Shit liberals say that make your blood boils

I'll start

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he's right tho


Only mass civil unrest and daily executions.

Yeah, they'd just cut all communication and fold their arms and wait for the other country to say they're sorry

Fuck you Shannon

My mother used to tell me this when I was a child.

Nah, wars would but fought over much more trivial shit.
>prime minister of another nation wore same dress as me? Bomb them!

>here have some guns democratic rebels

>animals should have rights

the world would be in shit state, and they would do alot of wars, women are the most close thing to demons in the earth, if those kind of things existed of course.

As expected of Sweden. Does your mother like rapefugees since they're there due to a woman being in control.

Jews exist. They aren't just a meme on pol

You can apply that to pretty much anything. I can say if only Eskimos existed there would be no wars (only much less seals).

We'd have become extinct as a species a long time ago

My gf said all woman should just refuse sex until they get world peace. I asked what if men simply raped them then and she had no answer.

Humanity in a nutshell.

Yeah. Instead of wars the women in power would just flood their own countries with would-be invaders, give them free money, and then brainwash all the civilian women into thinking that they're awful intolerant racists if they don't let themselves get raped en masse.

Solid model for a better tomorrow.


the funny thing about this idea is even if it was true, women ruling the world could only ever be a transitory state

eventually men will take control again

I mean can anyone really say I'm wrong?

All I can see with women ruling the world is a bunch of dumb feelgood bullshit, "let everyone in cuz we all duh same (plus I want to try some brown cock)"

then you'd have some strong group like the muslims move in en masse and they'd take over

women ruling the world is a total meme, nothing about what what natural selection has lead them to be is conducive for it

There wouldn't be anything to fight over, since we'd all be living in huts.

consent is a social construct

Yes. I have tried to redpill her but she lives in her own reality, it seems. Any information that doesn't come out of the far-left mainstream media is fake, made up by neo-nazi fearmongers to turn people to their cause.

>We need a war with Russia
t. Hillary

>made up by neo-nazi fearmongers to turn people to their cause.

I love how these people are incapable of putting the same level of skepticism to their own beliefs

propaganda is everywhere, everyone is trying to sell your their ideology, hell of a lot more leftist propaganda these days than right wing shit

the worst part is how innocuous liberal brainwashing is, and furthermore that left wing propaganda is sometimes funded by the state itself

disgusting times to live in

cleansing soon?

...there'd be no "world" either.

they will not start wars but the world would not talk to each other for three millenials.

>NOT ALL MUSLIMS! Remember the crusades? Christians are worse!

I want to kick their fucking teeth in when they say that.


everything libtards say makes my blood boil. When I am in the presence of one I black out and beat them savagely.


>women refuse to have see till war ends
>men take women as sex slaves
>women now have to fight a war for the freedom of their gender

Bet you wish you would have taken more of an interest in war now

You need some semblance of civilizations to have wars.

we should just do this right now

lel my mother is based and told me the opposite

>no scandals

Can't think of any off the top of my head 2bh

"I am a citizen of the world"

Amalia got caught smoking weed like 3 months ago

One of the daughters was caught on camera twerking, but coons think that's acceptable for the first family to do

"Jennifer Lawrence gave a POWERFUL perfomance"

"Obama gave a POWERFUL speech"

"Big Black Cock, mmmmhhh"

"Die, whitey"

>native americans lived in peace and harmony and muh genocide
A) No they didnt there was nonstop tribal of the most savage degree
B) I believe had another group colonized north america there probably wouldnt be any natives left
C)Forgive my lack of sympathy for a group that failed to discover the fucking wheel well after every other culture had gunpowder and sailboats
The tragedy of whites killing indians is the weakest most overblown meme ever and unfortunately is not exclusive to liberals

>"race doesn't exist but white people are evil!"
>"systemic racism is why so many PoCs are in prison!"
>"fuck them police officers daawg"
>"the term 'illegal immigrant' is racist!"
>"my gender is really ambiguous"
>"pedophiles are not monsters"

Tribal warfare

Did you reply to the wrong post?

My bad. I only read the OP's picture.

To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
All pray in their distress;
And to these virtues of delight
Return their thankfulness.

For Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
Is God, our father dear,
And Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
Is Man, his child and care.

For Mercy has a human heart,
Pity a human face,
And Love, the human form divine,
And Peace, the human dress.

Then every man, of every clime,
That prays in his distress,
Prays to the human form divine,
Love, Mercy, Pity, Peace.

And all must love the human form,
In heathen, Turk, or Jew;
Where Mercy, Love, and Pity dwell
There God is dwelling too.

I suggest you look up the shenanigans that goes on inside women's prisons.

There would be 10x as many wars if women were in charge

I forgot to put the word warfare in my first post

So recall the Taiwan situation. China claims that Taiwan is a part of China and a non country. Anyone who acknowledges Taiwan risks being cut off from all Chinese foreign relations forever. If you go to Taiwan you must pretend that it's a part of China and disregard Taiwanese claims of soverignty. Any attempts to break these rules will leads to sanctions and economic attacks as well as ostracization. And Taiwan feels the same about China. Now imagine that but basically all over the world. That's a world run by women.

>"Pedophiles need treatment not punishment"

Let me tell you, as someone who was molested as a child (by a priest), this sort of rhetoric drives me fucking mental.

Agreed though. Always have to explain to libcucks that Natives were more instrumental in taking out related tribes then the Europeans. Let alone Europeans cannot be found accountable for bringing over the black plague and other diseases. Also, if natives had no word for 'land ownership' then how can they say the land is now theirs?. They fail to account for the fact that Natives did not make Canada or the US as they stand today - that there were no established borders or government enforcement. As such, Europeans were not immigrants but settlers and conquerors.

Would they question the Natives turning the Europeans back and defending their borders? No? Then why should whites sit down and let everyone else in. (which certainly will not help the natives)

It has been historically proven that female rulers started more wars than male rulers based on per capita.


Women don't care about men dying in wars.

Fast and Furious was treason.

>if women ran the world
They'd be men


>All the inbred retards voted for Trump
>City people didn't vote for him

Implying city people are smart. Painting people with broad brush when they don't want to do it muslim. Fucking hypocrites.

Then why famous female leaders like Boudica, Elizabeth, Thatcher were caught in wars just like everyone else? Hell, Victoria was at the helm during most of the british empire's colonial expansionism.

Surely we're not the only ones. Frogfags have at least Jeanne D'Arc as well, and she unironically heard God tell her to go war.

>I'm like a citizen of the world man
>borders are just made up anyway
>why don't you want refugees, where's your heart and compassion man?
>You don't like foreign aid? Did you ever go to Africa and see what good things they do with that money?

And what to think of the various Russian empresses that tore Poland to shreds. Maria Theresa of Austria and Elizabeth of Russia that fought in the seven years war against Prussia and almost destroyed it were it not for Elizabeth dying and her successor Peter being a massive Prussiaboo.

Maria Theresa was a good leader

If women ruled the world, there would be no wars. Or weapons. Or planes. Or houses. Or electricity. Or water and sewer systems. Or roads. Or food. Or people.

You don't need guns, the government won't try to fuck you


I actually a heard a woman say this a while ago.

>mfw the wars would just be fought over shoes and fashion

>caught smoking weed
how scandelous

>Illegal on a Federal level
>Presidents daughter
I agree that marijuana being illegal is bullshit and I dont think its a crime anyone should give a shit about but if anyones kids shouldnt be breaking the law how trivial that law may be its the President and his family
>inb4 hur dur war crimes, bush, etc.

There were plenty of women rulers that waged wars...