Daily reminder that this board is pagan !
>Christianism is reskinned Mosaic Judaism with a God who cucked his own father, the top cuck religion !
>Atheism is Secular Judaism, all important Jews are secular and whole ethos of atheism is deeply jewish
>Deism is philosopical judaism, the bastard child of the jew spinoza (heavily inspired by previous jewish thinkers) and the secular philosophers already so similar to him by the unavoidable convergent evolution of christianism and judaism.
>Agnosticism is for failed synthetic Jews who want to avoid any conflict.
>New Age spiriualities are SWJ-hipster religons, and so engineered by the Jews.
>Christ-Chan will only fuck 9 times at most for purely reproductive sex and will lies on the bed like a dead fish, Pagan-Chan is hotter, has bigger titties and awesome ass, and she is wild in the bed while still loyal to his husbando ! best girl, best girl,

Reject the jewish memes ! only the Gods of our ancestors are purely white and european, christianism is from the same mold than all other middle eastern degenerate cults such as Isis worship and mithraism creeping within the Roman Empire once it's decline began.

Christianism was one of the reasons why Rome fell.
War became impure for the latins and their tolerance for the barbarians was increased, after all there is no Gentiles or Jews anymore, and even barbarians can become christian and so there is no barbarians or romans.

Christianism was the cause for humanism and ultimalely secular western, the twin of secular judaism.
A religion based on practices and the glorification of the nation is eternal, but a religion based on faith contains the seed of atheism for people will grow out of faith and reject nationalism with it.

Medieval philosophers memed us into thinking that true philosophers must be monotheists but they choose the most jewish-minded of all greek philoshers : Plato and Aristotle.
The Theodicy was enough for Socrate and he was a far wiser man.

Based post. May the norns bless you with as many qt white girls as you'd like.

If you are not pagan, then you are jewish.
I am sorry but this is the cold harsh truth.

His lack of enthusiasm for neo-paganism was Hitler's only true flaw.
Could they bless you too !

I remember reading that he said Shinto would have been a better option for the German people that Christianity, which would be been interesting to say the least. The Japanese are also a northern polytheistic people, so I think it would have worked better than Christianity although different conflicts between the racial spirit and the dominant philosophy would have probably arose. The swastika itself was pagan and I think he made some effort to bring pre-christian culture into consciousness, but he had to focus on fighting his imperial, expansionist war, which I think was probably hid fatal flaw. Germany's economy was doing great under him. If he would have just chilled on the war Germany may have become much more powerful.

(Note that I haven't studied the subject much, in case I'm getting something grossly wrong)

Eastern Asians are certainly the highest race with the whites, a truly impressing parallel evolution but I feel they should remains separate rather than mongrelize each other culturally or racially.


I'd love to see the volkish pagan revival succeed, but there just does not seem to be anything to it. The aesthetics, community and eurocentrism are lovely, but there isn't really anything to believe in as such.

King of dragon pass was GOAT


No it's not, it's a political board you dumb faggot

And what is there to believe in "christianism" ? Genesis, some myths about what happened to the Hebrews and the half-gof Jesus ?
Pagan religions also have their myths, gods to believe in and a creation myth.
A good author could write a Bible from of a partial collection of most european pagan religions.

Bet you the Vatican has all the old scriptures in their vault. They've stolen a lot over the centuries.

But only a pagan can truly be alt-right !

Get the fuck out VIDF (Varg Internet Defense Force)

this autist cuck is trying to divide europeans and put brothers of different hair colors against each other.

They probably stolen all the attractive parts of their jewish-cuck religion from it.

I am not dividing europeans, I'm for the peace between all europeans pagan religions. (war between religions is only a abrahamic phenomenon, the wars between buddhists and hinduists always were wars between buddhist kingdoms and hindou kingdoms)
The only things dividing us are all the jewish religions and ideologies I talked about here

I'm talking about Varg. He's a nordicist and a treat to europe.

8ch (dotnet) /cucktianity/

paganism isnt even a belief system, pagan is just a slur for people who dont follow abrahamic religions.Deism is more logical and it doesnt have to do with spinoza, thats pantheism your talking about