What are the freemasons? what are your thoughts on them?

what are the freemasons? what are your thoughts on them?

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None of your business.

>what are your thoughts on them?

Are they struggling so much that they have to regularly advertise on Sup Forums?

almost worse than kikes

Go away


Used to be where powerful men met.
Now they teach reading to underdeveloped children and retards.

Freemasons do not advertise. If you want to know about Freemasons, ask a Freemason.

Think i will become one this year tbqpfhfam
Is Masonry the final redpill?


It says a lot that most open freemasons are from Australia.

Based redpilled alphas.

Masons are currently weak and divided.

Go forth Sup Forums, now is the best time to infiltrate.

shhhh. It's a secret.

If you say so, random leaf...

It's all a cover for luciferianism

Hermes Trismegistus was a faggot.

I'd prefer to wait until next Hitler storms your lodges and knocks down all your penis statues.



Still don't want to talk about jahbulon?

>what are the freemasons?

Yup, a lot of the misguided openness from England and America we adopted.

Boring, old fogey guys who wear silly outfits, chant and sing hymns. All fairly harmless, and no great conspiracy either. Just a modern day guild, basically.

This being subverting the self to believe that the self is god?

Idk I was approached by one about a year ago

Ritual sodomy.

Faggot free mason spotted.

>what are the freemasons? what are your thoughts on them?
Solomon's temple and butt sex

They are just harmless keepers of some old knowledge.

Stop asking questions.

Moderators, please delete this thread.



Кoмyнягa cи мaй...

my old chorus teacher was one and he was later fired for being a pedophile.

They are just old and gay

Free Masons are the shitstains of the political world.

are they like a more retarded but real version of the illereminati

Asking questions are permitted, everything is permitted; as long as gnosis is gained from the experience. amirite?

>Political world


>everything is permitted
Temperance is key.

I don't see why you have so much hatred for a organization that does a lot of charity work and help around the community, they are an alright bunch.

The lower levels and what they do in public sure.

They have been infiltrated for years by the evil ones, those we call ironically or not the Illuminati.

Freemasons used to fight against them. Keepers of ancient traditions and truths. Bettering their communities and themselves. Then, the evil took the power within the Masonic brotherhood. And now GUESS WHO rules them.






>an entirely decentralised organisation on every level
>Keepers of ancient traditions and truths.
Tradition, yes. Truth, not so much. In the sense that nothing is kept, just the tools to help you find it on your own.


>does a lot of charity work
Sheit, that's like Machiavelli 101. Is there something wrong with doing charity work and not belonging to a bizarre need to know cult of esoteric mumbo jumbo, being bound by obscene cryptic blood oaths of obedience to some other creep you don't even know?

The original order was just the masons who built the churches, a prototypical brick layers union and it should have stayed there.

There's more to charity than just throwing alms at pointless causes.

Absolutely this also throw in a bunch of old faggots blowing each other.

Dont play fucking stupid there's a club within that gay club.

They learned early to gather many witnesses amongst the plebs to act as "character witnesses", when they are ultimately called out on their debauched evil ways.

Yes, pleas anons. If you ever get approached, join and infiltrate your way as high as possible.

You will know when the time is right to expose them.

be sure and follow the rules, so we can all spot you

Happens all the time, and you people never believe it because it doesn't fit your narrative.


Masons in emuland aren't as infiltrated by kikes as here in the states and in mother europa

Lovely to hear, but unclear on your ideas of "infiltrated" then.

That's exactly why the degrees exist. They do not stop at 33.

Gentlemen Dandies.

> youtube.com/watch?v=ipsPgNEmAXI


jews from another father

Getting paranoid already?

>That's exactly why the degrees exist.
Not quite. They exist because of a structured learning technique from classical education which we no longer employ (because negroes, women, and such can't cope)
>They do not stop at 33.
You're right. They stop at 3. The A&AR stops at 33 (32nd technically, but 29 really), as do the HRAKTP. Side orders don't mean a whole lot, though.

Paranoid about what?

What do the numbers mean, Mason?

I think a year or two ago someone leaked a bunch of their information that they keep a secret. It didn't last long because no one decided to search through it.

Ok masonry is the controled act of violence, its basically Judaism or to get deeper, talmudism (which in it self is the most prolific branch of satanism) for the goyim or non jews. They follow the same belief system that its ok to do evil things and in fact encourage it. They worship a frog man spider and practice satanic rituals. In the lower levels the morons below dont have a clue, once vetted and put thru his paces a higher rank mason can then be initiated to ritualistic satanic practices under the guise that its necessary to balance good with thier EVIL. Its a plauge that needs and will be diminished from this reality, very soon

essentially everything that is wrong with the US is represented by the freemasons. another retarded and occult organisation by the (((british)))

if you buy into libertarianism etc. you're closer to freemasonary than you think

"approached"... do tell. It's the design of the order for you to be one, you ask one. You are never approached by any decent and upstanding Freemason. It is of your own free will and accord.

they implement their own 'fitting' truths not the real one

just noticed
>very much this

relates to my own

requesting the garrison image of a giant elephant jew

The original order was set aside by operative masons that understood building and trades. In effect, they had training that could help them provide for their families since their skills were highly desired (King Solomon's Temple).

Today, we practice the tenants of Freemasonry (Love our Freemason Brothers, Aide in the Relief (money, time, talents) , and Truth.

Not much more to see here but if you want to know more, I suggest you get away from the keyboard and find a F&AM lodge in your area and ask for an application.

It always amazes me how so many non-masons claim to know so much more about the true aims of masonry than masons themselves.

You're conflating blue lodge Freemasonry with the Hermit triad of the O.T.O.


Mason here.

We make good men better.

>They worship a frog man spider

lol. Actually "Jahbulon" is nothing more than a password and that Shriner image you're referring to is of Bael as depicted in the Ars Goetia.

*whoosh* though I'm sure.

So mote it be, brother.


Reminder lying is permitted in the protection of a fellow brother, unless of course doing so would betray your obligation to said commitments.

Also Jews.

Thus why it has been stated, they don't advertise.

I've never understood the tin foil hat meme about the masons, but then again I don't live a life exclusively behind a glowing screen. I think these kids would learn a lot by actually helping their communities while growing up, then visit a lodge and talk to a mason.

Why are there so many Jews in American lodges?

My dad is a mason. He's been since he was 25. He has been the president of his lodge for about 2 years now. I honestly don't know what they do. They have meetings on Wednesdays. His cousin tried to join and they didn't let him. When we were little we'd go to barbecues at the lodge. They'd all take their kids and wives and it was really fun. My dad is a devout Catholic. I don't think it's anything too crazy. The craziest thing I know they did was watch some illuminati movie that my dad took. They are essentially a brotherhood. When I got caught drunk driving, my dad's mason brother pulled the strings to get me out of jail immediately.

So the image is correct they worship evil and the word corresponds coherently with the image ergo, they worship an evil santa claus frog spider. Stop trying to run interference.

Listen to this

There aren't many in the midwest. Of the hundreds of lodges and events I've been to, I can count the Jews on one hand. I even met a W. Master who was a reformed Jewish Christian. Masonry is full of interesting men, from all walks of life really.

Hardcore Judaism for gentiles. "Masonry" goes into understanding and shaping the zeitgeist. If you've heard the phrase "Social construct" before, THAT is what Masonry is; the study of manipulating how people think, the terms people think in.

>This being subverting the self to believe that the self is god?
>believe that the self is god
It's called confidence and the Jews did not invent it. Confidence is achievable when you realize how much potential you really have. The Jews invented a false fairy faggot sky king to keep everyone else down and in line.

>Why do Jews establish connections?

We don't worship anything evil. Everything taught is essentially derived from the Old Testament.

hoe wordt ik er een?

Gay like this thread and you

Like Canaan

You're an idiot.

Fags and devil whorshipers

>We don't worship anything evil. Everything taught is essentially derived from the Old Testament.



I used to go to a military school that worked a haunted house at a Grand Lodge in Kansas and when I was high enough rank I didn't even have to participate in the work and there were no adults anywhere in the building except the entrance, so we explored the entire 6 story building

>Cannons (like huge circus cannons, probably for shriner shit)
>Suits of armor
>A hallway about 60 feet long with cases full of something that looked kinda like pic related only the blade was bigger, looked like a scimitar at the end of a stick
>Rooms of books
>Like shitloads of rooms full of books
>A lot of fucking books
>Several rooms with strange chair arrangements and altars
>Altar on the roof with a wand in a glass covering (like the beauty and the beast rose, but a golden wand)


Gas the Masons

That isn't even an image of an actual lodge affiliated with Freemasonry.

What most of you neckbeards love to spew all over the internet are images of off-shoot lodges, clandestine or illicit organizations, Rosy Cross organizations, Hermetic cum-drinking faggots, etc.

Nothing to do with actual Freemasonry.

I'm in the rural South. No Jews in sight. We make no recommendation of a religion, only a belief in deity.