I'm an alt-left nationalist capitalist orthocucks jew anarchist right wing socialist mormon sjw
what are you?
I'm an alt-left nationalist capitalist orthocucks jew anarchist right wing socialist mormon sjw
what are you?
Civic Nationalist
National Liberal
Someone who want to know the sauce of that pic
just a regular dude.
Learn to use Sup Forums, retard. It literally does the job of finding sauce for you. Click the play button next to the post #.
that means you are a centrist or a bluepilled normie
I'm sick of all this labeling bullshit too.
>his autocorrect changes orthodox jew to orthocucks
Gee, it was a Yid talking shit about the Christian Orthodoxy this whole time. And an SJW too. What a surprise. I am so shocked at this coincidence.
I hope you get gassed.
I am a fucking leaf
I am an EU supremacist. I want all European countries to submit to Merkel's enlightened leadership. There you have it.
Im an alt-right nazi slavnigger that wants to save the white race and im married to a cute asian trap.
And you are a fucking faggot. dont forget that leafcuck
Implode the system or get laid with no effort while trying
I wanna lick her feet and her pussy mmm mmm hehe
Centrist leftist right national communist anarchist.
I'm just here to look at cameltoe.
those are some nice toes
you have about as many politview as other moronshave sexual identities, are you sure you are not just confused?
anarcho monarch
I can't believe no one's brap posted in this thread yet. Was there one that got deleted or something?
It took you an hour to respond to that post and the thread is hardly active. Sad!