Is Sup Forums really Anonymous?

Is Sup Forums really Anonymous?
Even rank janitors can see your IP, you think all that information isn't being stashed away?

How's moot doing?
Is he still working at Google?
How has it already been a year since he left

nothing on the internet is anonymous

It's as close to anonymous as you're going to get on the internet

It's not anonymous. Be careful what you say.

Not anonymous. For a long time I even think the "political branch" of Anonymous has been compromised. But still it might be a symbol. If it gets too hot we will just all use more proxies.

Most of what I post is satire anyway, Idgaf

All my posts here on this website have been satirical, it allows me to say shit on my mind without actually meaning it kind of like trash talking on cs

Oh noes government agencies know I am waycis.

Sup Forums is satire

I often contradict myself post by post for shits and giggles.


nigga get a vpn

obviously it's not anonymous when many people have been arrested for posting illegal things, like making threads about killing their GF, and Kiddie Porn etc.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>it was satire
>i was joking
>hey get those cuffs off of me

It's anonymous in the sense that other posters can't see who you are; apart from flags and ID's ofcourse, but there are no usenames or profiles to distinguish you as a persona.

You can achieve full anonymousity I suppose through proxies and such, but that's your perogative.

>that guy said nigger and kike. Get him!

Gas the kikes race war now exterminate all nonwhites and leftists

Fuck up you fucking nigger

I love cp. Fight me now faggot.

proxies? vpns? are you guys seriously that dumb?

any sort of ip obsfucation and anonymity is completely pointless if you don't own every single piece of hardware between your keyboard and the remote client.

cisco, juniper, att, google, mozilla, convergent, cloud flare, level 3, red hat, apple, verizon, twitter, fb, valve, blizzard have all showed the world the kind of kikes they are when it comes to revealing who you are.

we aren't even talking about the kike nerds running all the proxy and vpn honeypots and hot boxes and the mega hook noses working at your local isp who is sifting through your shit before it even hits the wire headed to your godlike proxies are so safe.

if you don't own the box or can't review the code running it then consider it unsafe