Here is a MAP that explains how the earth is flat and also shows the massive layer of ice that surrounds the edge of the flat earth.
Here is a MAP that explains how the earth is flat and also shows the massive layer of ice that surrounds the edge of...
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Do they not have good schools in India??
the Indian holy books say the earth is flat
Fuck your NASA and your government, both of which are LYING TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!
thanks OP, is good to finally hear the truth.
If the Earth is flat does that mean you can poo over the edge and not have to worry about it?
Holy shit Attack on Titan was true!
So how did the Japanese do Pearl Harbour if there was an icewall between them and Hawaii?
What is the deal with this flat earth stuff being pushed lately? Seems odd.
Like that "flat earth asshole" youtuber, I can't tell if he takes half the shit he says seriously.
Is it some big plot? Like do they think they can trick people into thinking the earth is flat, so that later down the line they can say "pizzagate isn't real because these are the same people who believe the earth is flat" or "The only people who think Hillary should go to jail are the same people who think the earth is flat" ?
What is the deal?
LOL flat earth has been pushed in her for a long time.
Ha, no m8. The 'north pole' is the ice wall and Antarctica is not.
Spherical Earth can be proven by anyone with even a basic knowledge of science.
Indians still shit in the street like savages. Why should we believe what your dumbass holy book says?
wrong. Now, who here has been to the Ice Wall?
Yeah but in the last few months it seems to have kicked into overdrive, not just on here but like on YouTube, social media and even talk radio.
Or perhaps I'm just noticing it more and more?
You are just noticing it more.
Serious question here: do you think Mars or Venus are flat?
don't be a dipshit, patel
maybe id believe in the flat earth thing if there was ONE REASONABLE MOTIVE for the space stations to lie about it
The earth isnt flat, its all just propaganda by Tavistock to make us look stupid
Tavistock >> Owned by rothchild
If the earth is hollow? more debateble
>be american
>id is Cow
If the earth was flat why cant we see the ice wall. Explain seasons. Explain travel from the americas to asia.
Out of boredom last month I watched a flat earth documentary. It was kind of weird but IF the Earth really is flat what would be the goal of hiding that if it were true? That's what I can't seem to think of..
You're more retarded than op. You need to look at the picture again or do you not know where Japan is?
of course someone who doesnt know how to use a toilet thinks the earth is flat.
please explain how there is an icewall in OP's map separating Japan from Hawaii.
> also, not a flatfag
Fucking Tavistock.. just got kicked out of their ball pit for the umpteenth time for trying to explain why everyone calls each other fag on the internet to a quasi religious boomer
Its to make it easier to dismiss true conspiracies, especially after pizzagate. Shill numbers have risen like crazy
>climb moderate sized hill
>observe curvature of the earth with the naked eye
It's a psyop to discredit hollow earth
Hollow earth is just as stupid m8
then where is the firmament?
Fookin spoilers dude!
Show me a single picture of le ice wall you flat earther retard
earth is dome shaped but hollow inside
your welcom
>Claims the Earth is flat
>Forgets to take out the longitudinal lines
>Longitudinal lines signify height and depth
So you are saying the earth is a semi sphere?
Baited hard
distance us-australia 15938.6
distance us to japan 10978.2km
average plane speed 260km/h
travel hours
us-australia 61h
us japan 41h
considering your flat earth shoudn't time to japan be shorter?
I love these threads and it's would be a compelling work of science fiction, but they need a better explanation for 'space' and the firmament before I'd consider reading some sort of novelization.
"The Mountains of Madness" didn't really go into the flat earth or 'lands beyond the poles/ice wall'...simply the cthulu temple/city. I'd love to read something that's actually compelling with somewhat believable pseudo science if anyone has any recommendations
Thats cool and all, but if it was true then why dont cargo ships form china go by russia and alaska and they should take port in oregon?
Reminder that the (((globe))) is a (((globalist))) psy-op that is designed to sap you of your Divine Grace and send you to Hell.
Holy shit, you are unironically retarded.
Wouldn't the spiderdick roopunchers notice that their country is a weird shape just by driving from top to bottom, left to right?
Someone post the picture off the Japanese flying all the way across the world to bomb Pearl Harbor
yall dont see the motive for real?
>the globe is the foundation for evolution and paganism
the heliocentric model changes the concept of man in the creation from one where everything revolves around us and has purpose, to one where we are just some random, cosmic accident on a spinning ball, being hurled through the universe.
If you want to create reality, all you have to do is convince the minds that create reality, into a logical falsehood.
Do the math on the horizon in the heliocentric model. it doesn't make sense when you stand on the top of a large mountain and don't see any curvature before you
So flat earthers, what happens when the ice melts? Will the oceans just burst out into the universe?
>cant see the ice wall.
go opposite of north for as long as you can and you will.
different alignments of the sun's rotation around the flat earth. there are many vids about this on jootube. i'm too lazy to post them
>travel from americas to asia.
flight maps. most all flights go through the northern "hemisphere" and over the north pole. Make complete sense on a flat map.
It can't melt. God keeps the ice in place.
Then why is the Arctic and Antarctic disintegrating as we speak?
sorry, did I ask about flights from capetown to sydney?
because this man is wrong and this is a bit thread
Roundfags canNOT explain this.
because they would be heading due East along longitudal and thereby circumnavigating the polar magnetic north. When you head out in any direction, you will change your course to conform to the position of magnetic north.
It's gravitational lensing!
This would mean australia is twice the length of the continental united states
>Then why is the Arctic and Antarctic disintegrating as we speak?
Because it's currently the summer season in the Antarctic? Nearly 80% of the ice caps melt every year.
obvious answer is that the earth doesn't curve that much in that short amount of distance
but i have a feeling you know this and are here for either lulz or nefarious reasons
This is the truth.
>what is light refraction
Flat earthers
Why is there ice directly in the center of your diagram, and why is the outer middle of the diagram that hottest part naturally
Made up lies, they have no idea what Gravity is.
So global warming will make all water fall off the edge?
top kek
The flat earth map is the most spacially accurate map of the earth. It predicts all the same things the (((sphere))) map, like why if travel east along Antarctica and it looks like a giant fucking wall, predicts flight plans,and predicts why you are a massive faggot
i'm not saying the earth is flat, but just look at that picture of the globe. Does anyone actually think that's real? It's not like the space station snapped a photo like that, and it sure as fuck wasn't taken from the moon
Space station is not far enough out in orbit to possibly have done it. All NASA photos are shipped, why do you think NASA spends so much on cameras? Because it's all a Hollywood production
another thing I've been wondering about lately is the hubble telescope. NASA says the farthest image it has captured is 13.2 billion light years away, and they claim the universe is 13.7 billion years old.
13.2 billion light years is 80 trillion, 400 billion miles away. How can we have taken a picture of something that far away? Unbelievable
When will this fucking meme finally die
There is a lot more evidence supporting hollow Earth. Hitler and team knew the truth.
Just skimming it, it's an infrared image and the date is estimated by the color or that mini-galaxy That color/heat translation gives an age that is based upon an assumed age of the universe. If the assumed age is wrong, the the estimation is total bs
global warming is a natural cycle
>Spherical Earth can be proven by anyone with even a basic knowledge of science.
Wrong, it can't.
But the flat Earth can easily be proven.
By these two very short clips for instance that prove the Moon doesn't rise or set rather it follows a circular path over the flat earth.
It doesn't exist, first there is no globe and second, the climate fuck-up is the product of climate warfare.
Flat earth is for faggots that cannot comprehend how big the Earth actually is.
Have you actually stood on top of a very tall mountain?
oblate spheroid retard...kill yourself
good god this thread is going on Sup Forums too
by a guy named Corey Cananza at facebook/coreycananza2
cool picture op here have this picture of the earth that wasnt made on a computer
concave earth is just a last ditch effort by the system to burry the Truth. It's too late though, videos proving the flat Earth have emerged.
>Hollow earthers vs flat earthers
well, with the supposed science of a flat earth, its about bending light. light refraction bouncing off a central crystaline glass celestial ball.
If anything it makes more sense in terms of the cosmology of god. The energy kundalini macrocosm to the microcosm of the body.
Who knows though. cool video
Concave makes more sense to me from a naturally manifesting singularity.
flat earth could work too if theres a portal to the other side at the center north pole(eden)
supposed science of a concave earth* sorry
Lost it at they should have drowned
the movie gods of Egypt
>Earth is flat
>All gods white
>No kangz
>wish they drowned
He's talking of the clowns doing their spacewalk in the giant pool at the bottom of which the real ISS is seated.