What do you think of bisexuals? They're clearly having all the fun in this world.
What do you think of bisexuals? They're clearly having all the fun in this world
I'm bi and it's not great, but it sure beats being totally homosex. It's a shame bifags tend to be such massive sloots.
daily reminder given a feminine enough sissy boi, everyone is actually bisexual.
If you can't use your dick normally you should be gassed.
>tfw never really felt attracted to girls but I could tell they are attractive, just never felt physically attracted
>tfw thought maybe I was gay, same thing happened with guys
>tfw thought maybe I was bi and just never met the right person
>tfw 10 years go by and I don't feel any attraction to anyone past knowing they are good looking
is that asexuality?
I have the same problem
do you fap at all? you have to feel the thirst, hunger for a body to feel attraction
I'm guessing thats what it is
I fap but not to porn, usually I'll stiffness or I'll get to backed up and I'll just fap to get rid of it
Fapping too much will make you less horny.
Im on nofap and I feel like a 12 year old again.
Random boners everywhere.
>when you are so in the closet you marry a woman and pretend to be straight
fucking romans
I feel attraction to people with good voices, and I even listen to audio porn. I can relate, I don't feel as psychically attracted as I'm emotionally. I mostly pay most of my attention to people facial cues and intonation.
Dude, still better than being a cuckold like i am. I can basically only fap to a white woman being fucked by a nigger, dog, horse... you name it!
I only fap when I need to
Most (95%) of my faps are when I get a morning boner and it doesn't go away quick enough
For how long are you on nofap?
>tfw bi but want a relationship
>everyone just wants to slut around
Hate this degeneracy desu. Being bi has offered no advantages compared to when I thought I was straight.
The men are closet faggots.
The women are in it for the attention.
being gay is a decision :^)
Literally faggots in denial.
>fucking dudes
Pick one faggot
why i want a cute sissy boyfriend (under 16) so much?
It is weird being married to a guy and being bisexual. The only people who know I'm not 100% gay are the girls I fucked in high school.
>tfw attracted to dicks and like anal stimulation but too alpha and macho to ever get buggered by another man
You can be alpha while taking a dick up yer ass, don't let your fear negate your chance of becoming a power bottom slut.
Have you tried fucking a moose yet?
Might be some Canadian thing.
You're a pedophile
>You can be alpha while taking a dick up yer ass
I don't think it works that way
Bisexual females nobody gives a shit.
Bisexual males have it worst since nobody likes you. Gays tell you are going to leave them eventually for a women or you still closeted, women believe you are going to cheat on them or cannot accept being gay.
Peak Degeneracy.
Jesus Christ will cleanse you all from the face of the Earth.
I'm bi.
Been married to a woman for 9 years, barely had any interaction with men prior to that (briefly put a cock in my mouth).
Gays are cunts about it. They feel all betrayed and attempt to make fun of me by calling me straight. It's fucking pathetic
Literally and unironically this.
t. Biman
Actually pretty fun :v
The based sexuality. I fuck whoever I want whenever I get bored and after college I told my wife and old friends that it was a phase and go back to being straight.