How do you solve the problem Sup Forums?
HARD MODE: no nukes/fences/genocides
How do you solve the problem Sup Forums?
HARD MODE: no nukes/fences/genocides
also inb4 the problem is solving itself
It's weird that Chicago gets all the attention when New Orleans, Oakland, DC, Baltimore, and St. Louis are all far more dangerous.
I say (((we))) drop crates full of machetes and tell them that the last gang standing inherits all of the hood
What's so bad about niggers killing themselves. I see no problem.
Nothing, but I think the trend also coincides with a generalized crime increase. Those niggers will also treat good white people like they treat eachother. They have no idea that they're subhuman and whites are superior. That's dangerous.
Also, a massive nigger crime wave leads to police resources being drained from white communities. Blacks can run rampant in formerly white areas, and we've seen it happen. They do the whole flash mob thing and beat white people, rob them, etc.
Send illegals back, enforce already existing laws.
Its that simple
This, desu
Order 66 confirmed, Emperor Trump will have the cucks eliminated, and airdrop machetes in Chicago
OMG Look at all those Assault rifles, they all have high capacity clips, armor piercing (cop killing) bullets and muzzle hiders
More guns, we must accelerate the process of them killing each other off.
>all those handguns
>better ban long guns
>liberal logic
>none of them are "assault weapons"
So, we should ban those even harder.
Don't forget about the barrel shrouds that go up.
Give the black people who cause all the crime more money to move into white neighborhoods away from Chicago. without niggers rich white people will move back to the inner city and there will be no more crime.
They breed a bit too fast for this though, nigglets get indoctrinated into violence young by their baboon mothers.
I live in New Orleans, we aren't as bad. Don't bother trying. 176 homicides and 480 shooting victims.
That because the government moved so many blacks to Texas after Katrina.
>that OP pic
What is this? An argument for ants?
Enact constitutional carry so the common man can defend themselves from crime.
Then unfuck the rest of the gun laws because they do nothing.
Deport all the nonwhites to Madagascar.
You're a moron. Chicago has a far higher population, so of course it has more murders in total. I'm talking about the murder rate.
New Orleans murder rate: 57.6 per 100,000
Chicago murder rate: 20.8 per 100,000
Door to door searches via martial law, clear the city. That many murders is an act of domestic terror.
oakland is also getting better as high cost of living spreads from the city.
Bay Area is some of the most expensive land in the USA, no way they don't get the long white dick of gentrification completely in the next few years.