to other countries
Fuck yeah! Net Neutrality is socialist bullshit. Don't like your service? Just change providers!
>huge backlash
oh no, some retards making a few passive aggressive tweets. what will the ISPs do?
It would be so hilarious if this is the one issue that divides the right and sinks the whole thing.