Finnish member of the Nordic Resistance Movement is facing charges for kicking a Antifa member into concrete, breaking a Antifa members skull, killing him.
Finnish National Socialist breaks Antifa members skull, faces charges
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Antifag cuck got BTFO.
But I'm a little confused.
It's in Scandinavia, the group is multinational for all Scandinavian nations.
He didn't die of that though. The guy kicking didn't get charged for murder.
No Finland is not in Scandinavia. They are nordic though.
Really? I thought the Antifa guy was killed?
He died a week after. Most likely because he was a hardcore drug addict. Not that the kick helped in any way...
Didn't help*
he died a week later after escaping the hospital to do drugs.. he did die from the head injury but the court decided he would have survived had he stayed in the hospital
>Antifa member
1. He was just a drug addict.
2. He died AFTER getting back home from the hospital
3. Nordic Resistance Movement members are just full trash skinheads, unlike I first thought
Bahahah damn that commie got served!
Is this the same junkie as before or a new one?
>He was just a drug addict.
So? Nothing of value was lost.
he became a god damn martyr for the left wingers.. that stupid skin head caused more damage with one kick than the state sponsored propaganda in a decade
Same junkie that has been on news since September. The hero who saved society from habitual offender with subutex habit got two years for aggravated assault, racist hate crime as motive was dismissed as junkie wasn't darkie. Prosecutor will appeal to higher courts over conviction.
Also as funny side note...the memorial that was set up junkie was largely organized by coal burner that got burned to death in Oakland fire that started pic related.
Nice footwork.
>he became a god damn martyr for the left wingers.. that stupid skin head caused more damage with one kick than the state sponsored propaganda in a decade
Nope. It pretty well know that the faggot who died was junkie.
>kicking a Antifa member into concrete, breaking a Antifa members skull, killing him
>3. Nordic Resistance Movement members are just full trash skinheads, unlike I first thought
What makes you say that? They were attacked by this subhuman and they retaliated which they need to.
Yeah right anglo. You are way too slow, this happened and went to court already.
This is like 2 birds with 1 stone. I hate national socialists and I hate anti-fa. 1 goes straight to jail, the other goes to a morgue. Can't get a better outcome than this.
>What makes you say that?
The fact that they don't do anything else but seek for fights just like all the neonazis. And the antifa.
The guy he kicked didn't attack them in any way. He spit to the ground and started walking away. This doesn't have anything to do with politics, just a street junkie and street muggler having their inevitable encounter.
Stop drinking autism
Good I've always liked skinheads.
And it's also known that it was a neo-nazi hothead who assaulted the junkie for basically no reason.
Which makes it harder for non-retarded people who are against this globalist funded immigration meme to stem the tide of shit rolling from the south.
t. other fag
>What makes you say that? They were attacked by this subhuman and they retaliated which they need to.
The witness statements that are now public have pretty lulzworthy stuff in 'em.
The other junkie dead guy was with when idiot spat on sticker nazi, pic related.
>”Päättelin, että paikalle tulevat kohta poliisit, ja tämän takia otin Jimin taskusta siellä olevat loput Rivatrilit, yhteensä noin kymmenen tablettia.”
The first thing he did once his buddy had dropped and was bleeding on ground.. was to steal about 10 pills of Clonazepam from his buddy before cops arrive.
Landlord of dead junkie.
>”Olin nähnyt Karttusen samana aamupäivänä noin 1-2 tuntia aijemmin [ennen ambulanssin tuloa]. Tuolloin olin kävelemässä ostarin suuntaan, kun Karttunen käveli vastaan, kotiinsa päin menossa. Karttunen oli yksin liikkeellä.”
I saw him couple hours before ambulance came. He was heading home, alone.
>”Karttusen kohdatessa totesin, että onpa hän aivan ’peltikiinni, aivan totaalisen kamoissa’ – näin ajattelin tuolloin. Olin nähnyt Karttusen kamoissa aiemminkin, mutta nyt hän oli aivan tokkurainen ja siksi kohtaaminen jäi mieleenikin. Kohdatessamme hän ei puhunut mitään ja oli siinä kunnossa, ettei reagoinut muuhun maailmaan. Hänellä oli niin sanotusti ’valot päällä, muttei ketään kotona’.”
I have seen him wasted before. He was more fucked up than usual. He didn't talk or react to outside world in any way. Basically, like they say "lights on, but no one home".
Junkie literally spat on his buddy.
NRM is fucking based
fighting is great. especially if its against sympathizers, or invaders.
> "Join our cause, we want to create a safer future for our people!"
> Jump kicks a random guy for a minor non-violent insult so that he dies
> "Why the fuck doesn't anybody wanna join us?"
Pls natsocs remove your retards
Subhumans vs subhumans
You can barely tell skinheads and antifa scum apart
thank you for you response swedecuck, but youre full cucked and didnt even try to defend yourself. you have no room talkin bout finland
>Finish Mongol
>Nordic Resistance
We wuz nordics n sheit!
Junkie spitting on your buddy isn't non-violent insult, given that there is shit like hepatitis involved, it as itself can considered aggravated assault.
>says Sven while peaceful refugees are raping his 5 year old in his backyard.
>Junkie literally spat on his buddy.
All of the media I've read about it said he spat on the ground and (probably) talked some shit to the flag wavers.
But even if he spat on a friend of the guy who assaulted him do you think cracking somebody's skull is a proportional response? Or are you the kind of person who thinks acting like a nigger is okay as long as you agree with the guys political views?
Watch it, Aryan.
>Im a cuck please muslims fuck my sister and mother
Just realize that if you natsocs want nationalism to ever be normalized you have to kys. I know that is a hard pill to swallow but let that double-digit IQ work for a while and you will find this to be true.
>transferable by spit
Unless it was a ball of spit with significant amounts of blood in it then no. Hepatitis (similar to HIV and other junkie diseases) spreads through blood contact.
Yes brave nordic warrior killed a man for getting his feelings hurt. Literally the nig-tier behaviour you should be against.
dole scum who was probably also a junkie
no they are not, atleast not in sweden.
>lmao kys nerd
Says the guy whose community has no problem in committing ethnic suicide kek
They weren't attacked. The guy who died said something mean and spat on the ground in front of them
Finns are Asians though.
sweden has killed itself a very long time ago. dont be insecure. just because you are shit, doesnt mean we all have to be.
Reality=The hardest pill to swallow (no pun intended cuck)
>All of the media I've read about it said he spat on the ground and (probably) talked some shit to the flag wavers.
Main stream media repeats shit by his junkie buddy. The fucking security camera footage shows that sticker nazi dodges it, active act.
Yes, in case of junkies and contagious diseases, aggravated assault charge is quite normal result from spitting on someone.
Skins aren't usually junkies, at least ones that are leading their organizations. Drunk, most likely, but not junkie.
are you implying people still want to be spit on?
Good kill.
Nigger tier behavior, running up on somebody and crushing their skull like a monkey.
This is why nobody likes neo nazis they're goofs who get too drunk and pull bullshit like this. In fact it's almost as if they are socialist plants designed to thwart any movement by acting like the biggest retards possible.
Just because I don't want my home to be flooded with shitskins fueled by progressive idiocy doesn't mean I have to like skinhead nazis
They're just another bunch of retards, just like antifa
Do I need to post cartel videos Pedro?
I'm not happy with the state of my country, but killing another person for feeling insulted is not gonna solve any issues.
Do you want to associate with people that will flat out kill you if you ever step slightly out of line?
Chimps all of you
Which is why you need to beat down and kill more of them. A single death is a martyr. 10-15 is a message.
>geting spat on
>not giving him a hit back to hell
Spiting is discusting it's worse then punching someone. I would never accept someone spiting at me only a cuck would say it's okey to spit agenst someone but not to hit him back for it. We all need to remember these resistance figheters minded their own bussnies until this discusting leftist came over there to spat on them. Never punish the deffender always punish the aggresor you finish cuck.
b-but both are socialist, they should be best friends?
yeeeeeeeeeee boooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiii
it's a healthy sign
So are a lot of celebrities. People generally don't care about that shit the same way you do. Junkies are degenerates and a drain on society, even when functional and productive, but they are people who can typically be helped if the correct help is provided. Being a leftist shithead is typically a less curable state of being.
Then again, I find it hard to grasp the fact that facists and antifa aren't just some tiny (like averaging 20 or so per city) subculture in most of yurop. Maybe you all do have a large population of people who do see every drug addict as a complete lost cause, and maybe that's why the left has such a stranglehold in most of yurop.
>not attacked
>geting spat on and verbal abuse
choose one your discusting cuck
>crushing their skull like a monkey
no leaf thats not what happened. this isnt american history x.
canada=irrelevant shithole
Good on the guy, hope he gets away with it somehow
I hope 2017 is the year of mass violence in Europe against commies, minorities, coalburners and gays. It's been too long coming.
I'm going to be honest I trust the Finnish police more than you so unless you can provide said security footage I'm going to assume you're just full of shit.
No just arguing that the idea that a junkie spitting on you cannot be construed as an aggravated assault.
Unless, as I said, there is evidence of intentionally trying to initiate blood contact (which so far is very much lacking).
Abolish the welfare state
>cartel videos
Shitskins killing shitskins in the name of a drug war created by the Americans doesn't phase me in the slightest.
Also, Mexico has been in this state for decades. Meanwhile Sweden, the socialist utopia you idiots flaunted so much, is becoming a literal shithole because your women can't get enough of Achmed's dick. lmao
that running kick holy shit
Why cant swedish people be this based?
Why are we so nice and pathetic?
The video is out so you can stop lying
He spits on the ground and the guy holding the flag just looks at it
> lmao my country is all subhuman lmao
Because we're white
not true. They go to demonstrations to stop the invasion then get battered with assults and insults until they are provoked into action.
Though the narc spit on the ground. You just made one more enemy to your scandi-movement. Not very wise of you.
He flying kicked a guy on pavement anybody who has a Grade 5 education would know what the outcome of that would be (manslaughter charge)
Niggers don't know this so do shit like this all the time ergo modern NeoNazis are just niggers with white skin. Goebbels would have all of you gassed after the Reichstag fire you're more trouble than you're worth
Hepatitis C spreads via blood. Hep A transfers in saliva. Spitting is assault.
nothing about killing because of "slightly out of line" this isnt North Korea you exaggerating faggot. no ones is saying the loss of life is good, cool under these circumstances.
but left and antifa can GO FUCK THEMSELVES
Fuck you fucking cuck. Antifa cucks all deserve to fucking die to advance the white race.
balto-germanic is not white now?
When faced with reality, the eternal Swede resorts to do what he does best: go full retard.
It's a good the thing the pavement can't get diseases then
irrelevant, confused leaf. lets just be clear before you tldr one cares about your opinion
Good night, left side!
Being white doesnt mean you have to act like a little cuck and never stand up for yourself.
Literally never seen a swedish man fight back when hes getting attacked.
just shows this was discusting filth dealt with accordingly. It's always low life that are pro imegration with out morals. They are probaly hoping they won't be the lowest in the society by importing third world filth.
It was a joke my long distant cousin
>one more enemy to your movment
Japan is unharmed because they kill their communist leaders. Just something to keep in mind.
Going full retard would be an improvement for you Gonzalez
honestly you swedes shouldnt put hate on finns, if we'd go full we wuz kangz genetics you'd be a mix of finns and north germans we're culturally the same etc.
Seeing as we were talking about junkies I assumed only Hep B and C were the issue here.
Hep A is only dangerous to people with existing liver problems though it could be ruled as a minor assault.
uuuhhhh false. even police if working with a known intravenous drug user take different precautions. if you mean by "junkie" as in a heroine or opioid user
Spitting on someone is a violent assault. Junkies are riddled with often incurable bloodborne illnesses. If anyone spits on me I'll fucking kill them too
Kek'd. Why the spooky music?
Probably for keks
>says the guy that will live in a third world shithole in 2030
You obviously do since you keep replying. How hard have I triggered you? You're just proving my point that NeoNazis are literal niggers you can't even get the self control to stop replying to me.
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But nobody spat on anyone