Alright, so we all know Sup Forums is about to become leftist. Admit, no matter how deeply you care about the white race, no matter how inferior you consider blacks, no matter how much you believe in nationalism, you are a shitposter at heart. You live for the memes. And you can't really meme about Trump when he's in office. It's just not funny anymore.
So what memes will you shit post now, Sup Forums? Will you become a self-interested Stirnerposter, with every other word in your posts being "spook"? Will you be a diehard tankie, threatening gulag at every turn? An anarchokiddie, warning of the dangers a state presents, even when in a dictatorship of the proletariat? Or will you carry some of the ideas from Trump's reign over Sup Forums, perhaps becoming a Bolshevik Nationalist?
Roll for your fate, Sup Forums. Kek shall decide.
1- Stirnerposter
2- Tankie
3- Anarchokiddie
4- National Bolshevik
5- SocDem/DemSoc (inb4 butthurt SocDems/DemSocs)
6- AnarchoFem
7- Marxist-Leninist
The remaining right-wingers
8- AnCap
9- NatSoc
0- Trump Waifuist