Can they be an Honorary Anglo nation? We need to strengthen ties with this nation dont you think?
South Africa
no, they are not white enough and the rest of the world cucked them for eternity.
its run by niggers now, which means corruption and thieving.
it needs to erode back to regular african standards and the whites need to return to england/holland
This is a nation where anglo's committed genocide against whites and empowered the niggers in the later half of the century.
It's also neighboring a nation where anglo's abandoned their fellow anglos settlers and then helped install a black nationalist communist to power
I'm sure they want nothing to do with anglos now
Whites need to get the fuck out of SA as soon as is possible.
>Honorable membah!
>Honorable membah!
>Honorable membah!
My high school was more white than your American ones ever will be.
t. Afrikaner in Canada cant be saved
>Strengthen ties with a 95% negro country
My highschool was 99.9% white
Already got out bru
t. Anglo in Canada
Howzit bru
>unironically think that is a good picture of a "white" school
kek 70% of those in the picture are non white 3rd worlder scum.
this. there was only a handful of blacks in my school, and whites never talked to them and nobody would consider dating them.
Pretty great, studying at uni. Where are you?
I went to school with 600 kids. There were 2 black kids in the entire school. Perhaps you meant to address this it a South African?
>when pol is memeing 56%
You presented a 10% nation as honourary anglo
This is good news. I keep hearing about poor fuckers who can't get out, they simply can't afford it. Sad story. Any horror stories?
B-but they all learn English and shares the British culture. They are more similar to us than you think.
Dont bully just because theyre tolerant
Blacks are in separate English language classes. Afrikaans classes are almost always 100% white.
Brit's betrayed them
This.i was in a afrikaans school of 1200 kids with less than 10 non whites
The fucking entire world betrayed us
>let Rhodesia, their only ally in Africa, down.
>now theyre the ones getting BLACKED.
shouldve thought this through
mutts and mongrels are not white Leaf.
Ive been to SA and real unmixed whites are rare as fuck. Most are goddamn quadroons or some shit. Same as in the US.
Atleast you had a World Cup
That the niggers fucked up with vuvuzelas
huurrrrrr look at us rainbow fucking nation
fucking darkies man
SA did more than most realise. Nearly all the small arms and air force training were provided by SA, even going so far as to bomb the terrorists with Rhodesian roundels on the aircraft.
we need a cape republic
on behalf of my nation, im sorry. its mostly our fault with all the boycotts honestly.
That will never happen.Blacks wont give whites any power again in africa
South Africa did the same shit to Rhodesia.
>Congratulations u cucked urself
Yeah we got cucked hard
wow thats great, yet here you are in canada
>t. Soutpiel in Canada
howzit mah china
possibly offtopic but how the firearm laws there?
honestly if I was surrounded by feral niggers from all angles like you are I'd arm myself the best I can anyway laws be damned, but I'm just curious
you can have guns for purely recreational purposes
>you see, if niggers break into your house you by law may not shoot them. why? because their right to life is greater than your right to defend yourself. Besides, how can you know they are going to kill until after they have killed you?
liberals actually and literally think this way
The only refugees we should be taking are Afrikaners. Then let the nigger cesspool collapse.
Even if a genocide starts against us(which is pretty much happening already with the high murder counts agains white)the rest of the world will probaly ignore it , because muh whites are the devil
one trump MAGA we will turn our attention to your plight, not a promise but its what i hope happens
lol only 7% of the population is white?
maybe less? Who knows
Na my leaf friend, I'm a law student here and any lawyer with any form of intelligence could get a person off for killing a home invader! The right to life liberal meme is only taught as a precaution against people using our crime rate as an excuse for their violent actions kinda like Oscar tried to do! But honestly, watching the laws change as I go through my course I can honestly say I have little to no faith left in our system. I'm trying so hard to get a post grad overseas, but everywhere is so fucken expensive now
We should have helped you guys, its all fucked up.
God damn this world
at this point being a homeless illegal immigrant in america/europe must be better than a lawyer in south africa, no?
I heard that the nignogs in JoBerg fill up the elevator shafts of buildings with shit after the utilities fail.
Is that true?
> cucked by anglo twice
I imagine they would not be happy to be entitled anglos. I can imagine why you are tho, aidf.
Can someone get citizenship in holland with dutch heritage?
This. I'm one of those whites that went back to England.
Never heard of it before but it sounds like something sa niggers would do
SA belongs to the Boers. Not the degenerate eternal anglo scum.
I think its along the same lines as when a person from the US would try and get citizenship here. Although the PVV the party of Geert Wilders wants a closer connection with the Afrikaaners, so if he gets into power who knows man. Its fucked to think a person that speaks a so similair langauge, cant get citizenship easier than a fucking arab its disgusting.
Sadly not.
True. The before and after apartheid images of South African cities remind me a lot of the before and after Detroit got taken over by the nigs.
The moral of the story is nuclear bombs aren't as bad as "diversity".
If you're an attractive white female South African I can get you a green card.
same, but you have to live with me in my moms trailer and frankly you'll be seeing lots of blacks here too
>tfw you can't save them all
I'd love this to happen, otherwise I'd love to move to UK and enrich London with my whiteness
If you mean the virtual nation of white South Africans sure. But otherwise no, it's not a white majority or plurality even. Not even that significant of a proportion.
In what year, is the defining question. I went to a South African high school that was 100% white - in the 80s.
I cant wait for Sweden and the USA to look like this
M8 i would recommend marrying a afrikaner girl .They are pretty traditional and would appreciate you getting them out of this country
Fuck.Are there so many ex saffas on Sup Forums
Someone needs to start a white South African dating service, such as exists for Thais and Ukranians.
Yes I know that girl is too young.
I did a bit more research, basicaly if you have a direct link to the Netherlands as in a dutch mother or father you can get citizenship otherwise its the same as any other person trying to get citizenship
Maybe they got out. It's true though, there's a lot of old mixture in the lineages which can pop out at embarrassing times.
I have two grandparents that moved from holland.Does that not count
It was never Anglo.
They raped our land, sent the Afrikaners into concentration camps, and then tried to build a multiculti shithole until the 1948 elections when the boere recovered their land.
Then the anglos boycotted us internationally until they forced us to leave our country behind.
Now it' like 9% white and of that only like 2% are Anglos. As far as I'm concerned only Portugal, Israel and Rhodesia were our friends. The rest of the world just abandoned us to mantain their liberal rainbow nation delusions.
At least now we will get our revenge, the whole world will be overrun by niggers and you will finally understand.
t. Saffa in Argentina
You want to preserve your race too badly. Let her get blacked
Kom na huis toe, my Afrikaner broeder
I found this article, basically it says the boers want to move to Australia or the UK more than to the Netherlands, And that most dont feel a link with the Netherlands, can a boer confirm this?
I may look into this in a few years time. But honestly I don't know where to go in this world anymore. I don't have high hopes for the US despite the Trump election.
People interested in this kind of thing should watch the movie 'Jerusalema, Ganster Paradise'. Not for shitting down shafts but for taking over buildings.
The dutch have not done much in supporting us so that may be the reason
500 years down the line and you'll still be blaming the Anglos for muh concentration camps. You're no different to the coons here with your constant harping on history
Nobody has
Fucking Israel has done more than anyone in Europe
We had your backs during the second Boer war, but I agree that after that our ties have been severely neglected. Jammer
Yeah we didnt do shit to help you, i understand why boers would feel resentment. But to move to the UK? The people that put your woman and children in camps why would they ever do that?
Ek is jammer dit maak seer, maar dit is hoe dit gebeur het.
Not a 'saffa', just went to school there. It's true though, it's a kind of club - my ears always perk up when I hear a South African accent, and people are willing to talk. Haven't met that many though desu. I don't know how much you know about Swaziland, but my brother once met a Dlamini, a member of the royal family, serving fast food at a food court in the SF Bay area. Opportunities are few I guess :)
>tfw keep meeting saffers in south aus
>one was a crazy old lady who thought the gubberment was deliberately turning off her power
>one is a saturday cricketer who keeps trying to use change swapping to jew me out of money
>the last, a grown ass man went on a five minute tirade and called me "boy" when I told him not to back up from the street into a petrol station because it's a cunt act
I like south africans conceptually but I can understand why white countries abandoned them.
I graduated in 2014.
The issue is that there are millions of coloureds who nobody would want who also have Dutch heritage.
Do international law and work your way up at a large international firm and then transfer ASAP.
Yup, if you have even one British or Irish grandparent, APPLY for citizenship ASAP
Yeah, I think we have more in common with Australians or the British than we do with the Dutch.
More job oppurtunities and an already high number of saffas living there
... no such service, but maybe a wife-hunting trip. Dirty, but virtuous at the same time. Or, maybe a business. Hum.
I can smuggle you into Sweden
how much racemixing goes on in SA? I always got the impression the white people there were a little more redpilled due to minority status and overwhelming exposure to nog behavior
Damn shame, i hope Geert Wilders does make closer ties with the boers, and either helps with this situation or atleasts brings attention to it.
I wish the UK didn't boycott SA too. The fact that even our cricket team threw a paddy about apartheid is, well, not fucking cricket.
Cunts one and all. On a related note, every single white South African I know that escaped to this country never ever wants to go back. One bloke even had his throat slashed in a carjacking, gruesome scar. All but one of them absolutely hates googles; the odd one out is a typical SJW twat who eventually left because her efforts to help googles "rebuild" SA ended up with her being bullied out of her job in child education.
What's happened to your country is a tragedy, and I would genuinely love for us, other Anglos and the Dutch to take any whites that want out.
This. You can get a visa just by dating someone for Sweden.
:( soz m80s
> graduated in 2014
Wow impressive - my school got thoroughly blacked. Was English-speaking though.
No thank you .You are on your way to become sa 2.0 with al the shitskins
about 10% of the pop are mixed race and in the west half most people are
Not much in present sa .In the past malayan slaves were raped by every other race to create a rape baby race called the coloureds
Far far less. The HIV rate for blacks is like 20% but for whites almost none have it besides rape victims/gays. Most people look down upon race mixers, black or white. Even when it does happen it is usually some retarded liberal Anglo. But even then it is really really rare. A lot of the time they will just be dating and nothing more than that ever.
In Afrikaans families you'll probably become an outcast if you date outside of whites
One of the reasons my dad wanted to come here (aside from the comfy job he got obviously), was the fact that the Argies were among the few who did not boycott us in rugby.
It sounds stupid but rugby is the Afrikaner's main passion, it created a huge resentment when our team had to play virtually alone.
Didn't you create a race by selectively breeding the blacks to create something closer resembling humans?
That may be the reason we prefer aus and uk over holland
The neglect of our Boer brothers in SA is the biggest injustice the Dutch government has commited since its inception in 1581. Im still hoping a future Dutch government will finally see this and either welcome our long lost brethren back into our country, or help the Boers regain (at least some) dignity.
Yes they are the coloureds.The coloureds are pretty much every race you can find in sa put into one
I hope that changes some day man, do you have anyone that speaks out for boeren in politics or as a celebrity?
What does PVV have to say about the Boers?
Not even Afrikaaners want to move to sweden.
Not much, they sort of implied that the Dutch government should do more to support them, but they never came with any real proposals or firm opinions.
Yes this afrikaans musician guy named Steve Hoffmeyer