ITT: Post cool flags

>how you want your flag, senpai?
>just dragon ball my shit up!


Way to jump the shark. There's really nothing better than the TN flag.

What you'd typically see next to this image if it were posted in a thread of this topic is nothing, hoping to get as many replies as possible but I'm being genuine here when I saw I unironically like the Canadian flag and it's a million times better than being cucked by a Union Jack in your flag. The Union Jack is pretty cool too, but not if you have it in the top left of your flag, maximum cuckage.

This was Morocco's flag for a while in the 19th century/beginning of 20th century. The French changed it to the actual five-pointed star.

Japanese prefectures have some pretty neat flags

This one looks pretty cool.

Saint Lucia is pretty as hell





I like this one quite alot.

French Polynesia

or this one

Came here looking for my favourite flag and found it

or this one

This desu. It's nice there too




Ancap version.

Well done! Saved.


this one sucks