White Nationalism

>White Nationalism

So Sup Forums, how many of these face tats do you have? What's that? None, because you're just a larping faggot? I am shocked! Shocked!

It's funny, you think you're fashionable, cultured and disciplined like you imagine the people in the Wehrmacht pictures you jerk off to, but in reality, you're just uneducated, white niggers who spout memes online. White nationalism is the biggest fucking joke on Sup Forums, but please continue to circlejerk in this echo chamber.

>Skinhead tattoos

>On face.


Imagine one of those faggots trying to join the SS.

Is he here for the job interview?

neo-nazis are controlled opposition just like original nazis

>projecting this hard
>you're uneducated!!1!
>but please continue to circlejerk in this echo chamber.
thanks we will please piss off to whatever left leaning shithole website you came from please.

We're white nationalists, not blue nationalists. Get your facts straight.

Your composition reeks of failing English 101 troll

Cucks. This guy actually did something to advance white nationalism. How many niggers have you killed? None. So shut your fucking mouths and show some respect.

Why do all leftists sound like whiny children? Even over the internet, solely through text, they stick out like sore thumbs.

You can immediately tell from a short post that its either a 12 year old child or a lefty.

How many niggers does this guy blow in prison now? Aryan Brotherhood and all the other nazi muffin organizations work with the beans and the nigs.

>1 post by this ID

Yeah, he sure advanced nationalism by looking like a hardcore faggot covered in tats. Real good publicity.

Faggot skinheads =/= natsoc

>Natsoc tats
>Not natsoc
No true Scotsman fallacy detected.

Much hubris with little to say. OP is guaranteed a faggot.

Hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?

>Skinhead warrior rune

Is it for neo-nazi DnD or something?

>Your in gamestop and this guy vapes in your gfs face
>what do you do?

>88 the eight letter of the alphabet is H and HH means hail Hitler
No.... That is wrong

>Doesn't know that "heil" translates to "hail"
Stay pleb

God sometime I wish I could bump into you anti-fa leftist shits in real life
You'd tuck tail and run without saying a word to me
>.t ex-con who has ties with white nationalists from his prison time and no tattoos

it's the 88 precepts
who gives a fuck it I wrote hail

pol literally btfo how can we recover


Have a slightly higher quality one friend

How much black dick did you and your boyfriends suck in prison?