Just admit it Poland, you are forever theirs.
1/5th of Poles still know Russian
I'd like to learn russian myself but obviously Poland isn't east-slavic
hah slavshit BTFO
No Ivan you are the Slavs
>And then Ivan was Slavs
>by number of countries and dependencies
>arabic excluded
you mean the fifth that is barely able to wipe their own ass? yeah.. give them 20 years and that number will way lower
>Janusz, do you speak German?
>Yes, yes!
>And Russian?
>Oh, yes, yes!
>Konnen Sie mir sagen...
>Skazhite pozhaluista...
>I-i d-don't u-understand...
Also millions of Poles "know": Czech, Slovak, Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian.
Pavel, teach me Russian and as a reward, you can have unlimited burgers, shart women and a walmart next to your commieblock.
Soon the USgAy will also be theirs.
Thanks Drumpf!
I can read their moon runes but that's it, wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with a blyat cyka. Probably 80% of those Poles are 50 years old or older.
really made me think
can confirm, this is how most of poles "know" foreign languages
>all the 'stan's
Kek the eternal Russki even cucked the mudshits
B O R S C H T'ed
Admit it Polacks, baltics , hohols , and generally all the ones marked on this map.
Russkies are the APEX Slavs aka your daddy.
That's why you are so butthurt about them, borsht' Ed and dumped, side bish remorse
but most russians know english
what does this mean?
Brits have cucked the entire world through our superior language.
Everyone's under the boot of the Eternal Anglo.
The Deutsche willingly racemixed with the Russians even before the commies. Russian-Germans are literally the most POWERFUL race in the world
>Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian
Kinda like you belong to Serbia?
What about mandarin? and why is Arabic excluded?
this, people under 70 who speak fluent russian must've been some commie administration workers
That's by territory rather than number of people. Arabic is excluded because we need to nuke that part of the world.
You'd be surprised. My mom despises Russians but she still understands Russian almost perfectly despite never maintaining it post-education (where everyone was forced to learn it). I don't know if she can speak it though and won't ask - she'd kick me out from the family for that.
chinks are not that usual in russia, arabic is excluded because all those tajiks and other steppe chiggers are muslim therefore learn arabic as a seconadry language to read qurvan
Are there any Germans left in Germany?
Some but it's very Nazi of them to exist and they couldn't possibly have that. That's why they're replacing themselves now.
You have to know language of your potential enemy
That's why we also learn German language
In a few years some Poles will know Arabic too
I need to get myself a German waifu to breed some master race offspring then.
Poles often spend their holidays in Croatia or Bulgaria and after a visit like that they tend to say that they speak your languages, usually they know some basic phrases like "good morning", "thank you" etc. Generally speaking they overestimate their linguistic abilities. The same with Russian, while even basic phrases like "I am a postman" or "You have a car" have completely different structures in Russian and in Polish. As far as I know Bulgarian and Macedonian don't have typical "Slavic" cases, you have articles and that unique verb mood when you refer to some happening that you know about, but you didn't witness so despite all similarities your language isn't that easy.
based leaf.
*Arabic is excluded
Is it true that Russian diaspora are like the niggers of Eastern Europe? Rioting, stirring up shit, causing trouble... or is this Western propaganda?
I had someone from Estonia tell me that once, don't know how true it is.
Estonia's Russians don't have a right to vote and refused to many jobs, they're basically like illegal Mexicans in there.
How does the EU react to this persecution? Well, they don't. So the Russians can behave as they please and we wait for apologies, and maybe monies.
>You have to know language of your potential enemy
>Poland know russian and german
>In a few years some Poles will know Arabic too
>But Poland never learned hebrew.
really makes you think
"Our" Jews mostly spoke Yiddish
Some facts:
(read page 16)
Another fact, see pic related and then check where live Russian speakers.
I could choose between Nazi and Communist in high school. There was also french, but only dickheads chose it. German was a bit too hard for me (Or maybe I got wrong teachers), so I choose russian. Easy to learn for a slav.
>Arabic is excluded
sorry, here is the proper link:
>Estonia's Russians don't have a right to vote and refused to many jobs, they're basically like illegal Mexicans in there.
>How does the EU react to this persecution? Well, they don't. So the Russians can behave as they please and we wait for apologies, and maybe monies.
Learn Estonian, get citizenship, get right to vote, get security clearance needed for some government jobs and that seems like problem solved. EU doesn't react because there any prosecution, just normal requirements for citizenship. Language skills, basic knowledge over laws, history and application for naturalization. All Russian speaking Estonians that had Estonian citizenship prior to Soviet occupation and their descendants got citizenship automatically after end of occupation.
also, since slavic languages are similar to eachother, some people would pass off understanding the general gist of a few simple sentences as language proficiency
for example, hearing spoken Russian (if its spoken slowly), I can get most of what the other person is saying, but this obviously doesn't mean I speak Russian
>french, but only dickheads chose it
It was the same in my high school and the teacher was a dickhead as well. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
So? The Russian in Estonia are oppressed as fuck and seek salvation in drugs and alcohol.
Another perfect example. Ukrainians literally provoked Russian-speaking population to start a civil war. When does a person decide to pick a weapon and say aloud "fuck you"? It's when he doesn't want to deal with you anymore.
Low class attributes are not inherited to them because they speak Russian, on the contrary. What you try do describe has a name and it's called persecution.
Weak try , Mariusz
Also total bullshit.
>Ethnic Russians 1, mil
Haha yeah right.
Never met one in my life and I've been around believe me.
Only German Russians and russian Jews are here.
Seems like they also got filed under " ethnic" in Jewpedia
You're wrong. That's not how you deal with minorities, no European country behave that way. Estonians are sick fucks and gonna pay for it.
this is how most people i've met define 'being able to speak a foreign language'
In the case of HIV in Ukraine it's impossible, since those regions inhabited by Russians are richer, of course there are also other explanations possible - for example I think that more Ukrainians and Estonians live in villages/small towns, while more Russians live in big cities, so they are more prone to "urban" problems. Still, it's an interesting phenomenon with many possible explanations.
I know Russian
я знaю кaк пиcaть нa pyccкoм языкe
Also read this book, it explains how communism fucked up Russian values, for example after the revolution prostitution rates were reduced, but that life style that was earlier common among prostitutes became a norm for many Russian women, especially living in newly created industrial centres:
Why do so many Lithuanians speak Russian compared to the other Balts? Estonia and Latvia have much bigger Russian minorities but 80% of Lithuanians speak Russian? Weird
Dobryj viecher, tovarishch Kim!
Probably because Latvians and Estonians created modern nations under German influences against Russians, while the Lithuanian national "revival" was organised by Russians against Poles.
russian to polish is like dutch to german
i never learned russian but i understand like 50% of what they say
>tfw Poles are assimilating so well nobody notices them
You people must really hate your national identity. Germans take at least pride in telling you that they are sorry for the six gorillions every day.
It's their phonetics mostly. Listen to cyka language for a while and you'll probably get it.
So you'd like it more if we were like your roaches?
Countries like Russia. You don't get citizenship without meeting requirements of said citizenship. Usually one parent with said citizenship when you are born or applying for it.
Russia for example requires knowing Russian language, basic laws and history if someone applies for citizenship.
Russia follows similar principles as Estonia when it comes to citizenship. Person is either born to at least one Russian parent or to two legal resident and isn't granted any other citizenship. Russian minority in Estonia weren't granted Estonian citizenship on basis that Russia promised Russian citizenship to all Soviet citizens when Soviet Union collapsed.
Eastern germans had to learn russian, too and there's just one thing in common of all countries that've had russian influences - the hatred for russia
Except that this is not a tiny tiny social group you're talking about. Russians in Estonia compose 24% of population. If you think this attitude wouldn't backfire you're out of your mind.
The USSR was a land of affirmative action and minorities were heavily privileged over the Russians and over-represented in the government bodies. So please don't relate it to us.
By that logic are we Hue's forever portugal's?
Size of group is irrelevant. Law is same for small groups and larger groups. In civilized countries laws aren't applied to groups, but to individuals.
100% of Russian speakers that had pre-occupation citizenship or were relatives, got citizenship.
Occupation era illegal immigrants were granted legal residency despite being illegal immigrants. That is privilege, not oppression. They didn't have personal blood relation to Estonian citizens, so they didn't inherit citizenship from blood. Like any other non-citizen legal resident, they need to apply for citizenship. Terms were and still are reasonable. Language, history and basic law exams plus oath of allegiance. Just like in all other countries in world when it comes to immigrants, including Russia.
>The USSR was a land of affirmative action and minorities were heavily privileged over the Russians and over-represented in the government bodies. So please don't relate it to us.
In other Soviet "states", those same affirmative action laws were used in favor of Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian minorities in effort to Russify the other states. A lot of commie politicians moved to Russia as they were facing criminal charges over treason and shieet.
Fuck! Thanks God for Danube...