We live in a world that recognizes two options for gender. If you’re not exactly “man” or “woman” you’re going to have a hard time finding your place, because right now there isn’t a place for you. Let’s change that.
We live in a world that recognizes two options for gender. If you’re not exactly “man” or “woman” you’re going to have a hard time finding your place, because right now there isn’t a place for you. Let’s change that.
no we dont
im transgender (MTF if anyones curious) and i hate it. i hate myself. i pass pretty good (i guess, i was andogyneous anyways) but i fucking hate it. i cant go back, its been four years of hormone therapy, the damage is done. i dont even like talking (despite my voice being somewhat feminine), i have gone entire days without saying a single word. its suffering
dont do it. dont spread the pain. just let it sink to the back of your mind and dont become like me
Do you know how many trans people kill themselves because of you? You are literally slaughtering people you sick bastard
The solution is libertarianism.
The solution is more diversity and equality, nationalism breeds hate and war.
this, promoting transgenderism is plain wrong
theres that twatter image of a m2f transgender whose tinder profile says FEMALE (but remember, "she" has a dick) and "she" then complains that men ignore "her" once they read "her" full profile
frankly idgaf. why dont we forget about gender and replace every question
>whats your gender m or f
>do you have a ponos or vagoo??
but that will probably be seen as an intrusion to privacy. but then the question should only ever come up when biological differences between men and women make a difference (sports, jobs (maternity leave anyone?), dating, etc)
Trump shill detected
quads of truth
Yes just let people die because they were born non cis gender, you are insane.
>four years of hormone therapy
nice LARPing. but your point is somewhat correct, hormone therapy is fucked, ESPECIALLY for children.
just crossdress and tape your dick/tits up.
if you *need* hormones then you werent whatever gender you pretended you were in the first place.
bodybuilders might just as well say they need steroid "therapy" because they identify as big muscular guys
nurture not nature
>do you posses XY or XX chromosomes?
FTFY, people will claim their cut off penis hole is a vagina
>where do the kids that can't follow simple directions like "line up as girls and boys" line up?
>the one leading to the gas chambers
if they're adults they can do what they want but I'm not paying for it, they can't promote it, and they're not protected from ridicule.
> nice LARPing
> if you *need* hormones then you werent whatever gender you pretended you were in the first place
barely any transgendered people claim that they were "originally" the gender they were transitioning into, although some say they were "spiritually" or "mentally" born as the other, with the latter as being somewhat true
"With the girls sweetie because you're clearly a fucking bitch."
The best way to make the world more trans friendly is to gas the trannies and kikes.
The friendliest tranny is a dead one.
four years isn't larping you dumbass
you are always exactly man or woman
or you have some weird genetic disease
>born non cisgender
literally how?