Why are Russians so oblivious to the FACT their country is run by this satanic philosopher?
Aleksandr (((Dugin)))
>Romanian intellectuals
What does her being Romanian have to do with anything?
Romanians = Latins = Aryans = white
Dugin :DD
He's pure evil.
Dugin is a traditionalist like Evola and Guenon, anyone who is against traditionalism is an (((enemy))).
Evola used to eat his own cum and believed in all kinds of wacky shit.
Traditionalism is just new-age tier nonsense.
>Confirmed for never even reading Evola and Guenon.
Traditionalism is spiritual new-age nonsense.
>we should live by the principles that guided ancient civilizations before the onset of modernity
>this is new-age thinking
Confirmed for fucking retarded
Dugin is a traditionalist like Guenon and Evola, anyone who is against traditionalism is an (((enemy))).
The (((Frankfurt School))) was also critical of modernity. Your point?
just close your tablet, Untermensch
The fucking Kremlin boys
wtf I love post-modern liberalism now
Until you get into traditionalist circles and realize they all end up shilling for Islam by the end. Look at any trad forum or fb page and see all the goofy white "Sufis" with self-applied Arab names.
Why was your reply the exact same as the other guy? Why do I see repeated comments all the time defending Russia or Putin?
That's because Catholicism is cucked, it is unfortunate. Orthodoxy can still be saved though.
Guenon converted to Islam and Evola just made up a bunch of King Arthur Fanfiction. Neither were traditional in any meaningful Western sense.
>Catholicism is cucked
Not in Poland. Or Hungary. Or in the growing number of Latin Mass circles.
>country is run by this satanic philosopher
Dugin who? He's a fucking conservatard nobody, worse than Zhirinovsky. Libcucks run our country.
I used to dabble with these communities and the trajectory these guys always take is:
Start out with chaos magick or Crowley
Read Evola and Geunon
Become a "perennialist"
Convert to Orthodoxy or traditionalist Catholicism
Decide that's not enough and become either Sufi or a Shia
The same "orthodoxy" that licked the ballsack of the soviet autochrats? Even before that, they've always been a bunch of schismatic tsarcucks
>Dugin's influential 1997 book Foundations of Geopolitics proposes Russian policy do the following
>"Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.""
kinda spooky if it's true putin does actually listen to this guy
why does she sound like she had 15 cups of coffee?
Guenon wrote earlier in his life that any traditionalist venture in the West would have to be Catholic in nature, but he became disillusioned when he saw what a modern whore the RCC had become. When he and Evola were alive Orthodoxy was mostly behind the iron curtain and it looked as though it had fallen to atheism. I imagine they would have different things to say if they could observe Orthodoxy's re-emergence and connection to the alt-right and traditionalist ventures.
They suck off anyone who's in power at the moment. Balls deep. It was like that for centuries.
Dugin also hates Ukrainians, which is more of an indication of his crypto-Jewishness.
He literally has Putin by the balls.
Ukrainian Catholic detected.
And what of it?
Russia may not have hacked the election, but they're certainly responsible for the slew of chimpouts across America in the past three years.
>kinda spooky if it's true putin does actually listen to this guy
Most of his advisers are westernist liberals and libertarians. All this "muh traditionalism and conservative values" is just for the plebs, TV is full of degeneracy. Maybe not US/EU level of degeneracy, but it's pretty wild.
Nothing. You guys are just pretty rare.
Can you blame them though? For example I go to Catholic uni and it's just typical sluts everywhere, the only traditional women are the Muslim girls. Sometimes Islam has its appeals to the traditional man. That being said traditional Christianity is still superior in nearly every way.
>Russia may not have hacked the election, but they're certainly responsible for the slew of chimpouts across America in the past three years.
I'm pretty sure that's Soros's doing.
>He literally has Putin by the balls.
Were you licking his asshole and witnessed that? Because you sound like you've seen it upclose.
Who is to say (((Soros))) and (((Dugin))) aren't working with each other?
yes, spot on. I wonder if Dugin's brand of "Eurasianism" is a suitable alternative end-point though
Eurasianism = Russian lebensraum
Traditionalism isn't just hardcore conservatism it's the more bizarre aspects of Fascism mixed in with a westerner's romanticised understanding of Asian spiritual crap
When I was in Russia it just reminded me of here in the mid 90s. . . degenerate, but not quite fully pozzed yet.
he's a pariah ie rasputin or bernie sanders
Fascism is just another modern invention. Evola never joined the Fascist party and wrote extensive criticisms of it. To the traditionalist, everything that came after the French Revolution is shit. Traditionalism implies monarchies and empires, anything less is not an organic State.
Dugin is a hardcore Orthodox Christian you fucking retards
I watched his guideline a few days ago how New Year is an anti-Christian holiday because it was popularized in the Soviet Union and it interrupts the fast that should end on Orthodox Christmas, which is after New Year.
I am not even going to watch the rambling of some Romanian gypsy about Dugin, as I have watched plenty of his videos and I know what is he about.
The Orthodox Church has literally denounced him and his Heideggerian-influenced politics as satanic.
that's literally bullshit, he is the director of THE Orthodox Christian TV channel in Russia and it has not only political shows from a Russian Orthodox perspective, but also purely religious stuff with reputed priests from the Russian Church
what motivates you to keep posting the very same thread every time, calling him a satanic philosopher and labeling it as a "fact" even?
+1 internet
also if you are looking for satanists look at your own fucking elites, burger
Listen to the "gypsy lady" again. She explains how Dugin is a satanist.
I thought Dugin was more affiliated with the Old Believers than the "official" ROC anyway. Reading his work though I always got the impression his Orthodoxy was just a nationalistic pose and his real enthusiasm seemed to be either for occultism or political Islam like his buddy Geydar Dzhemal.
What the hell are you on about nigger
no, I want you to give me a source where the Orthodox Church denounces one of the people who have contributed the most to the revival of the faith
Dugin's main influences are Heidegger (satanist), Aleister Crowley (satanist), Julius Evola (satanist), Rene Guenon (satanist), and the Frankfurt School (all Jewish satanists).
Their goals are too conflicting for that. Soros is an open borders globalist that hates Russia and any sort of nationalism. Dugin isn't a globalist
Unless we're talking about some advanced 87^7 dimensional abstract jewing, it's unlikely.
Heidegger is not a satanist, are you even trying, I am not even sure if this is bait
Dugin is certainly not a fan of Aleister Crowley or anyone similar
Julius Evola is not a satanist, WTF
>and the Frankfurt School
ok you're trolling
The most famous hardcore conservative in Russia is influenced by his mortal enemies. Of course.
Fuck the orthocuck "church", they're not christians, they're full on KGB agents
>anyone I don't like is a Satanist
really makes you think
Being an eternal gipsy in burgerland and due to still being rectally devastated about "muh soviet union!" he's trying to wage his autistic crusade on Russia
The Orthodox Christians are the only real Christians.
Dugin wants to use both the right AND the left to corrupt the west.
Daily reminder that Christ fags are pretty much just Jews
They don't believe Jesus was divine.
Yes, he has argued for finding a "fifth" column there just as you have one in Russia
That was before Trump, though.
Now Russians can presumably look for genuine friends and not in fringe but in the mainstream of American politics.
autism the post also check
Heidegger was a satanic Nazi who literally spent years secretly fucking a Jew.
Evola was a hardcore occultist.
The Frankfurt School were anti-modernity and Dugin references Marcuse in one of his texts.
LOL nope. Fuck your schismatic KGB "church"
occult=Satan some one is uneducated
>And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of
God, begotten of the Father before all ages;
>Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten,
not created, of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.
>Who for us men and for our salvation
came down from heaven and was incarnate
of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man.
>He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;
>And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.
>He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
>And He will come again with glory to judge the living and dead. His kingdom shall have no end.
>Why are Russians so oblivious to the FACT their country is run by this satanic philosopher?
are you fags ever going to fuck off
the only people who think dugin is anyone worth a shit are nevertrumpers who desperately want to go to war with russia
>Romanian intellectuals
whats next? jewish philanthropist?
referencing him in what context?
The Frankfurt School are modernity itself, and Dugin is very much against all of it.
What's wrong with Romanians?
>The Frankfurt School are modernity itself,
Yeah Adorno literally said modernity lead to fash but let's ignore that.
>Against modernity
>Bases his "philosophy" on the ramblings of (((Heidegger)))
Heidegger is responsible for postmodernism which is the ultimate degeneracy.
your commie pope recognizes the orthodox church
you're not allowed to insult us you dirty heretic scum
in all seriousness tho, i think this autistic burger is having some problems with proper Christians regaining power....sounds jewish to me
Dugin is Rasputins new form, wake up sheeps
He let's the Russkis still mine minerals, for the Annunaki.
Everything in exchange for power.
>the only people who think dugin is anyone worth a shit are nevertrumpers who desperately want to go to war with russia
He is not some shadow puppeteer but he is not a nobody either. He is definitely an important philosopher and intellectual.
However there is nothing wrong with him. People who freak out usually have no idea who he is and what he preaches and have seen some wacky quote out of context.
He used to be very anti-American but so were many good people around the world before you elected Trump.
what a muh herritagin faggot
>call somebody "commie"
>is an (((orthocuck)))
Oh, the irony.
I'm allowed to do anything I fucking want, I'm a Catholic, not some kind of mongoloid schismatic phyletistic scum like you.
he's just speaking pseudo intellectual gibberish, same as the "intellectuals" we have here in the balkans
Dugin is extremely anti-white. He wants Slavs to breed with turkroaches and chinks.
He's right on that tho...
The irony of a bunch of yarmulke wearing beaners giving us parentheses is too much
When will you morons reailize that Dugfin is propaganda not for their consumption but for ours. He's a fucking joke and Americans like you keep ascribing this authority to him.
Russia's fine. We're going to avoid war and improve relations but they are not a philosophical belwether for the U.S. anymore than they are our eternal enemy.Stop fearing and stop worshipping. Dugin's a fruitloop. The first of the fabled Russian Rockstar Intellectuals approved for export. He's a fucking cornball and threads like these legitimize him.
Yeah, you are probably right that it's most likely a big nosed one, their burning hatred of Orthodoxy is well known.
They finance some groups here that commit vandalism against it, femen and pussy riot cunts are one of the most notable examples.
Said the american. Your country is literally a succursal of the jewish power, stop LARPing as an (((orthoshit))) and go to schlong your niece, Cletus
>Dugin's a fruitloop
your commie Pope says otherwise, commie
your commie pope recognizes all religions as equal, there is no such thing as "scism" in your church
you calling anyone schismatic is meaningless
This thread. What the fuck?
How are you people having so much trouble distinguishing between polar fucking opposites?
This isn't even a messy debate. It's just a clusterfuck of semi-rare flags and non-sequiturs.
>He's right on that tho...
West at least admits its problems, whitey isnt ideal but he is still morally superios to any drunker russina or drug dealing spic, Dugin has this serb-like mythomany about muh stronges russia muh tradtion muh orthodoxy le oldest while in reality his books are intellectual gibberish and trying to legitimize the existence of russia around Heidegger or whatever
Dugin is a Turanist and pan-Slavist. But most of all he is anti-western.
>muh progress
And yet you orthoshit tsarcucks are just a bunch of schismatic larpers.
>Catechism of the Catholic Church 2089 "schism is the refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him."
Why did Orthocucks lose so badly to turko mongol hordes throughout their history? Just look at their numerous losses. It was catholics that stomped many islamic hordes from invading Europe