But seriusly, what went wrong?
But seriusly, what went wrong?
Open borders?
French picked the wrong countries to colonize
didnt even know the netherlands was this high.
France colonized Muslim countries which made it easier for them to immigrate
Generations later Muslims continue to Muslim
Now France isn't white.
huh i thought Sweden would be greener. Good to know their not as fucked as France. Same with Finland and Spain.
You don't know a lot about Europe do you?
Still comfy.
>didnt even know the netherlands was this high.
haha I get it!
Yeah yeah whatever, i'm just glad that they've stood their ground against these demons.
from what year is this map?
This information is important
It's really scary to think that muslims can cause that much trouble at those percentages. When they reach the same percentage as have for nigs they will fuck Europe's shit up.
2016 dummy
What's the rating for Norway?
This map must be old. It has increased everywhere recently.
>It has increased everywhere recently.
They're still the same in east Europe. We've had ~1.4% for centuries now, they're all local converts.
That's 1.4% too many.
Don't let your locals convert croatbro. eastern europe is the future of europe
that's about the amount of blacks it takes for any area of the US to go to absolute shit, enjoy your sharia law france
Google it, I have no idea
It's from october 2016
They aren't local converts
Most of them are Bosnian Muslims who came here during communism and after war
I have a question for you Spaniard, are the muslims bad over in the fatherland or can i go into the capitol and not want to cry blood?
They're still ethnic Croats, and since Bosnia is our rightful clay, that makes them locals as well.
That was centuries ago, during Ottoman times. After that it just got passed on to the kids.
Besides, balkan muslims are chill as fuck. They eat bacon, drink alcohol, respect women and love dogs. They're also some of the biggest nationalists around, mostly in connection with NDH.
Most of the muslims here are in Barcelona, Madrid and Seville. If you avoid those 3 places yes
How's Valencia?
>0.1% difference
I live in Madrid, you are wrong.
Terrible in summer, ok the rest of the year
Europe doesn't have as many immigrants as you think
No I meant in terms of the Moslem problem.
>searches for Muslims in Barcelona, gets pic related.
I giggled, maybe the bad ones aren't in Barcelona. And i think i'll look into vacation prices for Spain.
colonization dude.
Et ce n'est meme pas les vrais chiffres...il y a au moins 15 millions de mudslimes en France, donc environ 20%.
nothing wrong here bud bud
Catalonia itself has half the total number of muslims in Spain. They want independence to establish and establish a caliphate
It has some Muslims but it's not as bad as Barcelona.
Et le sud de l'Espagne est blanc, right?
Are you an idiot? Jews make up less than 2% of america's population and less than 1% of Germany's population, but they're the ones who caused these problems in the first place!
Yep, and it's also important to note that the Muslim population skews much younger than the native population, so the percentage will shift surprisingly rapidly as the current generation of old people bite the dust
15 a 20 millions...
French is the ugliest language in the world, especially Canadian French.
Wow fresh news, we're fucked.
I don't really care anymore.
The only great thing about our country, the food, will live on with or without us.
Same for our history, our cinema, etc...
We will join the cemetery of civilisations.
It's ok to me if it teaches a lesson to the other western countries:
Respect the social contract, don't be a weak state.
>It's from october 2016
prove it
>laugh about muslim
>from Spain
You guys are brown and Barcelona have more muslim than Paris
Si tu te décides de ne plus etre un loser, vient au Québec, Jean...on a besoin de tous les blancs francos qu'on peut avoir...
>20 millions
>1 français sur 3
Faut arrêter le caribou, tu roules en Yukon XL je parie
>4.6% in Sweden
>Only 7.5% in France
That's impossible, Sweden is at least 10% Muslim and France is at least 15%
>La Réunion
>Ivory Coast
Le chiffre officiel est 67 millions mais il y a une shitload de migrant illégaux...le vrai chiffre doit etre environ 75 millions..donc 20 sur 75 millions...ca fait du sens pour moi...Jeanne.
t. american expert
The French colonies were an utter distaster. Not only are they horrible places today (even worse than ours), they also failed to spread Christianism the way we did.
A lot of Ex French colonies are muslim countries today.
Or you can visit and choose variants of enrichment,madrid mainly Moroccans,there are quite a few specially in suburban towns up north and down south but mainly Romanians and south Americans
Barcelona Moroccans pakis and banglash,that's why they are the most mudslimic place in spain while in the rest of spain convince stores are mainly chinese catalonia went full paki,also south americans
Sevile Moroccans although I haven't seen so many when I was there but then again I never lived in sevile only stayed there
Norway is a pristine beautiful country
dont fuck this up norway
wtf is this legit?
70% des bébés a Paris sont negres ou bougnoules...vous réaliser l'Enfer?
Y'all should send all the Muslims there, let them secede then reconquer them when the Kabab problem becomes to much. Solve two problems at once.
It's a bit higher now that Merkel had her way with Europe.
As-tu lu le roman plus récent de Michel Houellebecq, "Soumission"? Effrayant et prophétique...
Not sure cuz ethnic and religious census are forbidden in France, but it looks legit to me
Oui...ca va etre la réalité dans 10 ans...
Reminder that our muslims are 9% and are pure genetic Bulgarians who were converted forcefully by the roaches. They eat pork, drink alcohol and have their ow version of islam.
They elected in 2015 a pro-enrichment mayor (Ada Colau) that wants to close all centers for illegal immigrants
Are you speaking in African?
Yes, France is, like my country, cucked, but we do not have cities under sharia controll, like GB.
French can't into colonies,literally all are shithole, even with Asians they went wrong like Vietnam or Cambodia or Laos, not to mention haiti or all those subsaharan hell holes,Britain did a great job at colonisation,spain and Portugal at least made sure no mudslimes were to be allowed and removed kebab (Philippines and Timor as examples,they did interbreed but they kept a white metropolitan colonial elite)
France..,they had a good metropolis but their colonies at best sucked balls less so in the first wave of colonisation than the last 19th century ones but still...not to be proud man
There is no need to be upset :^)
Nice stereotype knowledge frendo
That's arab you dummy!
why do the rapefugees avoid czech rep so much
It's because in the 80's we had a president (Mitterand) who opened the borders to our former colonies. (Because colonialism is bad, m'kay)
AKA, half fucking Africa.
And they've been breeding/inviting their families ever since.
am I faggot for liking how the language french sounds
Tu ne parles pas encore en Espagnole, Bubba?
Most of the countries in Europe with a high Muslim population either have a colonial legacy or were attractive to people wanting welfare.
Non, tu es juste extrement raffiner, bubba...
There's some truth to that. We colonized the pajeets instead, but still got stuck with the pakis somehow.
I can hardly think of a worst country in the world to live in than Haiti.
Et "2084" de Boualem Sansal ? Je n'ai pas encore le lu moi-même mais j'ai entendu que ça était percutant aussi
Jealous, because they peak the language of your ancestor, Tyrone?
Jokes aside. Youre not funny and your country is more cucked then Malmö.
But Manuel Pablo escobar youre next.
Fuck, that seems high.
the worst thing is that in the late 70's France signed a remigration deal with Algeria to remove all the Algerians in France but Mitterand killed it first thing in 1981.
>England doing a good job at colonizing
>what is poo in loo
>what is USA
Et ces chiens rentre a MTL comme ils veulent....
>Thought colonizing nigger lands would be profitable
Why does everyone hate french canadians
i heard they have the hottest women
So small population that even couple raise the percentage.
Lol I remember living in spain and some French guy came to my office stated speaking in french without even bothering to ask if it was ok for him to speak french,or even say good morning,or try to be polite at any point,I apologised and told him unluckily i couldnt understand Moroccan
The face...the lulz. ..
(Nothing against french they have a nice history and culture and generally speaking are nicer than the average britfag tourist but they can't seriusly expect another civilised country to speak french except their Belgian puppet)
>but we do not have cities under sharia controll, like GB.
That's a myth, though it's pretty bad in certain neighbourhoods. Most of Germany's Muslims are Turks, who may be criminal but are not really radical, so I'd say you're better off than us (for now), but France is by far and a way the worst in Western Europe and will undoubtedly be the first country to fall into civil war or elect an Islamic government
Non, mais merci pour la suggestion...
Unless you're from Catalonia or something, I think you would do well to shut your brown quasi-nigger ass right the fuck up.
Google Bora Bora or La Réunion island and stfu
Ok let me get this right. Spain is ok as long as i don't step foot in Catalonia?
Our national census had it at 5% but I guess this unsourced graph is more trustworthy
You don't know anything, Algiers and Oran under French control were on par with Paris, Indochina was absolutely great.
It's really fucking annoying to come to Sup Forums and see retarded Anglo with their biased view of history spout lies as facts.
If you want to still be white and christian don't go to catalonia by any means
I thought Mohamed was a pedophile? Didn't he marry an 8 year old.
Also didn't Mohamed tell his believers to slaughter countless number of people?
You know your country's fucked when they set up religious swim times for Muslims and men can't go swimming during those hours.