Who is the most uncucked Jew you can think of?

Who is the most uncucked Jew you can think of?

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Sam Harris

Nearly every IDF soldier because they can kill any sub human motherfucker they please and get away with it

>*tips menorah*

Ben Shapiro

>ywn be bullied and raped by a qt Jewess

Nothing more beautiful than a sexy woman who kills sand niggers.

Ezra Levant

Bobby Fischer

Remember to SAGE

as if...

these harlots sing instead of doing real military service.


fuck of you filthy (((kike))) go back aswitch


You have to go back


The moment Holland stopped growing the Britain Empire collapsed because nobody was there to show them the way forward.


The (((Iceberg))) fella who sank Titanic.



how do i get idf gf

Ethan Klein

You don't.

Requesting image of the palestinian guy holding an israeli girl over his shoulder

wait, jews can actually fight? or is this all just due to the superior american weaponry they have been given

Proper American military support began after the impressive results of said war.

literally our guy


stop giving niggers human rights.

Mostly the latter.

Based Finkelstein is literally our guy

The 'sneak' attack was so well planned and hidden that my rich, well positioned grandparents emigrated from Egypt to the UK three days before it began. Literally the entire thing was a farce to make Israel look good.

The one in the ashtray

First time I ever heard of Miller was the first Trump rally I attended and I thought 'holy shit it's our Goebbels'. Since obv I don't believe there are as many (((coincidences))) as ppl think, I don't reckon this was one either desu.

A race and religion traitor.

Face surgery, he looks like a different person.

at least he didn't suffer

So, like a Christian Hebrew who marries a European?

I like you.

heyo i know this is a board of peace but this only applies if you are christian with superior mediterrainean or nordic blood, not mud shit anzakazi or whatebeer it is

kek, not that I'm taking what you say at face value but that certainly SOUNDS like a filthy jewish tactic.

Bobby Fisher

Rothbard, especially in his later years
Brother Nathaniel

Jews aren't cucked though, they openly work to further their own group

JIDF spotted


damn nigga did he make it?


A dead one.

Jews rely on persecution for their power so many Jews promote anti-Semitism. Bobby Fischer was one of the smartest Jews of that time, and his comments were the 4D chess version of the rabbi spray painting swastikas on his own synagogue for sympathy.

But you already knew that, didn't you kike?

Came here to post this


Well, now that you mentioned that they can kill subhumans that have nothing to do with me, I can now forget their role in civil rights and socialism.

This is honestly one of the best things we can hope from a jew but christianism is still a semite religion with many leans from judaism (Why the Jews got Israel but the Roms didn't get their native land too or instead ?) but I wouldn't much a pure ashkenazi marrying a european, they have almost nothing racially about them honestly.
Some lines probably managed to be pure khazar or later converts in weakly christian regions.

*almost nothing racially semitic


Interesting. I wonder why Sup Forums is so staunchly anti Jew instead of making the globalist subversive distinction. Some might say that it reaaaalllyy makes ya think.


Either way, Fischer didn't make that distinction either. His comments are as shallow and retarded "HITLER 2 PAYBACK TIME" comments that Jews use when they deface their own property. Fischer knew what he was doing.

Also you're right. The Jews would be worse off without Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a neutralizer and provides emotional reprieve and comfort, and the Jews won't be defeated from comfort.

I'm just here to look at military QTs

>people hate on Jews and Israel when they bomb muzziescum on the daily

>burglar breaks into the loud annoying neighbors house
>people say I should lock my doors

Fuck off animenigger

>bombing muzzies is "good"

How young are you?

>Sickly double-headed chicken

>Thinking dead shitskins is anything but good

>Brother Nathaniel
"It's the Jews!"

I hope you both enlist.

>Jews rock! If you don't like Jews then go to Reddit!

What is this poster's endgame?

Blue pill with edgyness.

This rabbi