Try to say "Poles are white" without laughing.
Try to say "Poles are white" without laughing
>unironically supporting the EU kikes
That guy in the foreground was bullied, and suffered mental breakdown. He was a policeman i believe
*because of those memes ofc
we're not white and im ok with this
white era is over
why you so angry, litwa?
That's all the evidence I need.
Thanks Sup Forumsand
How does it feels to be a colossal cum guzzling faggot?
np. britbro, beware of baltic jew
>Lithuania makes this thread
Hold on
You're not Lithuania
This is Finnish level shitposting.
I love Polen but I wish they weren't so arsepained all the time
Poles are white
>google Poland
>it's real
Fucking kek
t. 60% pure blood potato niggers.
Donaldas Džonas Trampas xDDDDDDDD
our butthurt is part of our culture and heritage
fucking ((google)). We used to have 3M kikes in Poland, though, but right now we have smth in-between 5-10k
I thought this would be a british thread
Why do poles behave like idiots when inside of a bigger group of other poles, but on a individual basis their bro-tier?
>Work in an office
>One of the workmates is polish
>Get along quite well
>Talk shit about irish people, bond even more
>Go to the pub on New Years eve with him
>Part of a group of other polish people
>They start joking about lithuanians
>I banter back about polish people
>They become aggressive with me
>Mate looks down to me like I'm homeless
>The night is ruined because of polish over-sensitivity
>I break away from them
>Go home
>Hang myself cuz lithuanian
we are a very butthurt people
t. Polak dispora
cocaleros can afford computers?
All Americans shitting on based Poland should be ashamed of themselves. We have Casimir Pulaski to thank for our independence. A couple of our own went over to fly for Poland during the war with the Bolsheviks. Poland saved Europe from Shitslam and Communism, and this is how we repay them?
OP is probably an inbred kike, considering his home shithole was basically Israel before they all left for the Holy Land.
what did they mean by this
>what did (((they))) mean by this
Is ww2 the reason you have such strong nationalistic identity?
It dates way back
Polish history is all about getting destroyed and rising again
polacks will absolutely jump at any chance to defend poland even if it is unreasonable to do so
Dumb fuck burger reporting in. Everything east of germany and west of russia might as well not even exist. They're just east euro snow niggers. those people havent been relevant in 100 years. i actually had to quickly check a map to remember where your pointless country is
I'd say WWI because poles fought on both sides hoping to win their independence, but WWII boosted it surely and oppression by communism didnt help. they were building up the anger and now its coming out
it's about the same as calling Finns white, when they're more like Asian
Sounds like your average belligerent group mentality made worse by alcohol.
You get that everywhere and it certainly isn't specific for Polish people.
this retarded meme needs to die
not a meme, just look at them
Did you know that the second constitution in the world was polish? Right after the Ameribro one?
>quarter polish
might end this soon lads
Did you know that this isn't an achievement?
I've been in groups of americans and they don't give a fuck when you make fun of america, they actually add to it.
Irish people are nationalistic, but they love to banter about their country, exceptions happens.
Niggers of the eastern europe
And they cant drive shit
What about this historical fact then?
>OP is a faggot
lithuania? never heard of
How about you learn to greentext? Or better yet learn not to speak like a sub average IQ monkey.
>never read a book
Based Baltic.
Nobody, but poles think that.
Yet whole Europe knows you're the niggers :)
are you retarded friend
Epicanthic folds can be found all over Europe you idiot
Poles don't give a fuck about WWI, we do care only about the outcome of it. Our butthurt dates way earlier
I think otherwise.
You did have the largest jewish population in Europe and got along quite well.
If you were strongly nationalistic back then, things would have been different.
>You did have the largest jewish population in Europe and got along quite well.
We hated them back then, we hate them now. They are the main reason our country was partitioned for 123 years.
I've read plenty, not my fault none of them mentioned "lithuania"
Read your history deblo
One of my pole mates (sounds like gay slang) told that many small and bigger towns were formed around jewish owned businesses, making the country more scarsely populated and richer.
boi oh boi
litwa is just right polish clay and polish province
Wilno is polish city
in 1914 all citizens were polish jewish german and russian
jesus fucks
nowadays lithuanians are only samogitians that dont wanna be poles
cause being lithuanian is "not being polish"
and you should know that real lithuanians were belarusians XD
suck cock
goodnight fag
deal w/ it
Our king accepted a few hundred thousand jewish refugees because they were constantly being attacked in Western Europe. After 200-300 years they became a rich fucks, aristocracy and politicians which completely paralized country.
Our ancestors got redpilled the very hard way about jewish tricks.
>One of my pole mates (sounds like gay slang) told that many small and bigger towns were formed around jewish owned businesses, making the country more scarsely populated and richer.
>1 street. Pole is having a small business.
>Suddenly 2 jews appear and they open two stores.
>They sell stuff at much lower price, they are even lossy
>Pole goes bankrupt, jews have monopole and they extremely raise prices
many such cases
And look who says that. Negro turned inside out.
How fitting.
At least Poland and the Slavic countries are being bred out of existence like the rest of Europe and white people in America.
Poles are white
Why Lithuania so dumb? Every IQ has Lithuania lower than middle eastern countries
Who cares about IQ scores.
Our PISA ranking are above theirs.
How's Pyongyang?
checked, also aww yea ragnarok online
Jesus that's very ungrateful, no wonder you don't want refugees
We also had german ""refugees"" in 1939 and russian ones, that we got rid off recently. And we had many fights with ottoman empire back then. And with Swedes too. We fucking fought against muslims, protestants, lutherans, orthodox, and atheists (soviets). We just want everybody to fuck off from us. Really, nothing more.
iz dis a bred about boland :DDDD