Alright, so we all know Sup Forums is about to become leftist. Admit...

Alright, so we all know Sup Forums is about to become leftist. Admit, no matter how deeply you care about the white race, no matter how inferior you consider blacks, no matter how much you believe in nationalism, you are a shitposter at heart. You live for the memes. And you can't really meme about Trump when he's in office. It's just not funny anymore.

So what memes will you shit post now, Sup Forums? Will you become a self-interested Stirnerposter, with every other word in your posts being "spook"? Will you be a diehard tankie, threatening gulag at every turn? An anarchokiddie, warning of the dangers a state presents, even when in a dictatorship of the proletariat? Or will you carry some of the ideas from Trump's reign over Sup Forums, perhaps becoming a Bolshevik Nationalist?

Roll for your fate, Sup Forums. Kek shall decide.

1- Stirnerposter
2- Tankie
3- Anarchokiddie
4- National Bolshevik
5- SocDem/DemSoc (inb4 butthurt SocDems/DemSocs)
6- AnarchoFem
7- Marxist-Leninist

The remaining right-wingers
8- AnCap
9- NatSoc
0- Trump Waifuist


Other urls found in this thread:

>3 Anarchokiddie


fuck off kike


Nice roll


Fuck you /leftypol/ you got our own board to shit up.

I'm an AnCap so it better not be 8

I'll get me a cute wife.

For the sake of goodness.


Hope she supports syndicalism and is willing to make Molotov cocktails. A wife that can cook is great, you know?




come on something non shitty

I am ancap




>Alright, so we all know Sup Forums is about to become leftist

you niggers are trying and failing

remember to sage and hide

No, stop with the "pol is always contrarian xdddd" meme. Pol has always been right wing

>tfw i'm now a multiracial national socialist

it's still better than all that 1-7 bullshit.

Guys, can anyone give me a good argument against the NAP?

I genuinely don't know how you'd argue against it while being ethical

They literally all look identical


Sorry, I actually held an employment before, so I could never become a leftist, no matter how hard I'd try.


>we all know Sup Forums is about to become leftist
this thread is cancer
>saged and hidden

ancap please




How would this be done under an ancap society

thats the hard part

>Guys, can anyone give me a good argument against the NAP?
>I genuinely don't know how you'd argue against it while being ethical
Why? Also, read arguments against private property. I'm an anarchist, so I'm obligated to link you to the Anarchist Library site.
Basically, private property is by it's nature unjust, so AnCaps are violating the NAP themselves by owning it.

Also this , morality is a spook

>Sup Forums is about to become leftist
no, never been a commie board



Pol already is leftist. Most people here think redistribution and state control is necessary for whatever made up reason. The race part is really just an excuse to behave as niggery as possible.

This is a good start.

I believe in freewill and natural rights so I still cant get around the NAP but I'll look into it.

user I think the argument against what you said is then what would be ethical in your society if not private property?

It wouldn't be frowned upon for me to steal land in your society?

Rolling, also I'll have a million dollars and a BJ from Katy Perry.

I'd love to see the left more represented in this board

>I believe in freewill and natural rights so I still cant get around the NAP but I'll look into it.
Depends on if you consider property a "natural right". Also, you could argue that someone is restricting free will by laying claims to property, thereby preventing someone else from possessing it easily

>user I think the argument against what you said is then what would be ethical in your society if not private property?
Private property isn't exactly the cornerstone of all moral systems, user. Ethics can still be utilized

>It wouldn't be frowned upon for me to steal land in your society?
Land will not be owned in such a society. Therefore, you can't steal it. It's current use is what determines who controls it at what time, perhaps by the workers who regularly use it.

Also, that's just land. Private property, not personal property. You don't have to worry about someone stealing your toothbrush or bitcoins


Fourth Right will never die.

I don't get the personal vs private property argument, if something comes from non renewable resources, and I have it, isn't that the same thing as something like land?

>Also, you could argue that someone is restricting free will by laying claims to property

No, because they're being peaceful and no where in natural rights does it say I'm entitled to owning anything


>And you can't really meme about Trump when he's in office

What is your source for this info?


Leftist are what they accuse us of, hence ironic Nazism. Your an idiot.


i'm serb first, shitposter second

>if something comes from non renewable resources, and I have it, isn't that the same thing as something like land?
Non-nonrenewability has nothing to do with the definition of personal vs private property.

>No, because they're being peaceful and no where in natural rights does it say I'm entitled to owning anything
Or, they are violating the NAP by attacking me when I peacefully cross what they claim is "their land"

>Or, they are violating the NAP by attacking me when I peacefully cross what they claim is "their land"

No, you would be violating the NAP by stepping on there land which would make you not peaceful.

>Non-nonrenewability has nothing to do with the definition of personal vs private property.

Then what does?

I don't get the argument for personal vs private property at all

It seems like commies just trying to make an excuse for using force

i really hope the autistic Anchfem asian whore or any other of the namefaggs from /leftypol/ don't come here

>lefties show up
>spout their (((brainwashed))) nonsense
>get BTFO with redpills
>get called faggots and niggers
at this point, one of two things will happen to the lefty
>1) the kyke trickery is too strong and they retreat into cognitive dissonance
>2) they begrudgingly become one of us. one of us. one of us.

>This thread 50 times/day

How many times do we have to rape your ideology before you kill yourself, commie? Have a free bump so you don't have to wait til it hits page 10 to bump it yourself like you always do.

Everybody sees you for what you are /leftypol/

You cannot influence us. Go get a job instead of shitposting all day or just kill yourself you waste of resources. Your own commie beliefs would have you slaughtered for being so useless.

Natsoc get.

go suck a penis



>Sup Forums

>going leftypol

keep dreaming reddit

>No, you would be violating the NAP by stepping on there land which would make you not peaceful.
How so? While trespassing is regarded as aggression under the NAP, how exactly are we defining the property here? If you read the Proudhon document I linked, you'll find that the ownership of property is in a sense, impossible

>Then what does?
>I don't get the argument for personal vs private property at all
>It seems like commies just trying to make an excuse for using force

>Personal property includes "items intended for personal use"[3] (e.g., clothes, homes, and vehicles,[3] and sometimes money). The owner has a right to exclude others.
>Private property is a social relationship between the owner and persons deprived (not a relationship between person and thing), e.g., artifacts, factories, mines, dams, infrastructure, natural vegetation, mountains, deserts, seas, etc. (Private property and ownership, in this context, means ownership of the means of production, not personal possessions).
>To many socialists, the term private property refers to capital or the means of production, while personal property refers to consumer and non-capital goods and services.[citation needed]

In various schools of thought in communism, including anarchism,

>Libertarian socialism generally accepts property rights, but with a short abandonment period. In other words, a person must make (more-or-less) continuous use of the item or else lose ownership rights. This is usually referred to as "possession property" or "usufruct". Thus, in this usufruct system, absentee ownership is illegitimate and workers own the machines or other equipment that they work with.
>Communism argues that only collective ownership of the means of production through a polity (though not necessarily a state) will assure the minimization of unequal or unjust outcomes and the maximization of benefits, and that therefore humans should abolish private ownership of capital (as opposed to property).

I will always be a Stirnerposter, I was a Stirnerposter during the election and I will be afterwards.

These digits are a fucking spook.

rolling for ancap