Started the most terrible war in human history

>started the most terrible war in human history
>soldiers raped and murdered millions of whites across Europe
>burned the libraries of Warsaw destroying hundreds of thousands of important books about European history
>destroyed the British Empire
>greatly helped the rise of Communism and the Soviet Union
>the holocaust, (whether you believe in it or not) was made the greatest tool that the Jews possess
>resulting in the creation of a state of Israel
>make criticism of Israel or Jews regarded as "anti-Semitic"
>nationalism and even national pride is now very controversial
>all of this is due to a chimp out of Hitler and the Nazis

Why does Sup Forums worship them again?

Other urls found in this thread: croy professor&source=bl&ots=kmNGgwDpps&sig=rXllyX9psDEtPV_9KBuhlWJab14&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjojpDaw6TRAhWCsVQKHVlgDgEQ6AEITTAS#v=onepage&q=otto croy professor&f=false

Literally every thing you stated is wrong.

>i-i-t's wrong because I said so!

> jdif shill

They didn't start the War, they were being blockaded by Britain

>the eternal anglo

> what is poland
Do you realize we are always having the same convo.




hehe no

t. pic related

>destroyed the British Empire
That was a good thing though.

Too bad the Soviet Union remained in play and the USA stepped in to cover where the UK had fallen in on itself.

The US is collapsing for the same reason the UK is, by the way. No Hitler needed.

Stormtards trying to slide this thread




> libraries


Do you see your flag? You're literally human filth, inbred pasty fat island slob.

I didn't even make any claims

>soldiers raped and murdered millions of whites across Europe
That was the soviets.
Nazis were the good guys and we've been living in darkness since they lost.

>when spamming old, shitty content from a doublewide is as close as you'll get to your epic hitler-larping showerthoughts

Just let them do their thing. It's a bit pathetic, honestly.

>Nazis were the good guys

Topkek, you'd be sucking off a jap somewhere.

I agree with some of this, why were the Nazis so brutal to Poles? Granted the Russians were 1000x worse, however the Polish surely would have been more motivated to resist communism and fight FOR fascists had the Germans not burned churches and killed priests. I thought the Nazis were Catholic?

Let's play a game and we predict stormcuck arguments. In this pic, they'll claim the hat of the guy shooting is false.

That's a proven fake.
I'm not from the west coast.
I'd be under Nazi rule actually.

It was illegal for german soldiers to rape, especially eastern untermensch

>uses known faked picture to prove a point


Sounds cool. I predict someone will post an infograph that "disproves" the Holocaust

>Thats a proven fake

What's your point?
It's a well known fake.

>Wow look at this example of le germanic ubermensch
>WEW I'm so glad I'm not a Slav, Irish or another NON white amirite guise
Naziaboos are lower than curries on the subhuman it scale

Tell me once again why do you consider this fake.

the treaty of versailles was a preparation for ww2

OP did

This basically.

Are you retarded?

Most of the things you've just said can be blamed more on Churchil and the (((allies))) than on Hitler.

>soldiers raped
Proofs? I want fap.

[citation needed]

T. Retard. I know Stormfront told you it's fake, but surprise surprise you're fucking wrong.
>now resides in Historical Archives in Warsaw. The original German inscription on the back of the photograph reads: “Ukraine 1942, Jewish Action [operation], Ivanograd”.

>Incredibly, when the photograph was used in a book published by the Soviet-installed Polish communist regime after the war, a right-wing West German newspaper, Deutsche Soldaten Zeitung, ran a headline above it "Achtung Fälschung" (beware falsification). The man pointing the rifle towards the young woman and her child was not wearing German uniform or using a German rifle, the paper said. A certain Professor Otto Croy accused the Poles of fabricating the photograph for propaganda.
>Then, mercifully, up popped a former member of Hitler's Einsatzgruppen, the "special action" squads used to murder a million Jews in Ukraine. The soldier in the picture is wearing German Einsatzgruppen uniform, he said, and holding the usual Einsatzgruppen rifle. What more proof do you need? Years later, an exhibition of German atrocity photographs in Eastern Europe was put on in Dresden where an old man stared at the pictures for a long time. Then he began to cry. And as he rushed from the exhibition hall, he shouted: "It's me...It's me."



Nah you. Hitler did some things wrong (nobody is perfect) but most of the things in the OP list are (((your))) fault.

Hello Ahmed. You can like the Nazis without idolizing them. I like Thomas Jefferson but I hate liberal democracy. This black and white way you view things is a sign of autism

Look Aussie I know you just came from the >Hitler Hated Poles thread
But just for the record EVERYONE knows you're working for JDIF.

Sup Forums worships them because they were the face of everything we stand for nowadays. The publics opinion of them is irrelevant to facts.

aren't you that sephardic kike that had his face leaked?

>Then, mercifully, up popped a former member of Hitler's Einsatzgruppen, the "special action" squads used to murder a million Jews in Ukraine
How'd he escape execution?
I don't buy it, especially with nazis who are too damn old to matter still being rounded up wherever they are found.

Not even remotely true

You're damn right they were.

They were good with a bullet in their head

"You're wrong because it contradicts my world beliefs." - Stormfag

It was illegal for any soldier to rape you fucking moron. That does not mean it doesn't happen

>started the most terrible war in human history, because poland refused to give up sovereign germany territory: Danzig and Posen
>soldiers raped and murdered millions of whites across Europe, so did everybody else
>burned the libraries of Warsaw destroying hundreds of thousands of important books about European history, The Poles should have given germany its land back
>destroyed the British Empire, The British refused to fight the communist threat, only noticing its danger after murdering millions of germans
>greatly helped the rise of Communism and the Soviet Union, Germany was the first enemy of communism and was destroyed by the UK for it

For the rest of it: you are right, the holocaust was a retarded idea. Israel is the last bastion of hope in the middle east for europeans, theyre the only ones who clearly see the new threat: islam

These rat faced kikes don't realize that raiding the one chan that doesn't do anything to the inbred sand rats just pisses off more people. As if obvious JIDF shilling doesn't just make people hate the Jew even more than they already do.

Not all Nazis were executed

You are that Portugese kike right?

You mean you're wrong because you provide false evidence and claims trying to prove that Nazis were bad guys?

>Germany was the first enemy of communism
They were literally allies since 1939
>sovereign germany territory

"I'm right because Wikipedia said so." - Communists

"I can't even escape the eternal sand rat on my antisemitic mongolian basketweaving board, "maybe Israel should be wiped off the map after its future internment stage and perhaps i'm going to really assfuck that David Friedman guy I work with and bait the next lippy inbred manlet Jew at the bar down to the waterfront for a swim".

Nazis who actually killed jews would have been.
Currently you can be imprisoned for working in an office of a work camp. Even if you're on your death bed.

>Danzig and Posen
Danzig was not Polish to give.
And any sovereign state that accepts ceding territory in a unilateral deal is basically accepting client state status

See how well that ended up for Czechs

>soldiers raped and murdered millions of whites across Europe, so did everybody else
>everyone else did it, so nazis are excused
Moral relativism

>The British refused to fight the communist threat
Because germany forced her into war.

>Germany was the first enemy of communism
After being her first ally. And giving her huge swats of territory, with more then 20 million people, for basically free.

Americans don't make the best Nazis.

To much propaganda has made them think of Nazis as degenerates so they copy that belief.

If you have tats that show in a suit you are either in the military or trash.

Who cares if it happened or not? If I was the leader of Germany I would have interned all the ugly rats at the first sign of conflict. Don't forget during WWI they were (((allowed))) to ignore the Einjährig-Freiwilliger conscription laws (The NSDAP claimed 97% of the inbreds never so much as put on a uniform but since the Prussian military archives were destroyed after WWI we'll never know for sure) and then the sunken eyed tribe almost succeeded in subjugating the entire empire after it was ground down by half a decade of trench warfare. 90% of the German communist revolution leaders were Jewish and Hitler also watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda kill some 7,000,000 european christians only a stonesthrow away as well. He feared for his people and rightfully so in my opinion.

Also just look at the USA, they let the Jews in with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to completely turn on them.

Not Achmed, faggot.
>Liking Nazis

Tel that to your grandfather you pathetic little cuck

>They were literally allies since 1939
And they almost destroyed them in 1941. If only he had started the invasion in Spring...

>sovereign germany territory
Some people say you were genociding Germans. But anyway Hitler invading you was a mistake, I agree.



It's the new JIDF thing - if you point out most Jews are ugly inbred genetic sacks of shit they cry Ahmed. It's a d&c tactic to get goys to forget that muds and kikes are genetic brothers that deserve to fight it out in the desert together.

If you believe that you know nothing of world history. Their so called "alliance" was just facade for their agreement to partition poland between the SU and Germany

The poles were displaced by the russians, much like the germans. What should be poland is now eastern poland, western belarus and western ukraine.

Anyone can view the (((wikipedia))) article and see that 9/10 of the German communist revolution leaders were Jewish.

Go to school you Maori.

>>Hitler sadly had to invade Poland, because without conquest and pillage the nazi economy would collapse.

Not necessarily some Nazis were spared. I don't know this guys' particular story but he obviously survived

(((wikipedia))) also doesn't hide that Jew NKVD head Yagoda holocausted 7,000,000 european christians in the 1930's. Some truths are too large even for the Jew to weasel out of.

[[[Anyone]]] can edit wikipedia too.

I could see him being spared for being useful.
Which would make his word untrustworthy and still leave me suspicious.

t. kike

That's a little homophobic, so I'm reporting your IP to the Portugal authority

>destroyed the British Empire
That would be their own fault, as well as the US.

Nobody denies that 9/10 of the German communist revolution leaders were kikes. Remember we're talking about Jewish refugees that were taken in by Germany in the 19th and 18th centuries. It's the same shit America is going through right now when you let the Jew in with open arms it takes only a generation or two for the majority to turn on you.

So this is your response to the debunk? You ran out of copypastas?

Get BTFO once again

>moving the goalposts this hard

Why do whenever someone discusses holocaust with stormtards, stormniggers always, in a almost religious way, bring up USSR crimes?

Prussian military archives were destroyed after WWI so we'll never know for sure, but the NSDAP pointed out regularly that virtually no Jews fought in WWI and that nearly all of the German communist revolution leaders, newspapers owners, and agitators were Jewish (sound familiar Americans?). As you know they pointed how this revolution if it didn't cost Germany the war it cost them the ability to have a non-crippling peace forced on them. If we consider that virtually everyone alive in the 1930's lived through WWI and that virtually of the NSDAP claims of international Jewish influence can't be argued with to this day it's hard to not take this at face value and instead buy some unsourced wikipedia article written by a Brit born in 1990 named Adam Goldstein.

Germans let in the kikes with open arms in the 19th and 18th centuries and were put in the same position as modern day Americans thanks to their generosity. You're probably one of those rats that contends the 109 assbootings weren't the fault of Jews whatsoever.

Read nigga croy professor&source=bl&ots=kmNGgwDpps&sig=rXllyX9psDEtPV_9KBuhlWJab14&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjojpDaw6TRAhWCsVQKHVlgDgEQ6AEITTAS#v=onepage&q=otto croy professor&f=false

I assume this is the usual anti-German thread.

All I'm gonna say that it was all worth it just for the dead Russians.

that's all

> but the NSDAP pointed out regularly that virtually no Jews fought in WWI
Blatant lie. German jews fought for the german empire in a higher proportion then the ethnic germans themselves.

>using paleness as an insult

You're on Sup Forums faggot. No amount of JIDF stormfag posting is going to subvert and change this board from being aware of the Jewish issue. That was the whole purpose of this 'containment board' in the first place. These JIDF salted threads with the same flags/posters in the first dozen comments aren't even fooling the newfags. You inbred rats spend hours every single polluting this board because you're terrified and we can revel in this fact.

Mostly just trash. I was in the USMC and when I was active duty (09-14) the tattoo policy slowly became more and more draconian.

Tattoos aren't for bikers, outlaws, or your Marine Raider grandfather that had to low crawl a click through broken coral during low tide to kill some Japs. They're for nu males and sluts that stand for nothing so they desperately seek token novelties to feel alive.

see you lack even basic knowledge on this issue, I already addressed it.

Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here.

You are the same kike as always, who cares about "you" (((debunking))) facts?

>>destroyed the British Empire
I think that was USA, but does it matters if USA or UK for us non-Anglo?

>(((debunking))) facts
Is this the stormweenie equivalent of mansplaining?

at least they tried, fuck boy

Everyone will note your picture doesn't address that the dozen+ times that "six million" died. It talks about the entomology of the holocaust which doesn't even come from english or the 13th century, and he knows this.

>regarded as "anti-semitic"


JIDF already got caught red handed posting the politics strawpoll and yet Fascist+NatSoc beat almost all the other categories combined, and I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))

>Why do whenever someone discusses holocaust with stormtards, stormniggers always, in a almost religious way, bring up USSR crimes

I've noticed that their main tactic is diversion and denial. They declare all evidence fake without backing it up.

Fake. Coerced/tortured/bribed testimony

Fake. Jewish/Soviet photo editing

>Forensic evidence
Faked by Jews

Fake. Jewish forgeries

There's no reasoning with them

Nah, he always posts links to kike pages where they "debunk" things with "reasoning". It's even funny to read sometimes but after 40 threads about the same with the same (((sources))) it starts to tire me.

Yeah see that's the problem in my opinion Jews expect everyone to believe the holohoax because of the wild stories they tell, and they say these stories make up for the near complete lack of physical evidence. I was taught these stories as fact as a child so you can understand why I am skeptical to replace all physical evidence with testimony, especially when I consider how often Jews lie and deceive in my personal life.

Natview got caught making his own memes and debunking them a few months ago as well.

Just explain some basic math problems. Tell us where the fuel for the crematoriums (0.13-15 megajoules even per modern cremation) came from and why these massive mines and coal trains seemingly didn't exist, explain why the massive piles of fuel required to burn 3,000+ bodies per day aren't on any recon photos. Perhaps you could explain how IG Farben produced thousands of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their only remaining chemical plant or where the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash went without a trace (6lbs per person on average) etc. etc. etc.