OK Sup Forums, was this act right? or was it wrong?

Yea, the white girl attacked first and the white boy defended himself, but was it necessary to completely destroy her? There are several ways to stop a crazy bitch without having to knock her out. Also that was a dangerous move, she could have gotten brain injury

Isn't going with full force against a woman (a biologically weaker being) nigger behaviour? How would you feel if that girl was your daughter?

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talk shit get hit

t. jamal

if women hitting you hurts you are not a man. bull dykes dont count obviously.

Sick fucking drop Senpai.
The guy was probably in the right, the women look like stupid sluts and they all ganged up on him after he won fair and square.

He slammed her into a fucking seizure, man

This shit makes me laugh every time!

Naw that was completely fine legally. He didn't keep attacking after she was incapacitated and she's the instagator on his property.

Weaker or not a woman can still permantly hurt you if she decide to get serious enough to jab your eyes and such.

Bitches want to be treated like humans, treat them like humans.

To other option is to treat them like cattle. Pick one.

A crazy man attacks me and I can go medieval on his ass.

A crazy woman attacks me and I have to make sure she doesn't get "brain injury", because she could be someone's daughter.

Nice one, Chile.

Yeah, it was fucking awesome!

>How would you feel if that girl was your daughter?

I wouldn't raise my daughter to act like a cunt.

He slammed her into a fucking orgasm, man

talk your problems out if you cant take a seizure to the face desu


it was a fight, destroy her.

liberalist though:
"If you don't punch a woman under the same circumstances you would punch a man, you are bein sexist"

neoliberalist though:
"If you don't punch a woman as hard as you would punch a man, under the same circumstances you would punch a man, you are bein sexist"

>using a single throw to stop an attack
he did the right thing and she probably learned a very valuable lesson

>Nerd Virgins will defend this

It takes 0 strength to over power the average woman. It's not impressive and makes you an easy target.

Nice judo there, love how he tried to sweep her off balance first then went in for the kill when he had the opening.

>Winning a mate used to depend only on physical prowess and men with the strongest jawline and thickest skulls were better able to survive onslaughts from love rivals

>That meant that over time all men developed thicker bones in the jaws, around the eyes and on the forehead than women

>They also developed a greater proportion of muscle to fat than women and became taller than women, said the study

>Dr Puts, of Pennsylvania State University, said: "On average men are not all that much bigger than women, only about 15 percent larger. But the average guy is stronger than 99.9 percent of women"

Going with full force against a bitch is without a doubt nigger behaviour

Not funny

Was it necessary to completely destroy her? No. Was it necessary for her to start the fight in the first place? No. She reaped the consequences of her poor decision

The overconfidence of teenage girls trying to square up to men who they think won't knock them out is always hilarious.The other women didn't learn a thing from this, you can hear & see their actions afterwards, asking the other men to hit him (would get them put in jail) and yelling like they come from the ghetto. Western women seem to believe they are all gangsters now because they listen to kanye west

Yep she could of gotten hurt real bad, but instead she's fine and is probably a bit less of a cunt now too. Not seeing a problem.

Its 2k17 hit like a man get dropped like a man

so what
she was attacking him and he took her out

Quit being a faggot. White trash wannabe hood sluts thrive on stirring up trouble. Seeing them get beaten is hilarious.

"gender equality"

>How would you feel if that girl was your daughter?

Ashamed at myself for doing such a bad job. I will get my daughters learning something like BJJ (good for smaller people) from a young age, and also learning respect manners and common sense. If they ever needed to defend themselves, they will be able, but they will hopefully have the sense to not square up to a man that is +100lbs on them.

As for the guy, I'd always be thinking of the consequences. People can die just from hitting their head against a hard surface, and if you body slam enough people like that woman, you are gambling with your freedom.

Not hitting women is to protect men as much as it is about protecting women.

Ignoring the fact that this is just another evolutionary story without any evidence, the statement that men are stronger than women does not necessarily lead to doing anything more than a hold against an attacking woman is nigger behavior. Stop being such a white knight and let women be treated equally.

i love how they let them fight and when the girl got fucked they all freaked out.

He dropped her in one hit from the looks of the webm.
That's well within reasonable force considering he didn't attack her while down and didn't hit her again.

I'd say that's a fair case of the girl stepping up and getting put down.
The seizure is irrelevant. If she didn't assault him, she wouldn't have had the seizure.

lol i bet you love watching dogs get kicked because they shit on the carpet. they need a man to teach them faggot, its not their fault if they never had one.

If someone assaults you it should be your right to defend yourself as you deem possible,just think about what means to assault someone, a foreign entity is trying to cause physical harm and you have no idea what's its intent, you cannot know if it will attempt to kill you and even if its not its intention a single punch can still cause you permanent damage or death, if someone assaults you they made a decision to harm you, declared war on your and their life is forfeit.
>But-t-t there is no way she is strong enough to cause serious harm
Not an argument, an attempt to cause a crime is still a crime.
>B-b-but youre psysically superior / you have more firepower / you're armed an the agressor is not
Not an argument, so you should defend yourself only from your indentical clone? there is always going to be someone with a psysical or material advantage in a fight, maybe the agressor should had considered it before chimping out.
A shame only in the USA your HUMAN FUCKING RIGHT to defend yourself is upheld, in our shithole countries the victim goes to jail for standing up for himself.

No, dogs are better than american white women.





he was simply helping her to close the streetfighting gap #thisiswhyIneedfeminism

ok then go find an ugly chink and make another elliot rodger who fucking cares what nu-male faggots like you think?

american women CAN be fixed and its HARD WORK. thats why so many redditors hate the idea of trying.

That move seemed way too dangerous, he could have snapped her neck and killed her.

If it were me I would have just went into my house and fucked off, he said "get of my property" right?

>If someone assaults you it should be your right to defend yourself as you deem possible,just think about what means to assault someone, a foreign entity is trying to cause physical harm and you have no idea what's its intent, you cannot know if it will attempt to kill you and even if its not its intention a single punch can still cause you permanent damage or death, if someone assaults you they made a decision to harm you, declared war on your and their life is forfeit

C'mon, we are not talking about another man trying to assault you, we are talking about why knock a little bitch out when there are several other ways to stop her. Her attacks are inoffensive anyway

Strength ≠ winning a fight

Under feminism: Yes it is justified
Under a normal society: no it is obvious that the genders have extreme differences. The girl however should be disciplined in another fashion.

What, you think you can get these whores to unfuck all those guys they slept with?

Women need to learn the limits too.

Yeah but that wasn't his intention. He didn't do it with the purpose of putting her in a seizure, it just happened outside of their control. He was only trying to stop her. The whole seizure thing is irrelevant because he never intended for it to happen and he couldn't have known that it would. People usually don't go into seizures just from being dropped.

He was completely in the right anyway, she was warned to leave his property and dint and she attacked him first he never punched her or anything. He stopped her punches and dropped her to end the confrontation quickly. After she was down he never touched her again. He did nothing wrong.

christ maybe stop looking for whores you atheist faggot??? if you are looking for women at college/bars and not church you deserve what you get.

>That's well within reasonable force
>Putting her into a seizure

Nice shitpost, Australia

So hop a flight to this sluts city and go white knight for her, dumbass. Most guys don't give a fuck.

then just grab her by the hair and let her feel what you COULD do instead of actually doing it???

yeah it's funny because if the dude were a nigger it would boil my blood.

But it's important not to hit a woman; for me hitting a woman is the same as hitting a mentally disabled person; the same for children.

law student here, he was 100% justified

she refused to leave his property, thus was trespassing, he gave her multiple warnings, she assaulted him, and he gave her plenty of opportunity to stop attacking him. from that point on he was acting in self defense.

Not an argument
If you show concern for the wellbeing of someone who assaults you, you're a cuck, you are literally the personification of modern Sweden

Nah that doesn't work. She'd just claw at him and shit.

Don't get into a fight if you don't intend to finish it.

That women didn't have a champion (i.e. another male or woman) to fight her battle and was ill prepared to fight, but she started it anyways

She deserved it.

>"Why did you listen"
fucking dumb cunt's friends. if the dumb cunt had listened in the first place and left his property there'd have been no problems.

Uh, church women are whores!


Come now, Chilli. If you had the ability to put people into seizures I know you would.
I can just see it now, you see your mother in the barrel bath and you realize "Oh hey, it's washing day" take your t-shirt off, throw it in the barrel and force your mother to have a seizure so that your shirt can be properly cleaned for the first time in your life.

The only problem here is he went overboard. He did not have to do some mma type shit to make her fuck off. Plus she barely did anything apart from being on his property and whatever else that made her unwanted on the premise. If he had either waited for her to throw a punch or for her to leave, it would have been fine

But it's a factor

>retarded cunt
Deserved it, would've left her out for Jamal. She acts like a brainwashed empowered feminist, here's the equality she wanted.

Nontraditional white women should be treated like the slags they are.

>Church women
Beta provider seekers, crazy cat ladies, geriatrics and uneducated retards.

women should be raped everyday.


I admire his restraint

notice how the situation was getting out of control then he choke slammed that bitch and everything was fine

yeah me too

he could have fucking killed her and still would have been reasonable force.

reasonable force is not defined by the result, but by the expectation. there was no expectation that she would have a seizure from being slammed into the ground. and again, she was the aggressor, he has every right to neutralize her and defend himself.

if this happened in Texas, he would have justified in shooting her.

Any man talks and acts like that (regardless of weight and strength!) and he's going down. Why should it be any different for a woman? I guess when the one exhibiting masculinity has a vagina, it's brave instead of "toxic".

What you're advocating for is equity, or (enforced) equality of outcome, instead of equality, e.g. equality of opportunity.

You ARE part of the cancer that is modern feminism.

Next time someone tells her women can do anything a man can do including join the army ect. how do you think she will react?

Shit funny cuh, laugh with a nigga.

this. fucking whores, lol i have a vagina you must respect even if dont respect you.

she deserved it.

Women always think they can do what they want because they are women.

Can someone post more webms of girls getting what they deserve ?

its the current year if you think it was uncalled for your sexist

go white knight some where else

Stupid fucking cunts that think this is some movie where their skinny asses overpower a two hundred man deserve whatever the fuck they fucking get.

Being attacked? Eliminate the threat. Period. Woman think they have a free pass on being violent towards men. To be honest, I think as soon as the second bitch put her hands on him he shoulda slept her ass too. They are constantly bitching about equality until it doesn't benefit them.

I didn't notice until the slomo at the end, he was blocking kicks towards his groin. He's done that before.

>"eben if muh womyn shoots me, I'll do nuttin to her bekuz I is a good boy"
>Proceeds to call men who defend themselves and refuse to take shit from some pretentious 4/10 bitch who is assaulting them 'nu-males'

He should've knocked her shit-talking friends out too

>elliot rodger
You don't know what that word means, do you, sunshine?


im saying his dad was a nu-male for fucking a chink

>but was it necessary to completely destroy her
Yes. You win all the future fights that way. She will never try to attack that man again. It's rule number one of fighting.

This a thousand times

It is time for me to put my head down in shame for the humiriation I've brought unto my country.

>Isn't going with full force against a woman (a biologically weaker being) nigger behaviour?

I'm shocked at you Texas, you know he was in the right.

If women want to be men then they should be treated like men

I don't think she'll try to attack any man again after that. These men are doing God's work

I'd be ashamed of her and thankful of him for being able to do what I clearly could not... set boundaries.

Fucking whore dog.

> muh brain damage
She does not use one, so nothing was lost. Other cunts should've recieve the same treatment, including a cuck "youcandodat" mccuckface.

lol because thats what i said you dumb little faggot, go back to readdit if you wanna put words in peoples mouths

>Rat attacks cat because society tell her she's strong and equal
>cat kills rat
>y u do this I'm just a rat
That slam was fucking sweet actually. Talk like a man and you get smacked up like a man

Muh feminism
Muh equal rights

^ implies equal social status

Exactly, and those trips please the great Kek himself.

if a dude who looked like a complete pussy but a male nonetheless started a fight with another man he would get the shit beat out of him and no one would blink

tbqh women and men are equal in this new world and like what happens to weaker men (how many women you see defend them?) the same eventually will happen the other way around

that being said I would never hit a women although i will not condemn dude in video as literally hitler

If you allow wimen to hit you, you are not a man. May as well wear dresses and suck cock you fucking sissy.

>including a cuck "youcandodat" mccuckface.
Yes. Open this YT link in a new tab (notice timestamp at the end) for reaction, embedding won't skip the vid

Currently having 12-16 bride is illegal and females can only have empathy to partners they had since this age.

Without empathy there is only money and violence in game. Thats why there is "alpha"-males, who have money or can kick asses.

Males are more psychologically flexible, thats why you are cuck. Because you are projecting your male/father/civil/respect mentality on empathy-incapable individuals, who only understand violence, fear, attention and gibsmedats.

if you play with fire, you get burned

violent people always meet violent ends

I think he went to far, usually a proper pimp slap shuts them up.

Natural selection at work, all is right.