What do Brit anons think about this man?

What do Brit anons think about this man?

I hear he is a controversial figure to some people. On one hand a lot of people like him because he was a strong nationalist who put Britain first above all. On another hand I hear a lot of people hated him because of Gallipoli and also being a kike puppet or something like that

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>Caused the Second World War.

>Puppet of the Rothchilds

>Banned the BUF.

Fuck him.

He's the reason Europeans are being whiped out.

>strong nationalist who put Britain first above all

he was a kike puppet, no two ways about it.

He sent thousands of british men to be slaughtered by the t*rks.

He should have been gassed.

If he had been in power earlier ww2 would never have happened.

This man gets it.

He represents British history as a whole pretty well desu

>remembered in history as a hero
>live a high life funded by money of international bankers
>media props you up politically so you're free to be as big a fat drunk idiot as you want
With Jews, you win.


>forgetting that germany invaded poland
starting the war wasn't wrong

He was the puppet of the Jews

why the fuck should millions of English and Frenchmen die because of fucking Poland? Who gives a shit?

Poland was just an excuse to destroy Germany.

>Caused WW II
How did he cause it, he wasn't even in power yet when the war started?

He was the Are Nige of his time.

>Caused ww2

He wasn't Prime minister in 1939 YOU UTTER FUCKING RETARD

Well he did. He lifted his people's spirits in a time when they were getting bombed by the luftwaffe. He was at least better than that guy that talked about appeasement all the time.

>be germany
>attack poland
>get attacked

>g-germany did nofink rong! we w-we just wanted to kill some poles!

>Churchill took the lead in warning about Nazi Germany and in campaigning for rearmament. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, Churchill became Prime Minister.


Thats the gist of it. Best read the book yourself

>we w-we just wanted to kill some poles!

Maybe unite Germany again? Because of Danzig which voted with +90% to join Germany was occupied by Poland dreaming of a greater Poland Germany was split.
It is difficult to occupy land without ethnic cleansing. But there was no sufficient cleansing of Germans living in post ww1 borders.
Also you dont harass the people that belong to your big neigbour even if you feel like an empire.

Read that and do a bit of research in future before you go shooting your mouth off, you stupid pleb.

So? It was Chamberlain who declared the war for Germany, and rightfully so. What NatSocs in Sup Forums are arguing is the same as if Russia carpet bombed Norway to ashes and when rest of the NATO retaliated everyone would be screeching "Trump started WW3"

He was one of the best manic-depressive, piss-head leaders we've ever had

Why should Germans be allowed to invade Poland? That is the kind of attitude I expect for a cuck who resides in Norway.

stealth rare + trips

Fuck that guy. When you hear "english swine" around here it's probably reffering to Ch*rchill.

How was he manic-depressive? He seemed pretty chill at all times, with a glass of whiskey in his hand and a cigar in his mouth

They neglected the ultimatium to return German clay with 90% German population to join East and West Prussia with the Western Part again.
This is remotely comparable with the Krim in Ukraine occupied by Russia

So German niggers lose WW1, cry about it & attack a country, and then cry some more when they lose WW2?

Euros really are fucking retarded, there is no pleasing you dipshits. We should just annihilate you all and turn Europe into a resort.

Danzig was and is Polish, Prussian cucks can go fuck themselves

He was a diagnosed manic depressive. See his 'black dog' descriptions of his mental illness

Why should they have given up the land to Germany? Germany lost WW1, stop being sore losers every time you turbo autists don't get your way.

>Buchanan argues that it was a great blunder on the part of Chamberlain to declare war on Germany in 1939, and even greater blunder on the part of Churchill to refuse Hitler's peace offer of 1940, thus making World War II in Buchanan's opinion the "unnecessary war" of the title.

Germany wanted Poland as an ally against Soviet, but because of Britain's "guarantee" Poland wasn't interested. Also, much of Poland was rightful German clay that they lost after WWI.

Aaaand, why should a beef between Germany and Poland be worthy to go full World War for? Britain had no national interests in Poland and neither were they "friends". (((They))) pushed for the war.

Galopli was not his fault he just wanted to use the navy to fuck shit up. Instead he got blamed for the disastrous land invasion which was never part of his original plan in the first place.

You act as if this doesn't happen all the time in war. The losing side loses territory, you faggots apparently couldn't take a loss like a man, and decided to chimp out like the niggers you guys truly are. Germans have ruined europe 3 times now, only the last time instead of war they turned the continent into a Caliphate.

Germany lost the first war and they lost the clay. Maybe they shouldn't have stopped fighting if they didn't agree with the terms of their territory following the war.

You make it seem like the Germans were just liberating their people. No, they lost a war, and they decided fuck the conditions of the loss, lets go to war again.

Germans are warmongers and shit people overall.

>Hey guys let's just let the losing side do whatever they want, I mean, we didn't fight to defeat them just a few years ago.

Why would you let your defeated enemy go around and do as they please? If Britain allowed that I guess they will allow anything else to happen following a war.

Just kill yourself.

Chamberlain had lot of that same "Why should X be worthy to go full World War" thinking. Eventually even he realized he had been completely humiliated by Hitler and had no option but to declare a war when Germans claimed even more land. That same history probably made Churchill a little reluctant to accept any peace offers from Germany.

>you faggots apparently couldn't take a loss like a man
Low quality bait. It was not only about clay, there were serious battles even before ww1. For example polish flack tried to shoot down Lufthansa planes crossing Danzig.
Farms were burned down lots of people shot. People from polish occupied territory were expelled and in return people from Poland in Germany were expelled. Media did his job by spreading lies like they always do to enable war.

Yeah always remember gallipoli ! Gotta keep remembering Gallipoli folks and yeah ya know that thing winston churchill did out there - ya

>Why would you let your defeated enemy go around and do as they please?
To spare millions of European lives and let the enemy kill Soviet. Also from the link above:

>if World War II had not taken place, the British Empire would have continued through the twentieth century. Buchanan favorably cites the 1993 assessment of Alan Clark that World War II "went on far too long, and when Britain emerged the country was bust. Nothing remained of assets overseas. Without immense and punitive borrowings from the US we would have starved. The old social order had gone forever. The empire was terminally damaged. The Commonwealth countries had seen their trust betrayed and their soldiers wasted."[58] Likewise, Buchanan blames British statesmen for bringing Britain into the war against Germany, which not only caused the economic ruin of Britain but also brought Eastern Europe into the Soviet sphere of influence and brought Communism to power in China in 1949, all of which would have been avoided if only Britain had not "guaranteed" Poland in 1939.

Britain gained nothing from WWII, they should've just spent money on armaments instead of jumping head first into war.

>Germans claimed even more land
They claimed land that was already German and was German before ww2.
He could have taken more but he only took land that was inhabited by Germans.

Trump will restore his bust in Washington.

kek wills it!

"Defender of Freedom"
Tell that to the Poles. Wasn't it officially about Poland in first place? What about the delayed Soviet invasion of Poland and occupation after war?

>Hitler wanted peace
Hitler didn't give two iddly diddly fucks and wasn't going to stop.

For all the wannabe white supremacists here the last person Sup Forums should revere is Hitler. One moron culled the white population and it has just gone downhill since.

The irony in the stupidity of Sup Forums is funny though. 10/10

>he only took land that was inhabited by Germans.
You mean like whole Chechoslovakia?

Benjamin Franklin was absolutely correct on Germans.

A plague.

He was good at fighting Hitler, not much else.

t. Brit who lives in the US


Testify brother!

No, because I explicity wrote about land already inhabited by native German population. Check the map. No expert on history either. And they don't teach anything about this in school. Had to do research myself.

If they had listened to "that guy" they wouldn't have been bombed in the fucking first place

Fuck Norway.

Polish butthurt in fucking Canada. Can it get any fucking worse?


Jewish shills who try to devide whites will disagree but imagine what could have been...

Salty Benjamin,
failed with the first German-language newspaper in North America, the Philadelphische Zeitung.


You said Hitler was a good boy who only took lost lands inhabited by Germans.

That is false because before he did anything criminal to Poland he took German Sudetenlands from Czechoslovakia, but not even a year later he invaded them and annexed rest of the western part to now German Sudetenland region and installed a new loyal government in Slovakia. Those lands were never German.


Don't forget that he was an unabashed Ottoman Mudslime lover too, so much so that his friends and family worried he might go full Pasha.

"Muh great British hero" was actually half American, on his mother's side, and could've run for president according to the Ted Cruz playbook.

based conservative imperialist, what's not to love?

It also struck me very weird, that he is quoted at lamenting the end of WW2, saying something to the effect that the war should've lasted another 10yrs, as though this would've somehow been a good thing.

Fucking WHAT?

War is good for the economy, that's way. He was a slave to the jews and didn't care about white men dying in a dumb inner european war.

Hitler offered peace several times and even sent Rudolf Hess to tell the people the (((government))) was keeping them into a useless war.

Ignore the stormweenies, they fap themselves to sleep over national sovereignty but somehow can't comprehend that invading other sovereign nations kinda violates that shit. b-b-but it's okay because it's uncle adolf who did it.

it's pretty gay desu

>Britain had no national interests in Poland
Anglos were still dreaming with their dying empire by the time.
Jokes on them, look at modern UK.

Yeah, let steal their lands and impose absurd reparations sanctions on them, What could go wrong?
>American education

Got voted out straight after the war for a reason.. didn't even manage to prevent Russia dominating Europe

Not related to the thread, but what style of architecture is this, was very popular in Spain when i went last summer

Hitler was shit and wages another European war killing millions of Whites.

How does he walk with only one leg?

>be peaceful or i bomb you

Plus Hess went by himself, not under any orders. The entire Nazi government disavowed him.

Hitler didn't care about white people
Hitler was all about germanic people
