Why did (((orthocuck))) "christians" lose so badly to turko mongol hordes throughout their history? Just look at their numerous losses. It was catholics that stomped many islamic hordes from invading Europe
Tsarcucks btfo.
Orthoshill tradition
Not that I'm a fun of any religion, but orthocucks pretty much revenged to both t*rks and mongols
Le white religion meme
Hard to distinguish an orthoshill priest from a rabbi. Sad!
SeeThey were a buffer that prevemted the Mongols from overtaking Europe.
And they BTFOd Kebabs almost every time. Especially the Ruskies.
That's why Constantinople is Muslim clay right now, right?
Orthobeasts like to make babies suffer.
>It was catholics that stomped many islamic hordes from invading Europe
OP is either:
>totem pole worshipper
>buttblasted western pig jealous of Russia and the benevolent affect traditional orthodox christianity is having on strengthening the nation
>cuckholic who is ashamed of seeing his (((church))) usurped by literal jewish compromised jesuits
>mudshit underage b& who is foaming at the teeth over Syria
>that butt-ravaged finn that always spams pic related, but has since switched tactics like the good goy he is
Here is my reasoning for thinking this
>clearly a short and jealous type of person that fits the bill of everyone described above
>deliberately dishonest with his assumptions of paradigms Sup Forums quasi-affirms about Russia and/or Orthodoxy
>there is zero reason for a mexican to be actively interested and involved in russian/orthodox affairs (hence a proxy is being used to mask the heavy shame-filled identity of the host nation)
Cabrón, shut the fuck up. Orthodox are bro-tier. You can even go to an Orthodox church and receive the Eucharist there if you're not able to go to a Catholic church. There's some friction here and there, but overall they're cool people.
mexican forgetting spanish history. lel
Son cismáticos y herejes. Niegan el purgatorio, la Inmaculada Concepción, la prodecencia del Espíritu Santo de parte del Hijo, la veneración del Sagrado Corazón. Atacan a grandes santos católicos como San Francisco de Asís. Niegan la filosofía y la escolástica pero aceptan las teorías politeístas de Gregorio Palamas. Su ritual y estructura fue modificada tanto por zares como por las autoridades soviéticas. No caigas en el meme del Orthobro. Estos locos en México están infiltrando comunidades católicas tradicionales para arrastrar gente a su secta oriental.
> Be Joseph
> Marry one of the chosen people
> S...Sure Maria.. immaculate conception.. makes total sense
> Literally raise your wife's son
Newsflash; there is a reason they are called christcucks
> muh other buttcheek
Les metiste la verga en el ano, compa
>Confusing the immaculate conception with the virgin birth
>Being this retarded
You must be white
Catholics sure did help save Europe when they answered the Byzantine plea for help by raping their nuns.
If only the Orthocucks had done something nearly as useful as that, like winning almost every single war against the Ottoman muslims. Except that one where Catholic France and England literally allied with the muslims in order to grant independence to Ottoman satellite states. Odds were a bit too unfair in that one, can't count it, right?
Catholics aren't Christian either
t. inbred TV "evangelist"
what did kek mean by this?
>Be catholic
>Get molested
>grow up
>Fuck kids
The vicious cycle of the Cucktholic
Go welcome refugees like a good little cuck
Why the parentheses? Orthodox are the most anti-Semitic Christians by a large margin.
Catholics are the reason that Byzantium fell though.
>turko mongol hordes invade from the east
>why did they take eastern europe instead of western europe
>mexican intellectuals
Orthodox countries are vastly superior at removing kebabs.
Cucktholics ally with them, suck their dicks and wash their feet instead
Catholicism and the Vatican has been a political institution filled with corruption, homosexuality, promiscuity, incest and pedophilia for hundreds of years.
It is beyond the point of no return and can be called anything BUT Christian at this point.
>Source: pol memes
>The Orthodox Church and Rabbinic Judaism are thought to have had better relations historically than Judaism and either Roman Catholic or Protestant Christianity.
That's not saying much considering Roman-Catholics sacked Constantinople, and Orthodox have no relationship whatsoever with Protestants.
Our liturgy is still explicitly anti-Semitic and unlike Catholishits we won't (((update))) it.
>American pretending to be Orthodox
Lmao WASPs are funny.
>Orthodox have no relationship whatsoever with Protestants.
Luther admired Orthoshills for their schism.
>What is the Catholic Traditional Mass
>What is the Traditional Catholic prayer of Holy Friday for the perfidious Jews
Wanna know who else has antisemitic prayers? Muslims. Start praying to Allat then.
Your "Liturgy" has been updated several times. That's why Old Believers exist. Your Sect has been changed by Tzars and Soviets.
Sup OP
Popery is satanic and unbiblical
You're retarded. That's not even a dogmatic matter.
Yes, yes
>Luther admired Orthoshills for their schism.
That's not the same as having a relationship retard.
Exodus 22:21 – Moses gives God’s law: “You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien; for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.”
Leviticus 19:33-34 and 24:22 – When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”
Deuteronomy 10:18-19 – “For the Lord your God...loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”
Matthew 25:31-46 – “…I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Romans 12:13 – “Mark of the true Christian: “…Extend hospitality to strangers…”
Hebrews 13:1-2 – “…show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels…”
Orthosoviets acting like pagan race-worshippers. What a surprise!
Your Sect has Calvinist influence. Your Sect even uses the KJV Bible.
>some jew words
Stay cucked, we have our own Saints.
>Why did (((orthocuck))) "christians" lose so badly to turko mongol hordes throughout their history? Just look at their numerous losses.
Because cathocucks looted our cities and weakened our defences.
Wtf are you on about taconigger
>The Holy Scripture, inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself
>Some "Jew words"
Enjoy Hell for your blasphemies, Orthoshill.
It stands clear that you do not believe in God, you just pretend to be an oriental "christian" (so exotic!) to present yourself as an edgy Sup Forumstard. The joke's on you.
>54 posts
>26 from the same guy
>anglo thinking
I've seen it all
>implying Orthodoxy is not the true path
You are the blasphemer, latino nigger
You insulted the Word of God, mongoloid
"""""""""mexican theologians"""""""""""
I insulted an impostor, brainlet. The true God is the Orthodox God.
Our country is prolific in Priests and Theologians, inbred Calvinist.
>The God of the Old Testament is an impostor
And we have a formal heretic!!!!
pick one bean brains
you are not white or a follower of the true lord, stop posting thanks
>Mexican cucks defending Catholism
Well at least is better then being sacrificed to the Sun God or some shit.
>catholics stomped meme
Both got butt fucked by barbarians. Catholics got fucked with by the moors and numerous failed crusades. Orthodox got fucked over by the ottomans and mongols.