>Bulgarian bouncer kills Spanish man with one punch
Just proves how much superior Eastern Europeans are to Western Europeans.
>Bulgarian bouncer kills Spanish man with one punch
Just proves how much superior Eastern Europeans are to Western Europeans.
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Probably mistook the Spaniard for a mudshit.
Still why are polacks ,Russians, Croats and Bulgar's do imaging the headlines of Basedness and general high T'ness lately.
Because Slavs are the true masterrace , West cucks btfo
Clearly, murderers are superior
in every way
we're not slavs, we're thracians
Big words coming from a turkroach rapebaby
relax broder
Slavshit confirmed.
you need to be on your guard at all times pussy
Georgi, westerners have things called "standards of behaviour" and a concept of honor. I don't expect your degenerate brain to understand this. And, for what it is worth, I am always on alert neard mudslimes and slavs. I know that you lack the standard of decency I would expect from more developed races.
>"standards of behaviour" and a concept of honor
that's fucking autistic though
how is this funny?
Sven pls
Dont try to wrap your castrated low T pussyness into "decency " and "civilization" papers
>someone being punched isn't funny
god damn you western fuck have 0 sense of humor
it's like you're all autistic
you need mental help.
you're the one who needs mental help you humorless fuck
Spaniards look like arabs
What the fuck
Laid out like TA-50
that's a surprise attack x2 dmg
Lame and gay he didn't fight honorably
Imagine the rage if the bouncer was black. This goes to show the shallow understanding of behaviour one can expect from "people" on this board.
This is what a western fight looks like:
This one is funny since the guy who gets socked is actually the aggressor. (Big word there Gerogi, use a dictionary.)
The punch didnt kill him, his head hitting the hard ground killed him. If he had fell onto a mattress or something soft he would still be alive.
thanks for the video op. does anyone else have wonderful video footage of white people dying? thanks
you're not such angels yourselves, luigi
That's what built the west. If you want to behave like niggers, then live with Africa tier civilization.
>Sucker punching
Literally nigger-tier
off yourself useless waste of space
>use a dictionary
oh you poor entitled cuck
i bet you're not that racist against the refugees
This says he didn't die. Gypsies btfo.
>The third, 40 years old and Bulgarian >national, voluntarily went to the San Andrés >police station, where he stated that he did not >know what happened and denied his >participation in the events. However, the >police recognized this third party as the >perpetrator and proceeded to arrest him.
Spineless little shit didn't even have the balls to admit to the crime, even though it was captured on camera.
All this proves is that monkeys from Bulgaria which is literally the nigger-tier of Europe have no self control and can't be professional enough to bounce a bar
>you have to be a coward to not wanna incriminate yourself
do you unironically have autism?
Another Bulgarian throwing his life away over senseless violence. He could have been a doctor
weird surname
Implying gypsies can do anything intellectual.
Who cares?
Nah, you are slavs.
wrong, we're thracians as confirmed by genetic research
When your deed is caught on tape, admitting to the crime will generally afford you some clemency in the courts (another big word there Georgi, remember the book of words I told you about earlier? Use it.) Honestly feels like I am explaining calculus to a pig here.
post the paper slavboiii
THIS. Everyone knows Bulgarians are dirty slavs.
>Go out to have a nice night at the bars
>Witness a murder
>he thinks Sup Forums is autistic
as legit as your relevance
cool video, bulgariabro, but you blew it in this thread.
be cool as your video next time.
never insult my shitposting again you dumb subhuman
lmfao at least refugees dont run wild in my country and gangrape 11 year old girls
cucked autist
In Spain there are 4 tiers of people
Top tier: Spaniards
Mid tier: South Americans
Bottom tier: Slavs
Nigger tier: Gypsies and moors.
The bottom 3 tiers are around 15% of the population but commit more than half of the crimes in this country.
Pic related: Average Spanish familiy
still better than bulgaria making 500€ a month
preach it malaka
Watching this I'm ashamed to be Bulgarian. I hope the victim survives and get better and I wish for the most severe punishment for the aggressor. It is not what being bouncer is all about but in Bulgaria it was made as an acceptable behavior during the last few decades letting such people unpunished - pitiful, weak, small men, who need to hit someone to feel strong and lie to themselves that they are brave... fucking bastards!
fucking turkroaches
seems legit
Probably the most cowardly act you can do is just punch a guy at random. There is no skill, no risk, no bravery, no amazing feat involved. All you have to do is swing your fist like a monkey at some unsuspecting guy and its over.
This is no better than the niggers in the US going around trying to knock out white people at random. Its niggertier behavior, because it requires no skill.
In the nordic countries, most bulgarians would be lumped together with arabs, north africans and paki because they are so brown and swarthy.
lmfao that commenter is a beta ass pussy
slavs are devoid of any human emotion or authentic transcendental feelings
they are literally just slaves born to work for the sake of working
never met a slav i liked , not gonna change anytime soon
and i seriously hope this bouncer gets stabbed to death , sucker punching somebody is nigger tier
fuck are you ironically posting xd at me you dumb little autist we only have 17% R1a, which is slavic
we're not related to east or west slavs
Nice nigger behavior.
how is it nigger behavior
we do it to niggers here but they don't do it
Guess what: you're the niggers.
get cucked by albanians
Sure, and some garden variety sandnigger from Iran is 'Persian'.
bulgarians are majorly turanid/gorid which is not far from the polish phenotype , just a bit darker and more mongoloid influence
you guys come from the same stock with different grades of admixture
and both predominantly REDUCED types
pic related
im not surprised a baltid nigger is proud of nigger behaviour
thracian, not persian
WTF. You guys are barbaric savages.
confusing meta ethnicity, with tribe, with ethnicity, with subrace , with skin colour
you are literally a dumb nigger
neck yourself
>act like a nigger
>be proud of it.
Slavs confirmed for not white.
Did you thrace your anthethters and dithcover you were thpawned by lithping thodomiteth throm thrace?
>lithping thodomiteth
thats greeks
im up for a good war tbqhwy fampai. though i would prefer if we could kill roaches instead of each other
we need to remove the roach, then we will go back to pranking each other like old times
whose the bigger nigger?
Risto "onepunchman" Baltido or Coon "TheGang" Negrito
decide for yourself
this bitch was rude 2bh
Nicely done bulgaribro these western cunts will never understand eastern mentality....kek.
>Eastern mentality is suckerpunching random lads
So, we're not Eastern?
Sure, there is shit like this here sometimes, but the one who tries to pull it usually needs to go to the hospital soon after.
serbs are beta pussies 2bh
speaking from personal experience
Still better than Albania desu, honor is everything and most arguments end in a shootout. At least robberies are low.
>beta pussies
>average Bulgarian is a square headed midget whilst we're tall as shit
>unironically using the word beta
As a bonus, here's a Georgi choose-your-answer:
>1. stfu you autist lol
>2. thracians so toughhh
>3. 2bh
Which one is it going to be this time Georgi?
Didn't you kill tens of millions so every european fuckup can try again at life. Ah yeah, you did.
>tall as shit
That's average height, and yes people from the Dinaric Alps are the tallest in Europe. You seriously didn't know this?
you seem to be forgetting that serblets are 90+% genetically related to us
>average Bulgarian is 174cm's tall
>the Serbian average is pulled down by Southern and Eastern Serbia which so happens to be fairly illiterate and that speaks a torlakian dialect which is considered a part of Bulgarian and holds the biggest amount of gypsies in Serbia
Makes you ponder.
>socioslav is confused by Sup Forums enjoying the deaths of niggers but not the deaths of humans
We're not, no. We look nothing alike.
30-50% related at best. Hell, we're more related to the bloody Hungarians than you.
As for our closest relative, at around 90% where you incorrectly claim to be would be the Croatians.
>Using a death for shitposting purposes on a cambodian finger painting board and cross national divide and conquer baiting.
You're all animals, to be honest. This thread is essentially world star hiphop tier.
>average Bulgarian is 174cm's tall
the average height in Sofia (which is around 84% bulgarian) is 178, it would probably be more if gypsies and others were excluded
Fucking cigan is going to be ass raped in prison by moors and gypsies
Balkanshits are subhumans who would have thought!
Ah so now you are Serbian not thracian eh? Anything is better than to face the truth: that you are a gypsy-slav mongrel.
>those shoes
deserved it
Sure it was the punch? Sure it wasn't his buddy moving his neck around and dropping his unconscious skull on the pavement over and over?