Meanwhile in 1914 Sup Forums

Meanwhile in 1914 Sup Forums

Just signed up to kill some krauts lads. I hear France is nice this time of year!

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I can't s-stop s-s-shaking

Enjoy Chlorine!



when i look at old war photos i wonder how many guys in that picture actually made it home

Fuck off Lewis, Wilhelm will make Germany great again!

>germany mobilizes
what did they mean by this?

Calm down Russia Gas was banned in 1907, stop being a coward!

We will see about that Franz! We will give you a good seeing to and be back home for dinner!


>He actually did it.

Has Sup Forums Gone too far?




Dont try and take my ships Great Britain.

Borch removal time.

You are against gassing Brits, French and Russian scum?

>when i look at old war photos i wonder how many guys in that picture actually made it home

Given that there is mixture of older guys and kids, it is likely Pals battalion, so not that many.

Fucking ruskies gtfo REEEEEEE

Austro-hungary BTFO!!!

im listening to graham lampkin's divers and these b&w war pictures are giving me a boner with it can someone please post mroe?

oi what the hell is going on in europe right now
i hope wilson will keep us out of that
the autistic banter will end by christmas, right?

kek nice

No involvement in European affairs America first

Fuck! Aagh! I'm hit! Aggh dear god it hurts! It hurts bad I- I- I can't feel my leg lads! Jus- Just go on without me lads, go chase Fritz back to Berlin Heh Heh! Just, Jus- just chase Fritz back to, back to Berlin, get the bastard that got me okay? Okay lads!

H-help! You are our b-best ally!

While the Anglos are away in europe it is time to strike!

Something about a Duke not quite sure. Germany is going to get the shit kicked out of them basically.

Going to haev Christmas in Berlin!

You are going to be loyal while we are gone right? Right?

As if England would really care for Belgiums neutrality. Come on. Its 1914.

Why is she so qt, bros?

Maybe to a country better than Russia. Just add one P and it becomes much improved Prussia.


What in lord's name are they doing over there in Europe? Well, guess it ain't so bad as long as the Kaiser keeps his war in Europe.

LMAOing at all you yuropoors. You're fighting some bullshit war because an irrelevant duke died. Good thing we're not involved!

S-sure thing m8, gonna keep Dublin castle warm for you and all that sort of thing....



Just saw a Krout while out on patrol with the lads, Threw some rocks at them and told them to fuck off, they threw some back and left, the Sargent told us off for not shooting them what do I do lads?

All they care about is their naval "superiority".

Pic related, HMS Not That Invincible...

Wait for 1915.

We Americans have no time for Europe's problems.


Some of you Russians are alright. Don't go to tannenberg tomorrow

Finally after removing that racist dictator porfirio diaz we going to live a life of peace and serenity!

i can't wait for you guys to finally revolt against the ruskies.

>Sup Forums
>ever voluntarily signing to anything

You'd be back home shitposting on the uni weekly opinions piece.

>implying (((shell shock))) is real

W-why cant we sell our agriculture products anymore? Also, Belgians, why hold a grudge?

We'll stay neutral for a bit if you don't mind...but if you promise us huge land gains and money we might go to war with you and your friends britain

hi Lafayette here what do you need

I don't like you

You were the Roman empire right? Great! Cant wait to see you fight! See you in Berlin!

Half of them don't even look 18.

Jews did good trying to kill off whites.

French officers are shooting us because we can't speak french. Pls send help

>trust no one, not even von Rennenkampf

Those raids by Villa weren't our fault! Please not invade

damn, i got relatives on both sides of the war, so much for being a multicultural immigrant place

Going to make good money out of this but I'm telling you people the Jews are moving a lot of money to help GB and France, and this people do nothing for free there must be something behind stay alert people
Also I must add that a friend of mine who is working at the border in La Jonquera told my that there is some really odd illness which is spreading among the trenches , but for now there are only isolated cases, I really hope that this are only rumors and that we left the plages in the middle ages

After the war
>what shall we do with all the stockpiled chlorine?
>let's get everyone and their cousin to buy a house with a pool

Came to Helsingfors to get myself a finnish qt, I hope everything will be alright

You mates are alright, don't go to the enemy trench tomorrow.

didnt expect them to all be treated successfully

Guys, I don't think we should march in an open field if they actually have these "machine guns". We should probably just shell their positions with artillery for 5 hours.

Did you learn that in your "Civil War"? We are having a REAL war mate! What do you know!?

how else do we capture their trench

>fighting for the triple entente

We are and remain neutral in this mindless war.

P.S. Does anyone want to buy some goods? Provisions? Chemicals?


>Trying to sell food in a war that will end by Christmas.

>be European
>get shot

Just be sure you know how pronounce Y properly.

Shibboleths are funny concept.

Yksi: Finnish for "one", used by the White Guard to separate Russians from Finns in the Finnish Civil War. Many of the Russians caught had changed to civilian clothing, so suspected people were rounded up, even from hospitals, and asked to say yksi. If the prisoner pronounced it [juksi], mistaking the front vowel 'y' for an iotated 'u', he was considered a Russian foreign fighter and was shot on the spot. Any Slav or Balt, Communist or not, was killed, including some members of the White Guard.

>hand rubbing intensifies

Those Austrian motherfuckers didn't respect their commitments with us, so hell no we ain't gonna go to war on their side before sorting this out
If hey give us something we might still join them
>inb4 "Citation needed"
>Austria-Hungary and Italy, having in mind only the main-
tenance, so far as possible, of the territorial status quo in the
Orient, engage to use their influence to forestall any territorial
modification which might be injurious to one or the other of the
Powers signatory to the present Treaty. To this end, they shall
communicate to one another all information of a nature to en-
lighten each other mutually concerning their own dispositions,
as well as those of other Powers. However, if, in the course of
events, the maintenance of the status quo in the regions of the
Balkans or of the Ottoman coasts and islands in the Adriatic and
in the Aegean Sea should become impossible, and if, whether in
consequence of the action of a third Power or otherwise, Austria-
Hungary or Italy should find themselves under the necessity of
modifying it by a temporary or permanent occupation on their
part, this occupation shall take place only after a previous agree-
ment between the two Powers, based upon the principle of a recip-
rocal compensation for every advantage, territorial or other,
which each of them might obtain beyond the present status quo,
and giving satisfaction to the interests and well founded claims
of the two Parties.

Only one qt in that lot


1914 is the worst year ever!

>goes to europa when all the men are fighting and dieing

>cuck all there wifes
>ones who come home thinks the new baby is his

fucking eurotrash so easy to cuck

1915 will be better, the Empire will get bigger when the war is done!

Oh gosh, it seems like they're all at it again. I think I'll just sit back and observe how this spectacle progresses, I quite like this idea of neutrality and peace we've had for the past century. It's probably nothing, after all, what's the worst that could happen? Being navally blockaded for several years which would bring the country to the point of national starvation? Oh silly thought.

>their grandgrandchildren are being fucked in the ass by pakis right now

>Franz Ferdinand
>Driving his own car
A Habsburg heir doing such plebish things? Come on, it's 1914, for God's sake!

Just continue to be a manlet an suck Jewish cock. Destroy everything you touch

when will yuropoos stop ruining this board for the rest of us
no one cares about your stupid GoT tiers political problems

I've just received my uniform. Getting used to ride a horse again. I can't wait to kick some German ass.

Alsace-Lorraine, not Elsass-lothringen

>Armored chestplate
Dude lmao nice LARPing, it's 1914 not 1514

no one cares about your shit farmer country mate, do you even have an army lmao


Kek. Do you even know how to wage war? You have been fighting Apache and Cheyenne for too long. You can't have a war without cavalry.

Vous avez eu l'Alsace et la Lorraine,
Vous avez eu des millions d'étrangers.
Vous avez eu Germanie et Bohème,
Mais mon p'tit coeur vous ne l'aurez jamais,
Mais mon p'tit coeur il restera français.

j'aime bien ce chanson, mais le bien est très bon aussi et malheureusement pas aussi bien connu

j'avoue que je rêve souvent de joindre avec vous pour se battre dans un racewar français

France à bientôt ! car la sainte espérance
Emplit nos cœurs en te disant : adieu.
En attendant l'heure de la délivrance,
Pour l'avenir... Nous allons prier Dieu.
Nos monuments où flottent leur bannière
Semble porter le deuil de ton drapeau.
France entends-tu la dernière prière
De tes enfants couchés dans leurs tombeaux ?

Cavalry haven't worn chestplates since medieval times, light and fast is how cavalry win wars. Lmao, do you think the krauts will use pikes against you?

The difference between the heavy and light cavalry is only marginal. It doesn't affect our combat capability. Sure we could get rid of our cuirasse, but without it the cuirassier have no raison d'être, and France need the cuirassier.

It's more a question of tradition, than practicality. But of course you yankee don't have any idea what tradition means.

Ma chanson favorite est "on ne passe pas", peut être un jour la chanterons nous ensemble, frère

j'aime celui-ci aussi
merci, mon ami, un jour

I suppose I shouldn't question French military supremacy, which is why your armies march into Germany as we speak. Oh wait.