Really makes you think
Whites are weaklings
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No we fucking don't.
We need Europe to be white.
Japan is 99.9% Japanese people.
I don't see them trying to promote diversity there.
I've never understood the white genocide argument. If race-mixing is happening on the levels pol says it is, minorities are also being eliminated at similar rates to white people in the same way. You could argue it's affecting culture, but parents tend to push both of their cultures on their kids either way.
>mocking white benevolence because they are now unsatisfied with its results
N i g g e r s.
No, since globally whites are the minority...
>I don't like the idea of safe spaces
>I don't like the idea of manatees going extinct
>This makes me a hypocrite
Sorry, what?
At least he admitted that niggers are dangerous
But they are goyim. They've been pushing Japan very hard in the past two years. More and more refugees go there. """""mixed"""" Japanese women are winning their beauty pageants. Constant whining from leftwing faggots living there about "we know Japanese (language) too REEEE".
Have you been living under a rock?
Yeah because we all flee to Africa to start a better life there.
The nigger garden is left untouched while the white garden is getting trampled by niggers.
>"We're being attacked but we shouldn't defend ourselves because we're the strongest."
Yeah. This makes perfect sense.
They do. All the time. It's very important to always shout them down and attack them when they try to flood Japan with immigrants.
Anime depends on it.
>minorities are also being eliminated at similar rates to white people in the same way.
Only in Europe though. Minorities in the rest of the world (Arabs, blacks, Latinos etc.) will still remain pure minorities, while Europe will become a mixed-raced cesspit
>minorities are also being eliminated at similar rates to white people in the same way.
This would be true if racemixing were a global reality.
It's isolated to the west. All of Africa, china, india, etc etc are mostly homogenous countries.
well the language barrier forces us to take the word of news translators for the most part. can any japs tell us whats REALLY going on in nippon?
no, because the logic is, a mixed-race baby belongs to the minority. So if you're white and black, you're black.
Why are these idiots constantly labeling anyone they disagree with as 'fascists'?
Who the fuck are they even talking about?
Is he trying to tell us something?
>Not understanding the difference between a queer safe space and national identity.. hardly surprising.
We should rename "strawman" as "leftist argument". Just like with "leftist" with "retard". There's no point in even responding to you people. You clearly don't listen anyway.
What would a safe space accomplish?
An all white country would accomplish much.
No it doesn't.
Whites in general aren't as mentally weak as others. Its also replacing something that works with something that's shit.
t. not a white guy
There is a small, but growing number of japanese people promiting internationality and diversity. Look up Hafu, more are born every year, and it's going to keep growing fast, as many japanese scholars and reseachers are saying that the population of japan will be significantly down by 2050 if they continue to do what they are doing.
>Can relate to safe space for minorities but struggle to understand how a whole racial group wants to have a majority populous to ensure there culture, freedoms and heritage.
it's only equal right?
Every other race has it's own cultural country already.
>can any japs tell us whats REALLY going on in nippon?
I speak Japanese. Basically their culture in regards to work is completely out of whack with the reality of the 21st century and this is preventing a lot of the youth from entering full adulthood. That's why so many are not having sex and not starting families.
The sad thing is they don't even have to work 100 hour weeks. But that's the culture and they're too stuck in their ways to change it. Many Japanese children grow up raised by essentially single mothers because their father is always working and is never home.
On top of that their school systems are similarly fucked up.
I am honestly positively surprised by the Wikipedia entry on safe spaces.
It almost makes me unironically think that not everyone sceptical about the concept is politically involved and shares memes about races or jews.
I guess you could say it makes me feel...
If you're the strongest, then why are your "attacks" not working? And the complete opposite of what you want is happening more and more?
If diversity is always such a good thing, why is nobody promoting White people moving to africa?
identity politics works the same on both side desu senpai
love these strawmans
more like
>want a country with smart white men
>don't want dumb niggers in it
Because of anti-white traitors.
maybe we should have just let them remove commie in china
>Natural selection, the fittest survive
>We're losing and should do something about it
That's an entire can of worms right there. Mao should never have been allowed to win the civil war. Chiang Kai Shek made the fatal error of NOT KILLING A TRAITOR BEFORE AN ENEMY.
really makes you thjink l;ol! What are insecure niggers endgamr?
Just let parasites suck your blood until you die goyim, show everyone who's boss.
>implying a white nation is equivalent to a snowflake safe space
The left projecting again.
If you cucks don't like it, go back to your shitskin country and make a country greater than this one.The white population is about to start rising in this country and others.
Aw, only one off leaf.
Just like your life.
Sjw niggers invented safe spaces not right wing people you faggot
>survival the fittest = not fighting back
Because your dumb ass ruined everything.
Liberal safe spaces are supposed to be refuges from mean words; fascist safe spaces are much needed refuges from violent, low IQ, low impulse control negroes and other whatnots.
This entire problem could end if you stopped using safe space as an insult. I want my country to be a safe space - no radical jihadists, nice neighborhoods, low crime rate. It's not something that makes me a special snowflake. Liberals wanting to have certain rooms in their college be a "safe space" also doesn't hurt anybody.
Mandatory breeding programs when?
False equivalency
>"Safe spaces are for the weak"
>"We need an entire country just for white people "
>"Natural selection, the strongest and fittest survive" [false]
>"White genocide is happening! We're being wiped out! " [also false]
This is exactly Sup Forums. Inconsistent, hypocritical, stupid degenerates pretending to have an ideology, spitting out whatever sounds cool and/or edgy in the moment. You can argue them down at every turn by presenting them with their own statements made that same day, week, month (so really, they'd be arguing themselves down at every turn).
General racism and sexism is the only thing consistent from them.
>fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist
Post yfw trumpfags want to build a wall so they can have a literal safe space
Genocide - deliberate extermination by the hands of people
Natural selection - naturally occurring phenomena
Apparently the above mean the same thing to them
The longer I'm off social media the more intelligent I feel as I see all that cancer going on
>much cop out
Nope. Its not.
Its the same thing. A comfy space where you can be among things and people similar to you, and away from people and things you don't like.
>damage control
Its the same damn thing. You just want a big ass safe space for yt
>Not realizing there are other fascist countries bays the white ones.
Did all you commie libtard scum forgot chile?
It's a shit test. Just ignore them and fight back until everyone else is converted, scattered or dead.
It's just like the "I hate you and your religion, but Jesus was a gay communist pedophile, so consider that next time you make a logical conclusion about repeated behavior of any group" line.
The evolution of liberal and status quo meltdown as Trump progressed to the presidency is a pretty good example of being told not to fight back, that it's hopeless, and then completely destroying everyone who told you "you can't".
Lol, the natural selection one is funny because white people give the most handouts to other races
>white genocide
>literally more white people alive than in anytime in history
Yea no. Don't try to play surgery now.
Natural selection
Survival of the fittest
Darwinism, etc.
All are used here and the point made by you clowns when using these phrases is "whoever's left standing."
>a homogeneous and high-trust society is the same thing as a place where no-one is allowed to argue with you
kill yourself faggot
everybody wants to go to a white country, so africa, asia and south america will still remain monoracial and we'll be mixed race niggers.
SJWs: we need to stop people from speaking freely and openly. Censor people and stop civil discussions from happening in the name of freedom!
>whites fucking over whites
>muh superior negros
>South America
the dumbest shit I've seen on Sup Forums.
>when the poster is 100% right
>safe spaces are for the weak
If i moved to a black country i wouldn't expect them to build a special place for me, I'd work for the nation with the people and accept their culture.
>want a country just for white people
If everyone wants to be the same then we destroy so many cultures. I want a areas where it is just white, just black, just asian. If they want to nig or build temples everywhere they go, thats fine, i just don't want my country to suffer and pay the bill for it, they can do it in their own countries where that culture is shared by their people.
>natural selection
In an environment where seperate groups compete for the same resources, yes the best suited survive. Natural selection doesn't account for the conscious decision by a group to destroy another, rather than competing on a basic thought level.
>white genocide
Read jewish magazines or Huffington post and tell me people aren't trying
>minorities are also being eliminated at similar rates to white people in the same way.
do me a favor and a head count of black, brown and yellow people.
Then do white people.
You want MUH SAFE SPACE faggot. That's what's the same.
>haha population has increased over time rekt /pol
Compare pure white population growth to other races you fucking leaf.
>He locks his house's doors at night because it's """safe"""
Go sleep on the streets pussy, get out of your safe place.
>White genocide is happening we're being wiped out.
Yeah, because they're being polite. If survival of the fittest were a thing and they were left to their own devices whites would be fine.
>white genocide is happening, so just let it happen goyim dont bother fighting against it or else you'll look stupid on twitter.
Twitter should be banned
more poor brown children in the world. totally rekt whitey.
>More and more refugees go there.
wow a whopping 27
nice fallacy of ambiguity. "safe" doesnt mean the same thing in both contexts.
it's like complaining about a light beer because it weighs the same as a normal one.
I suppose that makes a bit more sense. I don't find it a big deal either way since it's more a matter of physical traits than culture, but as long as you're not trying to forbid anyone else from doing it, you do you.
I've always either heard "Part X, Party Y" or just "mixed-race".
>comparing countries to safe spaces
>thinking trying to get people to give a shit about their people again somehow stands opposed to believing in natural selection
meaning that they are about to fuse into a shitrace faster that europe.
the difference is safe spaces are for weak people to avoid ideas that are too difficult for them to hear, white countries are an escape from actual non-white savagery.
Europe + USA + Australia
If a muslim or a black marries a race-traitor, you can be pretty fucking sure that the women and their offspring will be treated like chattel by their husbands and the husbands' families. They are spoils, flesh to be treated in any way their new masters wish.
true, it worked for mexico.
i would bet any amount of money you are a nonwhite italian jew slav hybrid
projection: the post
No, it's just that most blacks and browns are a fucking boat anchor on the ankles of the rest of us, and we're sick of taking care of them while having to be told to ignore how much they fucking suck at doing anything valid in life.
BIG difference there, m8. Shitskins just don't cut it for most of us, so we'd rather appreciate them from afar, why is that wrong?
nah, i'm 99.2% european, majority western europe with small amount of northern.
Safe space = I don't want to hear mean ideas
White Nationalism = I don't want to be shot or robbed, give my salary for welfare, or see he greatest culture in the history of the planet be bred out
The domino are already falling.
Except white people are the cause of those things as well. So we're the only ones strong enough to keep us down or kill us off
People of all origins can be abusive or decent.
You know what will be down even more than population?
Irreplaceable jobs, Japan can live with a declining population just fine.
The USA and Australia werent white to begin with like Europe
Hey user, do you want some ice cream or some dog shit?
Hey - ! Why not both?
Let's mush them all together.
OK, so your ice cream gets dog shit in it, but that's ok, because, this nasty dog shit now has some delicious ice cream mixed in!
Plus, the global population boom is coming from niggers, chinks and poo-in-loos. They keep breeding and breeding and breeding; meanwhile, whites are not having babies and when they are, they are increasingly moxed race.
Whites will literally die out at this rate. How do you not see that? It's very simple maths.
>If i moved to a black country i wouldn't expect them to build a special place for me, I'd work for the nation with the people and accept their culture.
No yt, you would be neither one of these. As we have seen, white people have went to black countries have exactly not accepted the culture and have built or tried to build a special place for them or reform it to their liking. JUST like immigrants to white majority countries, only they don't have the power to do what whites have done in black countries, so they just ask and campaign for certain accommodations, just like you'd do if you moved to a black country.
>If everyone wants to be the same then we destroy so many cultures. I want a areas where it is just white, just black, just asian. If they want to nig or build temples everywhere they go, thats fine, i just don't want my country to suffer and pay the bill for it, they can do it in their own countries where that culture is shared by their people.
Dont care to argue this crap. I was just pointing out pol hypocrisy and schizopol.
>In an environment where seperate groups compete for the same resources, yes the best suited survive.
In a raw, institutionally bare environment (such as animal wildlife), yes. That's not modern society however.
>Natural selection doesn't account for the conscious decision by a group to destroy another, rather than competing on a basic thought level.
It very well does, say, if one group is destroying another via conscious decision because they're competing for the same resources in a raw, institutionally bare environment.
>Read jewish magazines or Huffington post and tell me people aren't trying
There is NO white genocide, user.
Yes, the fittest survive. That is why white people are waking up to white genocide and doing something about it.
>is the "liberals have high IQ" meme true at all?
>hurr durr if you don't hand over your country to us, you are a weak hypocrite
op = faget
+ Russia
>Canada is lost
Wrong. Black +white=black. First black POTUS ring a bell?