How can you not like this guy?

How can you not like this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a criminal and takes money from George Soros. He's a little bitch too.

this is the perfect photo to represent his legacy

(crybaby in chief of the whitehouse)

Obama Made America Great Again

That's why they hate him.

He's actually pretty badass.


compare that data to government debt

job figures are meaningless if they're unsustainable

They're just mad because Obama crippled their beloved Russia shithole

1. Obama is the slowest spender in the last 100 years

I lost my health insurance from work because of him.
Fuck dat nigger and his muh legacy bullshit

2. He reduced the budget deficit by 75%

did they?

here comes the autistic screeching

He probably sold that girl to Podesta after this picture.

but I asked about government debt ?

>Prints more money
Look it goes up! BTFO Drumpftards!

cause he's a fucking egomaniac

>slowest spender
>shows a graph of the rate of growth in percentage

Do you get paid for you lies? Or do you do it for free?


>2004-2010: Democrat Controlled Congress
>2010-NOW: Republican Controlled Congress

Really makes you think.

2.controlled by jews
3.liberal sucked his balls for 9 years and im a contrarian

No real man would ever sit with his legs crossed like that.

I always though he was alright, just seemed very mediocre to me.

Pick one. He's a little pussy.

Did he fuck her?

That's a chart of the value of the USD.

Hopefully he will be forgotten in short time.

>omg he rides a bike and is healthy and not a meathead like all the other "strongmen" XDDDDD such a pussy :3

Hit 12:51

That fucking scumbag


Don't bother explaining economics to drumpftards

lol obama looks like a ducking dyel while trump looks like a powerlifter

LLOL AHAHAHA you fucking right wing retard high school dropouts.

That's exactly how you compare 1 president's spending to another. YOU FUCKING RETARD

Did he drone strike her later?

Really all of your points can be summed up as 4.




Obama is going down in the history books as one of the best presidents and there is nothing you can do about it

>Lose 8 million full time jobs
>gain 22 million part time jobs
>"I fixed it"

Also this

1.Obama is the slowest spender in 100 years.
2. Obama reduced the budget deficit. By 75%. Something no Republican president has done or even knows how to do.

So why did the national debt go up?

Explain in your own words.

Because hes a nigger.

He did not age well

faggot detected

Obama crippled your heroic manlet's country while making America great Again.

Trump is obese. Not a powerlifter.

why does Obamas graph stop after the first 3 years?


Obama job creation is 95% full time.

Where do you right wing retards get your talking points? ZeroBrain?


Thanks Obama!

He's very likable, he's just anti-white and anti-West.

>reduced the budget deficit.
He didn't but even if he did that wouldn't effect the national debt by any means. He just signed off in less spending but let congress spend it for him so he can say that he reduced the budget cost thereby reducing the deficit (of the budget). Fuck off dog fucker.

He was a community organizer.
Then a senator.
Then a president.

He's buying two multi-million dollar homes now. He got the money for them through bribes and political corruption.

He does. He's openly admitted it in other threads. He also mentioned something about just outright lying and banking on "right wing retards" not bothering to check his sources.

More presidential than any of the last two presidents to precede him or the buffoon that is to follow. As another user said, fairly mediocre and definitely more a servant of the banks than the people. There were some good bits of work, such as the gay marriage stance and the strides towards normalizing relations with Cuba and Iran, long overdue. All in all he was a mushy and spineless thing, an empty suit. His role in continuing the plans of the Neocons in Libya and Syria make him a major warmonger in the tradition of Kissinger. He deserves every bit of hatred that will be directed at Trump for being nothing more than presentation. Alas, the American people are nothing if not superficial.

pic related

>look maa I btfo a dog eater from canada

Please do not fat shame
*This message was brought to you by the Melania Trump Anti-Bullying Initiative*

Not sure but spending was even slower in his 2nd term.

You can't trust Republicans with money. They're big spenders (military, wars) and tax cutters. They don't even know what revenues are. They believe in trickle down retardation and honestly most of you retards just do what the billionaires tell you to do.

Factually incorrect. Especially if republicans didn't win over congress.

I wonder why you are still shilling for Obongo? Why do care so much about defending a nigger? Are you Trudeau and can't stand seeing your wife's bull insulted or something?

This shit is getting stale though.

Putin walking away while Obama smiles next to that corrupt commie puppet piece of shit we had to impeach.

So Trump is our second obese president right?

Clinton had 6 years of a Republican congress. Reagan had 6-8 years of a Democratic House. I love bringing this up to those people who think presidents are magic.

Or through his master.

He is going to close down Gitmo any day now.

Just gonna leave on a high note I'm sure.

>Democrats get 3 million more votes for presidency
>Republicans win

>Democrats get 11 million more votes in the Senate
>Republicans win

Helluva democracy.

Also keep in mind that the Republicans rely on affirmative action to win elections. If Obama could run again, he'd smoke you right wing retards a 3rd time.

Do you right wing retards know what contracted means? Just making sure. Pic related.

How CAN you like this guy?
Did he give you a free cellphone?


where is the obama leaf? come one give it to me homeownership in the us and other graphs

You completely failed such a simple question. What an abysmal failure. Let's try again.

1.Obama is the slowest spender in 100 years.
2. Obama reduced the budget deficit. By 75%. Something no Republican president has done or even knows how to do.

So why did the national debt go up?

Explain in your own words.

I like his personality but he is weak.

tell 'em about U4 Mr. U4 Man, tell 'em all, I bet none of them even knows what U4 measures!

And the line, what was it? Only retards and rednecks live in cities, Canadians all voted for Hillary?

Name the last time a Republican president reduced the budget deficit over their presidency. Go ahead I'll wait. Guaranteed YOU FUCKING FAIL

Liberal party in Canada wins 39% of the vote; Now gets to be a majority ruling government.

What a democracy.

okay so no one is going to comment on the panties in OP's pic?

I don't like pedos like u or him

lol u just make shit up. Funny how you don't have 1 screenshot, 1 shred of evidence to backup your (((claims)))

Really makes me think

Obama literally is affirmative action
No surprise that he was ridiculously unqualified, and continued our country on the path to ruin

Riding that kind of bike with a helmet on means you're a fag mate.

I know 4 year olds who are less of a pussy about cycling.

You "people" are the worst. Must be annexed.

How can you not like this guy?

Obamaleaf is so retarded he doesn't understand where the power of the purse lies.

Go get culturally enriched in Cuckdeau's name.

Hey Wojtek, What does U4 measure?

Can you actually believe these right wing retards thought there were 95 million unemployed and the real unemployment rate was 42%?

These autistic losers are the greatest liability America has.


>said the drumpftard

You right wing retards should call on Republicans to repeal the 22nd amendment. But you would never do that because you know Obama would come back and whoop your ass a 3rd time.

Your gonna have to learn to live with this eh.

Right wing retards are so fucking stupid, they don't even know the president submits the budget.

Right wing retards fell for the muh purse strings meme.

Did not 1 of you pass high school civics? I guess you all dropped out before then.

You're right. Homo for Sho nuff.

Great guy. Good with kids

The real fun begins when Trump betrays all his promises to these filthy right wing retards but they're so cucked they won't even care.

Trump already turned them all into Israel lovers overnight. That's fucking hilarious.

>the kuzushi on that Osoto Gari

Gotta go retards.

brb have meetings

I'll see you later tonight.

He was over and under-rated. Everyone is fucking stupid

He's a nigger

>19 Trillion
>debt crisis


They don't even hide it anymore...

Just like that, not hard tbqhwy family

top kek

i love your posts m8

Trump memes are so fucking forced and gay