The czech goverment is about to counter the EU ban of semiautomatic weapons by making gun ownership a constitutional right
Czech republic about to fuck with the EU over guns
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Well, you never hear any bad stories about Czechian immigrants.
sorry that your country is the one most fucked over in the last century. We can ship AR-15s to your doorstep.
what dialect of czech do we learn?
Well because there basicly are no czech immigrants in western euope.
In germany there are 50.000 czechs, in the UK 45,000.
Thats about nothing
I think this is great. With murderous shitskins, and traitor liberals to let them in the gates, white people should be able to defend themselves.
czech em
They already are, but by making it part of the constitution the EU cant do anything about it
Would Czechs except a anglo family if they have blonde hair and blue eyes?
Good folks, not willing to abandon their homeland for economic greed, unlike the Polish refuse we get.
Wonder what it'd take to ship ARs over the channel.
The crumbling of the union continues. Hopefully other Eurtards realize that they are going to need their own weapons to defend themselves from the onslaught of Ahmeds.
A 15 year prison sentence
Based Eastern Europe is based.
Loved the Czech Republic, hot chicks, hot scenery and great lamb, now next time I go there will be semi-autos.
Good on you
we don't
we're not you
We don't.
Bist du behindert junge?
We should do the same, guns are sweet.
And I'd bet most of our migrants are students (who will go back after a year or so) and families of those who escaped commies or germans.
lol fuck u EU
Damn it, where is Estonian support?
The Czechs are going to tell the EU to kick us out of the Union if you don't like it! They know the EU won't!
The Czechs are playing straight up 4D chess here.
Isn't this how Yugoslavia started falling apart?
We're not even in the EU and they're trying to force this bullshit on us. How our politicians tolerate this is beyond me
At least they can't take guns we already own. Gun prices are going to skyrocket before this cuck law becomes official
Citizens of the Czech republic have the right to acquire, posses and carry weapons and ammunition in order to to protect lives, health and assets and therefore to participate on maintaining the internal order, safety, integrity of the territory, sovereignty and the democratical pilars of the Czech republic.
It's similar but not the same. We don't want to kill anyone. It's just populism of our socialist government. Elections are coming and gun ownership is one of the things opposition might use.
>we don't
Best of luck with your nation full of peaceful young mudslimes hans. Make sure to bend over before they fuck you.
user dont listen to cucks that say we dont need guns. We fucking need them at least for few years deffo
No more cz pistols?
Democratic gun rights is a suicide. Only responsible, designated people should be able to keep guns, the "demos" is just too emotional
Why do my thoughts come to life? Have I ascended into the Hive? Is this reality?
I support
I bet Juncker is pissed!
Kus on Jüri???
Unistab kakskeelsest Eestist koos Ossinovskiga?
We were excluded from the ban (with poland i think) because muh militia. And even if we do get this shitty law just join militia and get full auto one instead
If this is true, then I'm moving to Prague. Cute girls, cheap beer and guns.
What's your opinion of Czech women?
Just the thought of this makes me
feel like Trump just won the election.
This is not a reason to not support Czechs.
> militia trained defending invaders against natives
(otsi googlest, märksõnad on: Järvamaal kohalikud ründasid pagulasi )
Pic related.
Harjutus Sibul oli ka
> rare happy merchant!
Sibul hetkel ei ründa, ründavad toslemid ja neegrid.
Ja Kaitseliit harjutas torude kohalike elanike vastu pööramist. Kui see pole sitt ettevõtmine siis mis on?
>oletame et nad tegelikuses teevad seda
Oletame, et ma olen kaitseliitlane ja keeldun sellisel harjutusel osalemast
Mis siis juhtub kui ma keeldun sellisel harjutusel osalemast?
midagi ei juhtuks
how easy is it to move to czech republic anyway? lived there for a while a couple years ago but now considering full-time to get out of this 1984-ass country
Kaitseliit on sõjaväeline struktuur, ära seda unusta.
Fuck off, they are full.
We should do the same.
fugg, the local russians could get their hands on the semi automatics. Their microdistricts are dreadful already, we don't need them robbing finnish tourists at gunpoint.
KL ei pea kõikidest õppustest osalema
Keri persse, Ahmed.
fuck off we're full only applies to shitskins, not white europeans moving to another white european country
fuck if they'll get guns then it will obviously come here
Based Czechs
Khm, sa ei adu matsu.
>wanting pussies to flee their country and ruining other countries
>vaadake mind, mul on ainult üks argument, kui kellegil on teistsugune argument, siis ma hakkan teda kakapeaks sõimama, sest ma olen tegelt 16 aastane Tauri kellel ema lubas täna kauem üleval olla sest mul on nohu ja ei pea homme kooli minema.
nüüd mine ime võmpa ja lase täiskasvanutel rääkida
It applies to everybody.
Otherwise we can not assimilate the migration influx and take hit to culture, language and Estonian nation.
Kuidas sulle meeldiks 100000 arutult parte tapvat Itaalia jahituristi? Või krutsifiksi lutsivat poolakat?
>making gun ownership a constitutional right
literally not true
It's about right to defend your COUNTRY (that is in case of foreign invasion and shit like that, it does not give you a right to snipe refugees) with legally owned firearm, which is something that is not only already allowed by law but which is probably even a legal obligation in a sense. It would allow you to use your firearm to defend your life too. ( Which too is already allowed by law) However the conditions for determining what is a life threating situation would remain so strict that in effect it'll chane nothing.
It's just current centre-left government's atempt to secure votes in the next election.
what actually happens is that their visit to uncucked countries gives them a valuable lesson they can tell to their countrymen whenever they go back home
See polnudki mingi argument, sa õigustad eurosotside rumalusi kes imevad ahmedi võmpa ja seega sai sind ka ahmediks nimetatud.
>we don't
That's why you're paying them 3k a piece to leave your country you beta faggot
No, they want to continue living their way here.
This is reality.
Nice b8 m8
>foreign invasion
Too bad it's phrased as "refugee migration". Just look at how fucking pathetic Germany is now. All of their posters are cucked beta faggots
>that person slit his wrists and died
>if only he told us about that you can die from this
>we can do nothing else but follow his steps
No, there won't be 10 000 Italians suddenly here when we say it's OK to move to more uncucked countries, and 10 000 poles either, because they prefer their own countries. There is a little thing called tourism, buddy. When they say they want to live here, they don't mean that they are actually gonna be here for life, but rather they want to see what is it like to live in uncucked countries, and this is the lesson they can bring with them when they go back home, which redpills the cucks back home pretty easily.
I'll give you a benefit of the doubt that you are either a teen, or you are drunk, because none of what you said makes sense or conforms to reality.
Based af
I cant understand who do they need to defend themselves against. In the end it will just backfire as usual with Original Czech niggabros who cruise prague trying to sell shitweed being able to nigg nogg even more because muh guns. Goodbye safe night prague life.
Mõni erandlik britt, ameeriklane või kanadalane ei tee kellelegi liiga, eriti kui ta Sup Forumsis käib ja on ilmselt parempoolne. Ma muidu ei õigusta midagi, järgmistel valimistel hääletan EKRE poolt ja sotsidest täitsa kõrini mis kõrini.
Not all immigrants are shitskins who have their shitskin religion holding them back from intergrating, m8
I see a little strawman story here but I don't see an argument
>Too bad it's phrased as "refugee migration".
It's not.
Nic se nezmění. Všechno co chtěji narvat do ústavy už stejně právně dávno funguje. Tohle je jenom ubohá snaha nahnat si před volbama preference u voličů úsvitu, IVČRN a podobných.
Kas sa pole juba päris mitu korda kuulnud kuidas nad vinguvad, et neid inglise keeles ei teenendata riigiasutustes ja kõike ette-taha ära ei tehta?
Minu jaoks pole venelasel, poolakal, rootslasel, neegril või liivaneegril mingit vahet - ühed võõrad kõik.
Karu metsas ja lind pesas vajavad kah ruumi ja me ei tohi saada selleks kohaks kuhu maailma rahvaste ülejääk kokku hakkab jooksma (ja ta hakkab sest mujal on kitsas).
Tahad multikultuursust - mine too omale välismaalt mees või naine ja naudi seda kodus ja poputa oma raha eest.
More guns less crime bro.
City's in America with more gun laws have more gun crimes.
Less gun restrictions, less crime.
Sounds weird huh? It's true.
Kuidas türa on meil vaja rootslasi et öelda et nende riik on sotsiaalset perse keeratud?
Integration is a meme, we need to ASSIMILATE them to preserve our culture.
you mean shoot
Even if they actually achieve the constitutional amendment, It's going to have literally zero legal impact. If you read it in the original language, you'd know that it's phrased in a way that leaves enormous space for interpretation regarding any actual legislation.
Also it does not secure the right to own firearm. Just the right to use your already legally owned firearm to defend the country. Something that is already allowed by - and I believe that you are actually obliged to it by - current law.
It's just the ruling party trying to get more votes in the upcoming election
And massive immigration is very hard to assimilate.
Western European pavement white niggers have very different set of values.
Want to preserve some national uniqueness or want to become one big mess?
Before that you need assimilate the remaining russians and make sure your whole country is at least 95% estonian again.
This, too.
He's right though, all shitskins should be shot on the spot.
Sa liialdad veits, neil on ju päris hea riik. Süüdi on avatud piiride poliitika ja seda toetavad liberaalid, mitte rahvuskonservatiivsed rootslased. Keskmine valija hääl kipub valima neid avatud piire toetavaid poliitikuid, kuid iga rootslane sellega nõus ei ole. Kui ta siia tuleb, saab ta hea kogemuse, kuidas on elu keskkonnas kus moodsat vähkkasvajat vähem on, ja ta viib selle kogemuse oma riiki tagasi.
Vaata, ma olen väikestviisi nagu valgete natsionalismi pooldaja, ning pooldan, et valged oleks omavahel solidaarsemad. See kisklemine ongi see kuidas moslemid ja feminstid võidavad. Kisklemine omavahel oli ka põhjus, miks maakond maakonna kaupa sakslased meist jagu said.
I agree, but you were implying that few brits from Sup Forums visiting Estonia is already a conquest, and I don't like such exaggerated, emotional statements.
how is shooting refugees and russians not better at preserving estonia
We currently talk about western european pavement cucks running here with their shitty values.
Many of them are shitskins and niggers, though. In disguise of being le frenchmen or die deutch.
Estonia doesn't need the genetic damage of assimilating shitskins. Therefore, shoot the invaders.
Inimesed on neil seal Rootsis peast põrunud kah, ära pisenda nende probleeme.
>wanting an international incident to happen and casus belli for Putin to send tanks here
Is the Czech Republic """racist""" enough to keep the country white like Poland? It's the country I want to move to in the V4 the most but it looks like the most shaky on immigrant
Oleneb mis sa mõtled hea, mina isiklikult olen nõus olemema vaesem kui see et mul on kõrged maksud ja et mu raha läheb neegritele kes sittagi peale probleemide tekkitamisega tegeleb
Lisaks veel. Valgetel on oma riigid, tehku need korda mitte ärgu jooksku mööda planeeti ringi ja otsigu kohta kus on parem.
Because they are a major small arms manufacturer you dense idiots.
jah, neil on suured probleemid mida lahendada, kuid üks viis kuidas neid lahendada on õppida maadelt, kes ei ole veel nõnda perses
How can a shitskin be in the disguise of being a Frenchman or German? They aren't white, so it's quite easy to figure out that they're no French or German. If you can't tell that a BROWN man isn't French or German then you deserve every single shitskin immigrant you get, to be fair.