Where were you when Italy decided to make their country great again?
Where were you when Italy decided to make their country great again?
Beautiful Italy. But will the leftists cucks try to hide and harbor illegal aliens now?
Laughing my ass off.
This Renzi's proxy is just shitting their pants because people are getting mad as fuck. But still, better than nothing. This seems to actually go somewhere.
It's awesome to live in the most redpilled country in Europe
Just don't stab yourself in the back this time.
most redpilled is not enough
temporary white status: restored
ITALY NO! Diversity is Strength!
"What do you racists think you're doing?"
Italy no ! Cuckoldry and tolerance not pride and glory !
>Ital allies itself to Italy
>Later surrenders and begins fighting Italy
So basically a civil war?
>hide and harbor illegal aliens
This is a fine compromise.
I can think of several reasons why this is ok.
- Test the will of the Open Border advocate
- Hiding immigrants commit much fewer crimes if any
- ***It cannot be sustained***
Underrated post
Come on, its 2017.
All white countries need more diversity! Come on goy- guys!
>leftist cucks
The leftist that you know are a minority here. There are many leftist people but are not so cucked or stupid to be that blind.
In front of this blatant islamic threat everybody is getting really fucking mad
How many boatloads did they take in from the Mediterranean while they were doing this?
It's a start, but Yuros have a lot of work ahead of them.
Hang em higher.
redpilled my ass
we have boldrini that is a living sjw meme, , the new minister or what the fuck it was (renzi bis) is a cuckoldissumus maximus
>we must subjugate to europe
salvini is a trump made in china with no balls
berlusconi went full senile
and that bitch that i forgot the name is IRRELEVANT.
we are lucky that we are a bridge for terrorists , at least they don´t bomb us or it would be impossible for them to arrive.
>meanwhile in a border town of Spain....
Damn Italy really is based. We need to follow they're example.
Isn't Italy picking up like 6000 migrants a day on average from the sea since 2014?
At this point Congo is whiter than Lampedusa.
>that pic
I am laughing but inside I cry
They're idiots like many left politicians but I dare you to find 10 adult people that like them or want them in power.
Really. I know literally noone that wants to vote Boldrini. We have problems with right wing parties but everybody hates the left
(((they))) heavily sanction us if we refuse to. Little do they know, we all send them to Germany and France :^)
>photo of black children crying
Yo man fuck dat laws n borders n shit
Ps kiek n share! ;)
Good for Italy, I will choose Italy as my next Europe vacation trip.
do you know what happened the last time we refused to pick up migrants?
an 800 million fine from the EU
basically this
right wing/con parties in Italy are a fucking joke
I wonder if this all leads to us just not reversing the damage of the last two years but instead reaching levels lower than we had a couple of decades ago
Italy of all places
How is this possible? What would happen if a country refuses to pay the fine? What the fuck Europe?
>What would happen if a country refuses to pay the fine?
Economic sanctions, more fines, etc
Lega used to be pretty based now with Salvini they are totally cucked.
Germany or Sweden.
Italy was never great kek
Rome was great untill degeneracy.
They fine you more.
Normally it would be okay. After all we're a Union. But right now this is blatant blackmail. They are basically telling us "drown in niggers or we choke you". The niggers solution is the long term one, gives more hope to change
So when are their coast guard and navy going to stop dragging rapefugee boats to shore?
Never trust these greasy daegos.
wtf I love italy now
I'll start learning pizza ig
If they want to, let them. Then it drains their own resources rather than those of society, it keeps them busy so they have less time to cause trouble and if they get caught they are in legal troubles.
the italian left has still kept some decency we have some sweden tier ubercucks but they are pretty much despised by the entire population.
>Terrorists will now target Italy.
>Our politicians will say: "See, they were mean to immigrants and terror got worse!"
> All borders open again
>This Renzi's proxy is just shitting their pants because people are getting mad as fuck
Seems to be happening all over Europe. I think our politicians have realized that they actually love their careers more than their pet Muslims and that the people will not let it slide this time.
Oy VEY! Anadauh Shoah!
Enacting a zero tolerance policy for illegal aliens is pretty fucking easy when the illegal aliens are only passing through your country and want to move north as fast as possible because italy is such a fucking shithole tbqh
>EU to fine countries 'hundreds of millions of pounds' for refusing to take refugees
>Matthew Holehouse, brussels
>3 MAY 2016 • 2:10PM
>The European Commission will impose fines of hundreds of millions of pounds on countries that do not take in refugees.
Jean-Claude Junker is tomorrow expected to unveil plans to impose a penalty of around €250,000 euros per rejected refugee, in a bid to salvage his botched migration quota scheme.
>The European Commission is expected to propose on Wednesday that an emergency scheme to distribute 160,000 people around the bloc following the massive influx last summer be put on a permanent footing, with a quota system of allocations that kick in if there is another vast wave of migrants that overwhelms a country.
The new plan comes despite the temporary scheme having proved a flop. It was approved against the wishes of Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary in September, and so far, 1,441 people have been moved.
>The niggers solution is the long term one, gives more hope to change
send out your navy and drown nigger rafts as well as any ngo boats helping htem
Sorry , messed up on quotes.
useful reminder for non-italians that an announcement may turn into reality in a matter of months, years or decades in fucking italy.
>send out your navy
the EU wants our navy to get them on the ships and as we just said they have all the power they need to make retailation against us were we to refuse.
I remember vaguely that they found out a navy ship willingly ignoring SOS and avoiding picking them up when they found them and it became a really bad issue. But I can't remember enough to look for a source.
Still thanks for the update. Source?
If they go for 250k each refugee, the EU will be finished even faster.
>Jean-Claude Junker is tomorrow expected to unveil plans to impose a penalty of around €250,000 euros per rejected refugee, in a bid to salvage his botched migration quota scheme.
Truly the European Soros.
There are others too.Tough it is old news.
All they wanted is some pizza. How can you be so cruel?
You gladly serve pale sun reflecting people of cold Europe, but not these people? Is Italy a racist country?
>What would happen if a country refuses to pay the fine?
Greece happens. after a month Angela Merkel knocks at your door with a bunch of ECB executives and they write for you a payment schedule, and if you don't like it they low-key threaten to leave you in an ocean of shit with inflation and unemployment
>when are Italy's coast guard and navy going to stop dragging rapefugee boats to shore?
It isnt just Italy's Navy that is forced to do this shit. Pic related. Phuckin EU.
Why doesn't zero tolerance mean shoot on sight?
this wouldn't be as much of a problem if they'd just let us drop them off in Africa again
drive up to them, sink their ship, put them in handcuffs (in that order) and then bring them back to where they belong
Well, yeah, I think you have a point.
It also produces a set of societal values that results in such things as:
Technological advancement.
High Standards of Livings
Innovation in thinking
Advanced cultural achievements.
Intolerance for corruption
Universal free basic education
The promotion of equal rights protected by law.
Promotion of individual freedom
Legislation to protect the health and safety of workers.
and other such fascist things.
Yeah, I mean we are such fascists. So I wonder why so many people from third world countries want to come and settle in our countries.
>Republic of Rome
>The same as Italy
It's not even a continuation of the same culture.
I'm more viking than italians are romans.
don't pay. whatever they fine you, deduct from from your contribution to the EU or simply pretend nothing is happening like Hungary.
For fucks sake Canada! Its not funny anymore.
those children sure do know how to climb fences
This is what happens to them.
>ex member of the Italian resistance movement against fascism
>known as a "friend of the migrants"
>gets his door burnt down and more threats
how is it a crackdown when they are ferrying 1000s every day from Libya and releasing them as "refugees".
Fucking Italy.
>why dont we drop em off in Africa?
Cos the plan is to black Europe.
Google coudenhove-kalergi plan.
it would be nice to do so if we didn't have a puppet government ready to do anything for the EU
I wonder if these people truly think that they could rule over a nation of aggressive inbred retards, or why they think that such a nation would even be worth ruling over.
Also spain in its border some dindu drowned themselves trying to swim towards spain and everyone lost their shit because the police was shooting rubber balls to keep them out,also they imposed a not hot deportation policy (hot meaning on the spot were they would just get the trespassing dindu and kicked them back to Morocco now they have to listen to their appeals and their refugee status...fucking shit...
What normies don't get is how to when those people say we are war refugees we come from violent countries,it doesn't mean they are inocent only that they are on the loosing side of the war,probably y they raped killed and stepped on other dindu all the way to Europe that's why most negresses come with a kinder treat in them for them papers,for all i know the last time so many war refugees fled they were nazis trying to go to south America
Fucking IRL normies..
then dump them all on a deserted island in the med where you can 'process' the 'refugees' and 'asses' their 'cases'. Two weeks in you wont need to pick any of them up since the boats will stop once there is no free shit on the other end.
>tfw go to uni in Dearborn MI
>I've seen people throwing shoes.
I would water-cannon the fuck out of those guys as they near the top of the fence.
Redpilled ? You are wrong . Redpilled would mean deploying the army in lybia and stop boats
>still ends with rape
In the Attic like the cucks tried to hide the Jews during the second world war.
God knows. Our elites are so out of touch they may as well be multi-dimensional space lizards. I fact its the only thing that makes sense anymore
>Two weeks in you wont need to pick any of them up since the boats will stop once there is no free shit on the other end.
While you are 100% right, the problem is that there is no political will to do this.
This was never a question of push factors, it is entirely about the pull factors. No amount of development aid for their shitholes would stop them from coming over as long as countries like Germany and Sweden offer livelong free cash for everyone who manages to cross the border.
The refugee crisis could be over in a week by just switching from money to material goods (so, shelter, clothing and food).
They genuinely don't care. Look at Southern California. It's a majority of mexicans and blacks being ruled over by a small minority of mega-rich whites. They don't care because the mexicans and blacks will never go near their beach houses in Malibu (except to clean them). At worst, the Mexicans will riot in San Francisco like they did in the 1940s, or the blacks will burn down half of LA like they did in 1990s. Why should the rich progressives care?
I'd electrify the fences and save a step
Is this just the same as Merkel's "I will totally ban the Burka plz don't vote against me" shit?
nothing of all that is actually gonna happen,it is just a way to mild the climate after they found that the tunisian asshole came here after the Berlin terror attack. Rapefugees are worth too many shekels to stop the flowing.
I just don't see how that is advantageous to ruling over a nation of whites.
Because lets not kid ourselves, these people would still be in power in some way even if our countries were 100% white. And they could actually siphon off a lot more wealth since the country would be much more productive.
I know, they hate living in Italy because people are racist and there are no decent jobs.
They are literally willing to die to reach France or Germany: lastampa.it
>25 year old Algerian who died hit by a train while trying to reach france
>cuck logic
A year ago they were sending boats to pick them up. Dumb spaghetti-o's
The European Union is such a joke
>They are literally willing to die to reach France or Germany
Man, I'm trying to find that article back from when Idomeni was a thing that focused on the Muslim mindset, but I can't seem to find it anymore.
Anyway, the tl;dr was basically that Muslims don't think this way. They see themselves as having zero fucking agency in their own life, it is all the will of Allah. If Allah is with them, everything will go well. If he's not, well, why wouldn't he? That thought doesn't even enter their head.
It's how they could sit in fucking Idomeni and watch their limbs freeze off while the Greece authorities asked them to please relocate to appropriate shelters. Not because they wanted that gibs so fucking badly that they'd sacrifice parts of their body for it, but because they put themselves into a mental state where they take no agency anymore.
is this real?
it seems too good to be true
Deport all the brown people
As i was saying in the last thread about this, it's just the government scared of losing the elections, the "nationwide crackdown" is a plan to deport twice as many niggers (from 5k to 10k a year with about 170k arrivals)
Note that "deport" means giving them a paper that says the aren't allowed to stay in italy and asking them to kindly go back to their country
I fear the pill of electrocuted corpses smouldering at the base of the fence would eventually give the invading horde a means of jumping over the fence "relatively" unharmed.
Plus I feel that troop moral would vastly improve by being able to blast those fuckers off the fence, inducing some third world quadriplegia.