Does your city have a legacy Sup Forums ?

Does your city have a legacy Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Croatia

Yes I think so...

1200 years of history.

next 1200 years of islam

Be careful!


>Linköping bloodbath
>Battle of stångebro

I can see the mountain side of point mugu rock from my backyard. Its been in a lot of movies and commercials so thats cool.

My hometown is known for a guy who attached a bull's nose to its balls, and patenting it.


Was a swamp until a few centuries ago.



Prove it

would be a shame if it went down the drain :^)

Hanged a Monkey because they thought he was a Frenchman.

The city where i live was founded in 1547

>tfw Orlando

Rich fuck

Notoriety, maybe.

Yeah, New Orleans is arguably one of the oldest cities in the USA.
>owned by 3 different countries over the course of the years
>one of the few places in America where people who immigrated there have stayed there (some of my neighbors are 6th generation in the same house)
>very distinct houses and fantastic architecture
>Mardi Gras
>up until about world war 2, French was the street language and business was done in English
>have our own distinct version of French that is akin to Shakespearean English

Cant wait for the nu-germans to burn the libraries because of this disgusting racism

My ToWn Is ReAlLy ClOsE tO ThE TrInItY SiTe. I rEal SmArT GoOds NoW.

Battle of Camden and Battle of Hobkirk Hill

Linköping ....

Well, here in based Norrköping we practically built Swedens wealth with our industries.

The greatest BTFO in the history of BTFOing


Shit I'm sorry user.

What's the difference?

Lol middle class, I wish I lived in the houses by Malibu, You can see the oceans glare on a bright day
And those are strawberry fields so I wake up in the morning with my coffee and watch the wetbacks work and pretend that I am a slave plantation owner

The rhine runs through my city and there used to be a roman fort here 2000 years ago, it being the border of the roman empire.
Also we dug half our country out of the seas.

Being the single-greatest polity in proportion of vote to Obama, then being filled in with White people after his election faster than any other city. Serves the Blacks here right for thinking he would help them one bit with "hope", "change" and a Republican Congress.

We've seen better days... I lived long enough to watch the state that fucked over the British Empire ban Ar-15s...

It must be interesting to live near the ocean. If I want to go I have to drive for 7+ hours to see the shitty Atlantic.

>talking about NOLA as if it were the 1940s
>ommiting the fact that it is essentially nigger paradise now and the French Quarter is the only small bit of the old city left

>state that fought the British for their freedom
>has now banned guns, enacted stop and frisk policies and is on of the most heavily taxed and governed states in the US


>Birmingham, Alabama

Steel mills and nigger lynching. The steel mills are mostly gone now though.

>For 2500 years people have been living here non-stop.
>Celtic hillforts
>Roman legion camp
>migration period
>Holy roman empire

Used to be based.

Imported blacks/hispanics drove out whites. That and unions have ruined the city


>Large medical center
>big oil industries
>steel mills
>big port
>good food
>dyke mayor
Hopefully the last one will be buried in the sands of time.


you have 2000 years of history

Dragged a nigger to death

>founded around 1000
>major trade crossroad between east, west, north and south
>Spilberg castle never taken by foreign military force (Ottomans, Swedish - fuck off, Nazis took it diplomatically
>called small Vienna
>huge IT industry
>each semester the population grows by 1/6 when students arrive in Brno

Yep, pretty nice.

I think more than 2000 years of history. It was founded by Iberians if i'm not mistaken.

>now ill all succumb to the barbarci mudslim onslaught in a couple of years
>really sad

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Hottest city of 2016

Famous for operation market garden
Became a city in 1530 but originally settled in the year 893

forgot pic

there was a movie or book about my town. corrupt cops torturing people(via chinese torture method), robbing people. a lawyer/judge got busted and ended up snitching on everyone. i was assigned to that judge to pay off my traffic ticket.

Well, I live between London and Brighton. London has a legacy for sucking muslim cock, and Brighton's farts smell of it, so...

This, spent a year in NOLA expecting culture and the such, literally the shittiest city I've lived in the US. hopefully God says enough is enough and bring it back under the ocean

what's the town? sounds creepy.

>pretend that I am a slave plantation owner
Kek. This place is terrible.

The site of Britains most embarrassing defeat

There's a river that passes through my town that's named after my town

also, evil jap prisons

We're known for pot and high gun ownership... Probably not a "legacy" though

Yeah, being degraded slowly though.

City no, EMPIRE YES. LONG LIVE (pls come back)

>living in a city

Civil War abolitionist hotbed.

Now a sjw shithole thanks to KU.

its called terror on highway 59. its just a book i keep thinking its a movie idk why

Two sports teams of note, a military unit of high prestige, the odd celebrity, and that's pretty much it really.


>hi I'm a faggot and I live in California, my only historical relevance is the fact that there's a rock nearby
Why are Californians the fucking worst?

The stone quarried from where I live went to build various iconic buildings and monuments all over the world.



>being a faggot with such a huge ego you think people would lie to you about such a trivial detail

But seriously, i want to fucking kill myself in this cesspool

Larry Flynt was shot and paralyzed in my city.


It was rented for Soviet Union as part of peace treaty after WW2/continuation war. They destroyed the old stone church and made it into a bar because they were atheists.

i live Vegas and it sucks

first in flight

A miserable brummie, never seen that before.

Highest homeownership rate in entire 1900, plus airplanes and cash registers. And 50% of the US airforce budget. Once took an airforce intelligence officer's wallet to the police station....annnnnd i'm off topic.

Your city has a worse legacy than Topsy bro.,_Croatia

>an Italian city now occupied by Croatians
As comical as Poles claiming the history of Wroclaw.

What did he mean by this?

Don't forget that time a bunch of rabbits massacred your people

Leicester in England here. We have Simon De Montfort 6th Earl of Leicester who ruled these parts back in the 1200s. Led the second barons revolt and formed the first parliament. He also famously kicked all of the Jews out of Leicester for their sneaky ways. Good bloke

Lancaster, PA
>Native American massacre
>Hospitals, forts during American Revolutions.
>Flea Markets


my village was one of the last pagan ones in the country. The chief, Lyr, stubbornly refused conversion, and he managed to keep the tribe uncucked until he died. Without him to keep control, the christians quickly cucked the villagers. They made a big hill on top of Lyrs grave as was custom for chiefs, but now, a few hundred years later, they built a (((modern))) (((church))) on top of it. Absolutely disrespectful. Please don't tell Varg about this

looks like a faggot

>De Montfort


where these two supposedly met

Chicago. legacy of niggers killing each other off

City of trees and PHDs

My city is the city of Mussolini.
Also we have the HRE banner which was gifted to us by Fredrick II for being the only city in italy supporting the empire (and so being besieged by the pope and everyone else)
It has a red and white shield because muh crusades and a white shield because it was a republic.

Is that a fucking lynched elephant?

My town in southern France exist since the 10th century and was build around a roman bridge

Nothing really important happened here,there was some protestants living here in the 16th century and they got cucked by the Royal Army.Twice.

Like your big ass palace.

Alexandria VA is pretty old by American standards (1742). Nothing special compared to most places in Europe

Live in the historical triangle. Is nice to walk the Yorktown battlefields in the summer

It wasn't a city at that point but the owning family received the land in 1800-something. Not much happened besides urban development in that time, but the family apparently still exists and leases land here. It was predominantly white and latino until around the 90's when middle class and rich Taiwanese people started coming en masse. Mainland Chinese and south Koreans followed them and now the entire area is an asian colony. They buy up all the property, they set up all the businesses and cater almost exclusively to middle class or rich Chinese kids driving their dad's fancy car. My city is apparently called Little Taipei.

Yes city of Zwolle, Acient trading city. At one point the only city free from the Spaniards and actively fighting them.

love this song desu

I think the story is that it rampaged and killed some people so they decided to hang it

Beverley, East Yorkshire
>used to be 10th biggest city
>now has population of 30k (2001 census)
>various saints did things here
>biggest Non-Parish church (not funded by Christianity I believe) in the world