Who are these people? Are they french? Germanic? What it is like to live there?

Who are these people? Are they french? Germanic? What it is like to live there?

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Isn't it that Walloons are more French and Flemish are more German?

wallons are french flemish are dutch
there's a tiny minority of germans in the east


They're all fries
Don't you wish there was nice fries from belgium, with extra mayonaise, just in front of you right now ?

don't forget the sody pop

Well first, french is an nationality, germanic is an ethnicity.
Walloons are ethnical romanic and culutral french
Walloons are ethnical germanic and culutral dutch
Duitstalige are ethnical germanic and culutral german

>*Flemish are ethnical germanic and culutral dutch

>Who are these people? Are they french? Germanic? What it is like to live there?

Flanders is rightful German clay

Wallonia is rightful French clay

Belgium is literally an artificial creation of the British circa 1830

>germanic is an ethnicity
not really, considering "germanic" refers to a huge collection of disparate tribes from a wide range of areas that came together during the great migration

Flanders was never German. Flemish isn't German, dumb Yankee, it's Dutch. If anything, Flanders and the Netherlands are part of the Greater Netherlands as 1 united clay.

dumb burgers kek

[spoiler/]t.burger on vacation with 140 iq, who knows infinitey more about history+math than your average eurotrash fag[spoiler]

Its actually great to live here, we have nice educational system, welfare is ok but is collapsing, only thing that really bothers me are the left wing political parties, they are srls destroying everything we stand for. I hope we become independent in 2025, the Walloons are robbing every penny from Flanders, they are the jews to this country

They are niggers and its pretty awful.

Pretty much a.........................

Flanders was always pretty based before it got forcefully merged with the frogs in 1830 by the Brits. Independent Flanders would be a rich and technologically superior tiny country like Taiwan or Hong Kong.


True, i blame the Walloons for the sht that's happening now. Do you think we will become independent again if Nva wins the next elections?

I know someone from turnout and he basically feels the same way.

>implying that the Netherlands isn't rightful German clay as well

wew laddy

>Its actually great to live here


nobody really knows who they are, but the best way to find out is invade, rape and pillage. when do you want to start?

They already won the latest elections and nothing changed.

Only difference is that someone whith brains is now in charge of immigration.

Will probaby vote for them again next time though. It's not like VB will ever be involved in the running of this country. Plus I don't really mind the southern half. Africans are the problem with this country, not the Walloons.

That's Brussels, who cares about that eyesore anyway?

no because they couldnt even do it last elections and they will probably get less votes this time

Flemish are basically Dutch and pretty based. Ideally we would reunite with them.
The Walloons are dirty frogs and the french can have them.

Great Vlaams-Nederlandse union when?

maybe someday
>antwerp and rotterdam ports in one country
wew lads

Most people i know in Flanders feel this way
Brussels is the shitiest place to live in Flanders, its run by Walloons, so practically a communist fiesta
Biggest problem we have now is the debt Di Rupo placed upon this government, CD&V is doing everything they can to stop Nv-a from achieving goals, so they can get some leftists votes next election
vlaams belang? I think nv-a will score less and vlaams belang will score decent

I'm really happy we have a proud right-winger like Francken heading the immigration department.

I don't know how it's like to live in Wallonia or Brussels for that matter, but Flanders is pretty comfy.
It's like a slighty more chaotic, dirty and 'laissez-faire' version of the Netherlands with better food, less obnoxious and loud people and people here don't speak with that horrible 'throatjob' accent.

Strange thing about this country is that I have absolutely no clue what goes on in Wallonia.
Really, nothing. I don't know what laws they are voting, what their television shows are like or who their celebrities are.
Only contact I have with Walloons is at festivals and all I can tell is that they are sleazily dressed compared to the average Flemish person and that they take way more drugs.
Never had any trouble with them tho, they are good people.

How are africans a problem? Mudslimes are fcking sht up, I predict that in the next 5 years we will see a muslim party in our government. And Walloons are robbing so much money from Flanders, just to give an example " for every 65 euros we spend on innovating nmbs 45euros goes to the Walloons, thats fcking insane

The Flemish speak Dutch, they come from the region of Flanders, the northern half of Belgium. Culturally they are Germanic.

The Walloons speak French, they come from the region of Wallonia, the southern half of Belgium. Culturally they are Latin.

It's really not that hard to figure out, OP.

I'm a walloon and i don't give a fuck about the flemish,we hate each other, but we hate the muslim even more. Brussels is a shithole full of faggot, flemish, jew and muslim Make the prince bishopric of liège again.

Walloons are the cancer to this country, from frist to last you are all lazy pieces of sht that need to stop taking drugs, look for a job.

We're just Belgian. Of course, there's a language divide, but not as much cultural difference as the media would let you think. The Walloons I know eat fries and stoofvlees and drink beer as much as I do, they hold the same base values and they dislike immigration as much as I do.

Belgians are pretty quiet and making friends is pretty hard (friends, not acquaintances), but the friends you make are very loyal.

Walloons are objectively better than the Flemish, that much is true. What's his name again?

It's not just the left, also center and right wing that buttfucked us. They are all shills for the EU.

only the extremist parties like vb or pvda care about what their voterbase thinks. With the occasional exception like Francken, who is doing a great job desu


Degrelle and he was a filthy Nazi. May all collaborators rot. His speeches were pretty good though.

>tfw Walloon

>rich and technologically superior
well, no. you are the kike cocksuckers of yurop and the base haven for their institutions, in exchange they feed you a bit.
you are the chosen body part for the chosen parasite what is so dumb and numb that there is no resistance to worry about.
if you ever lose that 'privilege', you can try to be rich and superior with exporting beer and chocolate.

swissbro,you know damn well that we're both chocolate jews only you sit on mountains

Never get with a Belgian girl bros, they start complaining about marriage and kids at 21.

Don't tell me I didn't warn you.

forget the waffles, what the fuck is luxembourg?

Great Netherlands under Geert.
Might even annex and save Germany from it's cuckery

hi mehmet, still butthurt for being evicted from Flanders?

Fuck off, Brussels is the beneficiary of all the EU bullshit. We've got the Antwerp as major port and the entire Flemish "diamond" as industrial zone.I don't agree with the poster you replied to, but what you're saying is just patently false.

>well, no. you are the kike cocksuckers of yurop and the base haven for their institutions, in exchange they feed you a bit.
This implies that flanders has anything to with brussels,which we dont
Also Flanders invests more in eu than it recieves
>if you ever lose that 'privilege', you can try to be rich and superior with exporting beer and chocolate.
and diamonds,guns and of course cucking hamburg port with the dutchies

Do they teach y'all about him in class? Must be hard explaining how he was such a badass.

You're right and it's great :3

second time I see this cuckolding whore today
on topic, you're right

I dont want any kids, I dont even have my life together yet, cute Belgian accents ruined my life.

depends on their education level
I must say that lower educated women here start ridiculously young with kids

Yes, our history lessons were pretty great and non-biased. Our teacher even showed us Hitler speeches and all that. She didn't try to explain away Degrelle's badasness, because she was there to teach, not to indoctrinate.

For better or worse, my girlfriend's from Western Flanders, so no cute accents here :(

>Never get with a Belgian girl bros, they start complaining about marriage and kids at 21.

Time to finally visit Belgium!

wallonia lost all his industrial capacity with the lost of his metallurgy, the gouvernement has fucked up pretty bad when they sell all the technology. Poo in the loo mittal cucked us to the bone.

Mittal is a fucking cunt and we shouldn't have let this happen. We're really getting cucked by all our governments all the time.

Western Flanders?

What is the accent like there?
Too Flemmish?

It's pretty insane, I never expected this to be real, I'm not even old enough to think about kids.
I'd love to have them eventually, just not when I have nothing to offer.

Live in brussel

Life is good but what bothers me is that I don't know jackshit about Flanders and their happenings

Glad my grandparents immigrated here

looks like someone just peed on a french flag tbhq

It sounds, for lack of a better word "boers". There's no soft "g", instead it's an "h". The vowels seem elongated. The last "e" in the "en" at the end of a word is skipped. A classic example is the word "muggengeheugen", which would be pronounced "muhhenheheuhn".

I don't really mind, because I'm from Western Flanders myself, but it's sure not as cute as an accent from Flemish Brabant :(

I understand you, but if that's the price to pay for a girl with family values, so be it. And honestly, the more children, the better. Someone has to outbreed the Muslims.

That's funny, my friend asked his girlfriend's family to say muggengeheugen and told me they it sounded like a long muh, never told me where she's from so I suppose West Flanders.

True, I want atleast 3 to overstep the replacement rate.
Still I'd rather wait a little until I have a better income and atleast a good education under the belt but she thinks it means I don't really love her or that I'm embarassed of her.

It's a huge difference from Dutch women who don't really want to get married and start thinking about kids at 30.

Rightful Dutch clay

Kill this nigger

>Geert the Jew lover
>Save Germany from the Jewish plan

Excuse meee


Yeah, I'd rather wait as well to have a little more stability, but she wants kids as soon as possible.

If I were you, I'd try sit down and to set up a timeline with her. You can settle on a compromise that works for the both of you and once she knows the kids are definitely coming, she might stop asking about it.

I'll try to do that, I'd be fine with kids in 4 years and we're still in our 20s.

Bruges is the comfiest place I've ever been

They are either German or Germanic

It's fun to laugh at Belgium from the outside but when you actually live here there's nothing funny about our situation.

Belgium is indeed a non-country in the sense that nobody is actually firmly in control of it. The whole political system is based on a culture of consensus to appease all kinds of groups and interests. As a result nothing substantial ever gets done or reformed and we're stuck with an incredibly bloated in inefficient structure of decision-making.

Aside from this Belgium also suffers from a host of structural problems that are slowly rotting the economic and social structure of this county. A long standing overly generous welfare state is a magnet for parasitic migrants and encourages an attitude of entitlement and laziness among the lower strata of society. Welfare of course costs tons of money that has historically been funded by two things. First of all stratospherically high taxes on the (nowadays) minority of society that is still productive. This easily goes over 50% for an average middle class worker. And secondly by deficit spending which has left us with a gargantuan debt that is still growing day by day. This debt will never be repaid and we will simply default on it once the game is up.

Demographically this country is also walking the plank. Replacement migration and islamification is very real and this is especially obvious in big cities which are becoming unrecognizable in merely a few generations. Politicians are totally on board with this and relentlessly downplay any concerns that are brought up about this. Pro-migrant propaganda is almost a daily thing nowadays. Schools also push multiculturalism heavily, even the Catholic ones. Like many other European countries Belgium's currents policies will possibly lead to civil war and balkanization in the future if they go on for much longer. That was obvious to anyone with some common sense but not politicians though.

illuminati duh

North is rich, South is like Albania.
All media and government is cucked beyond repair.
There is an quasi official political embargo going against the most rightwing Flemish party that has been stading for 25 years now. It's called 'Cordon Sanitaire' which roughly translates to 'Hygienic barrier'. People don't even question it anymore although it blocks out soem 20% of votes (potentially) so it is an utterly undemocratis leftist invention.

Also Moroccans everywhere and they are a particular shit kind of people.

You perfectly described germany, especially in the second paragraph. Didn't expect our countrys to be this similiar.

Our welfare system is fucked too, we're flooded with niggers and muslims resulting in ghettos and our pension system is crumbling beyond repair. This nation is a sinking ship and everyone who's not super rich knows. EU didn't help and the whole middle class suffers under it. Money is worth less, but the salary got lower and the prices higher.

this desu
fuck nva
winters is our only way out of this mess

I concur with you good sir. Well written.

Great post, I agree with almost everything. It's still a great play to live, but it might not be for long. It's time to do something about perpetual political inaction and actually start changing stuff.


I'm enjoying Wallonia as much as I can before these retards here vote for the Communist party in 2019.

A non country.


if digits, kek will reunite us for the deus vult against muslim then will separe us a two different entity and we will become good friends


If they're so nice then stop claiming they're your thing when you're in the US and go "haha belgians = fries" when you're in your shithole and stick to eating snails, you unwashed savage.




Frenchies are cancerous baboons and a threat to Belgium and every community in it.

You guys ever hear of "The Three State Solution"?

Here's how it works - Belgium is broken up into three smaller parts and divided between three REAL countries: France, Holland, and Germany.

Problem solved


Some moroccans can be pretty friendly.
I have yet to meet a friendly turk, though...

evicted? i am sleeping in your parks waiting for fresh, brand-tuned flamish moron girl pussy to rape.

>prussia controlling that much land
>prussia owning part of the netherlands
>british protectorate

well, (((diamonds))), (((guns))), chocolate and beer.
sounds like a strong kikonomy.

It was already obvious in the 60s when people complained that immigration was bad but politicians promised us that they would only bring a few that would reproduce with natives.
Then they used our trust and let in thousands, none of that was visible until the late 80s and early 90s, right when our generation was born.

Immigrants weren't integrating and racial tensions grew, so what did the government do?
They changed their attitutude, from now on we had to start accepting mutliculturalism and the idea of inviting these people in and living together, integration and the originally idea of importing workers had failed.

The government sped it up in the early 2000s, they funded Dutch movies about Muslims and blacks to show us they weren't all that bad.
The media started propagating things to make us grow more open to the idea as well.

They betrayed our parents and now we're paying the price.

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