Brit/pol/ - FUCK DKNY Edition

>Sharia May's New Year Message - Hapless PM quotes Jo Cox as she vows to fight for Remainers in Europe

>Comrade Corbyn's New Year Message - Hapless Leader of the Opposition says that getting an EU deal where only the bankers and bonuses benefit isn't good enough

>Tim Farron's New Year Message - Milkman says that 2016 was the 'Year of the Unexpected'

>Nuttall's New Year Message - "2017 could be even bigger"

>Russian hackers have fingers in Tory pie, claims May - PM vows to crack down on party funding by pro-Putin oligarchs

>"The Conservatives are taking the piss out of the honours system", claims Corbyn

>Terminal decline and the madness that follows - UKIP hosts Spanish New Year party with Lembit Öpik

>The Queen is STILL deeply unwell. Be ready

>The absolute STATE of post-Christian Britain

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God forbid the people go against their liberal elites.

Reminder that the goyim back a Soft Brexit

We can check out any time we like, but we can never leave


How can we infiltrate UKIP and make it ethno-nationalist?

>Saber is a blond
>Karen is blond
>Saber is cute
>Karen is cute
>Karen is half English and half Japanese
>Saber, English, falls in love with a Jap

hello lads.

any chance you can colonize us again? I really hate trudeau

no, don't want to catch something

>Slightly-smarter-than-the-rest women catch on to the fact that if they pretend to have far-right ideas then alt-right 18yo memelords from every corner of Reddit will worship the ground they walk on just because they called Trump 'based' and say they think immigrants smell a bit

The absolute state

take the prairies at the very least please. we're not cucked


Wrong password.

The wording of the descriptions and the sample size makes that poll inaccurate. It does seem as if the people are going to be scared by the word "Hard" though.


I heard remain was going to win.

No surprise.

Oh fuck off you autist.

We can't, the NEC is run by Tories and literal Carswellite AnCaps, Nuttall has been silenced by them and UKIP only exists now as a tool for keeping the Tories in power by sapping some Labour votes in swing seats

It's a hot ginger infront of a swastika. I think your reading into this too much lad

Nigel on LBC from 10 o' clock, lads.
get involved



Even if that polling was a conspiracy, that would mean ((they)) wanted Brexit.

The worst thing that happened to Scotland's yes campaign was the one opinion poll that showed them ahead - it drove home that it was possible they'd leave, fucking up their plan of getting over the line on the very last day.


Since you lot keep crying about me not having any serious discussions I'm willing to continue the little AMA from the previous thread.

Let's see how long you cunts can keep it civil.

Already been infiltrated by civics. In fact I wouldn't even say civics, they're essentially Tories.

I'm off to bed now
Have a fun time shitposting.
Love you, anons



Not looking good for Corbyn lads. We need to meme him into staying as leader. As long as he's there Labour sinks further.

>You mean I can hate the poor AND smoke weed and bum men?!?!?!?!?

>who indeed

How many times should Bomber Harris have done it again?
How did Germans, as a nation of homosexuals, produce enough men to lose two world wars?

It will be a long process but it seems a better option than starting another meme party, doesn't it?

Most people who vote for UKIP do not give a fuck about any of their policies beyond immigration, their AnCap shit puts a lot of traditional Labour voters off.

hell britpol i am with joke

why did the tripfag cross the road?
for attention

three tripfags walk into a bar
for attention

knock knock
who's there?
tripfag who?
for attention

how many tripfags does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
why four?
four attention

it's bait friend, don't fall for the tripfag's ruse

>Loose funds may sweep round the world disorganising all steady business.
>Nothing is more certain than that the movement of capital funds must be regulated


Is there a youtube link?

No, we need a stable opposition to keep the Tories in check. I honestly don't understand Labour, they would get elected if they were harsher on immigration, but then I guess they are no longer the party of the workers.

go away mudasir

>four attention

Fuck the goyim anyway, either they'll fall for the NHS meme and not vote for them or disregard everything the media says and vote for them anyway

He's not as bad as the Blairite media would have you believe, it's mostly smoke and mirrors
Give him until 2020 to prove it at least

Give that taking potato a BAFTA

>He doesn't understand why Marxists don't push for border control

>they would get elected if they were harsher on immigration

Yup, NatSoc is what most people want really.

Unfortunately both parties are full of adherents to the Kalergi plan

>Expecting political literacy from "I Hate Tripfags"

good riddance nonce

>We've got to ban the combustion engine or the world will literally end...REEEEEEE

Yeah no

>Give him until 2020 to prove it at least
no chance pal

it hasn't happened yet so no.
they might stream it live on LBC's website

>they would get elected if they were harsher on immigration
They wouldn't. They need middle-English swing seats that are more concerned with the value of their property than the values of their country.

11 million votes got us this result.
This was their last chance as the Labour party. (Smith SHOULD have saved us but he died, so Blair couped and well...)

And so it goes on...

Daily reminder Harry Hill is our guy and even triggered Ofcom with a joke about trans.

>controlled immigration

You're the same fucking yank that I BTFO the other day, God help you once I get to the archives

And this is why there is no point in seriously discussing anything with the inferior anglo.

You could have prevented this

Marxism and Cultural Marxism are two different things, and Labour were democratic socialists, not Marxists.

New Labour were neoliberals.
The biggest coup of neoliberalism was to sell globalism to the left as internationalism.

Corbyn won't call for border controls because he knows the party is fucked and just wants to ensure it turns into a genuinely socialist protest movement so that Tony Benn can strike at Tony Blair from beyond the grave.

>No one will ever support a man who wants to ban the combustion engine

This story is utter shite

>Jeremy Corbyn considering radical plan to ban petrol car sales

Then it's

>The Labour leader’s TEAM is poring over a series of revolutionary environmental policies


>Separate sources informed The Independent of the concepts Labour is exploring


>Under one POTENTIAL policy option

And then by the end, there it is;

>A Labour spokesman said the moves are not Labour policy.

There are many things to attack Corbyn on, you need not make things up or believe the Tory media

Get it through to your thick piss-flaps

>You BTFO of me

REEE there was nuance to his statement.

Fuck off with your defense of cultists

Do you have a problem with irony?

When is Question Time and This Week back on lads? My Thursday nights feel so empty as of late

Same copy pasta. Doesn't change what global warming cucks are.

>Vote for me or the world will literally end


just get a gf lad instead

It wasn't even his statement you fckkrrnn crrrnnn

He's an IRA-loving Muslim terrorist sympathiser, but you choose to attack him over things he hasn't even done, which is daft considering the plethora of stuff that he actually HAS gone

Autism? Moi?

This is true but the claim that Corbyn has made banning cars Labour policy, or that HE ever suggested it, is false

I know you have an aversion to Bowden ever since you saw that slightly autistic Venus Flytrap movie he did, but I urge you to listen from 36:50, I really think you would appreciate what he had to say about why modern conservatism is in such a state:

Don't be fucking stupid

It doesn't magically turn Corbyn into one. :^)

FPTP for ya.

Public transport should be the default. As well as cycling, walking etc.

A Kraut with no sense of humour? Incredible.


>Implying we shouldn't extrapolate his subtext

>Implying anyone gives a shit that its not fair

Yes goyim, hard brexit will SHOAH the economy.

I don't have an aversion to him, I always knew he was a bit odd but Venus Flytrap was absolutely otherworldly
Listening to the whole thing now

FPTP is the only way of ever guaranteeing a conservative party in the future and not an endless coalition of centrist, soft-centre-left, centre-left and left-wing rainbow parties

A party devoted to the married family and leaving the EU will never get above 50%

>four attention

I become more convinced day by day that Labour's last hope was to throw everything at a deal with the Lib-Dems, SNP, etc, for implementing PR. (Likely impossible in practice as some Labour MPs would probably refuse it.)

But nope, the BLEHRITES went and fucked it up after sabotaging Brown's campaign the whole way through.

>Mandelson literally asked "Haven't the rich suffered enough?" in response to Lib-Dem tax proposals.

Rather not be a luddite...

A sensible response would be nice, but then I guess you are YKTD

Anyone here gone off the monarchy? I will not sing any praise to that cuck leftist Prince Charles.

>tfw I got to experience life in one of the comfiest towns on the planet

How can anglos compete?

If anyones looking for a new trip
I thought up "All tripfags are targets"
ATAT for short
I'm selling it for 1 bitcoin
contact if interested

>leftist Prince Charles

>d not an endless coalition of centrist, soft-centre-left, centre-left and left-wing rainbow parties
That depends. See Scotland: Unexpected SNP majority in 2011.
(Though Scotland is much more homogeneous and the opposition generally the B-team of real parties.)

God, Allah or The Flying Spaghetti Monster Save Our Gracious Gays

I make it painfully obvious so I don't see why you keep trying.

Honestly what you are saying is that because of your immigration policies the population density is too high and everyone should live like a third worlder because of traffic

check your PMs lad

some of you guys are anonymous
don't go to Sup Forums tomorrow

I fucking hate my life i just want to fucking kill myself

Even if population density was far lower I'd still push it. Cars take up too much space, pollute too much and destroy cities.

If you favour the monarchy in general you will have to live with it
Cant just abandon the whole thing if the king isn't as likeable, otherwise it'd been abolished centuries ago

Just be grateful he doesn't really have any power like they used to

I understand the purpose of FPTP and I also support as it guarantees strong government, however an unfortunate by-product is that smaller parties are drowned out. As well as those fading into irrelevance of course.
PR is a crap system as well, we'd end up like Germany.

Migrate to the Rustbelt instead

Anonymongs aren't all bad, funny lot they are

>das ist not funny!

don't get your ball in a twist Hans I'm only messing

>tfw you lads will never experience this level of comfiness

Doubt....You fucked your country due to cuckoldry and now you make excuses using a convenient political cult

how's he a nonce

What do you think of Nick Griffin YKTD-san?

My family is from Württemberg and but you don't see me shouting about it. Please stop with this MUH HERITAGE shit.