>be me
>we wuz empire n shit
>swallow my daily load of muslim cum
ITT: We post greentexts and other anons guess the country we mean
United Cuckdom
>be me
>we wuz ancient greek n shiet
>steal my daily dose of histrory
>be me
>our immigrants are the best in the UK, work hard all the time
>ukraine dont exist
Dont insult them, franz they both are based
>be me
>we wuz Romans n shiet
>muslimude pm
>be me
>"I'm Fucking white"
>nig with my friends.
>Be me
>I'm a massive faggot
>I'm French
>mudslimude pm
>american education
clearly romania
Obviously Romania
>be me
>wake up
>go to kitchen
>put kettle on stove
>use my credit card to spread butter on a piece of bread
>Police break in house and confiscate it
>Sit on computer, turn on VPN
>Police break in, confiscate PC under the Freedom of surveillance and espionage act
>go to royal family housing facility
>protests break out - royalties too white, uninclusive
you being you
>Be me
>We wuz conquerors and sheeit
>Not a single drop of moor blood
>be me
>push faggotry on large percentage of white world
>be me
>elect jewish puppet
>society is mentally retarded
>everybody is cucked except me
>be me
>be white
No, Vatican.
>Be me
>Muh food muh wine muh art
>Can't fight
>Full of Algerians
>be me
>be superpower soon
>be best at I.T
>love streets for cultural and biological reasons
>Be me
>Be the best at no-scoping
>MFW accidentally created the best meme.
Your British
>you have no guns rights
>you are constantly under surveillance
>your internet history is recorded without good cause or warrant
>you can be arrested for thoughtcrime
POO!!! i mean india
pajeet ofc
>Be me
>Be butthurt over islands that don't belong to us
>be me
>lose two world wars
Piss off, amerifat, we wuz Tri moreta and shiet...
>"It's the natives fault, not us"
>wake up
>take antidepressent, mood stabilizer, hrt cocktail, and prep
>check balance on ssi card
>post ad for prostitution on craigslist
>shit post on Sup Forums
>meet with a john
>spend the money on clothes and makeup
>meet with a john
>spend the money on weed
>hover around the outside of the local gay bar
>come home and wash feminine penis
sup moot, hows life after Sup Forums
>Be me
>life sucks
>Constant drug wars and kidnappings
>flee current country to better country
>talk shit about new country and brag about how great old country is
Correct, Mario
>Be me
>Be called Chang
>Like syrup
>be me
>spend all arvo in me undies shitposting on 4chins
>pop outsidieroo and get killed by a poisonous ladybug
>be me
>call everybody a cuck while darkies are setting neighbhourhoods on fire unimpeded in my own country
>be me
>be morbidly obese
>get shot
the west
Oh say can you see
> be we wuz
> make cheap shit for westerners
> provoke westerners who are 30 years ahead of you into a war you cannot win
Any ilegal immigrant in current year
>Be me
>Draw painting of Eiffel tower
>Go to buy baguette
>Realise that i went to the bakery with white paint in my face
>Wash face
>Im black
>wake up
Austria, while on paid vacation
>be me
>release monkey that attacks schoolgirl
>starts a war
>be me
>whine endlessly about historic event where we had our homes taken and were herded into ghettos
>steal country for our own
>take their homes and round them up into ghettos
>be parasites in the western world
>be responsible for feminism, political correctness, and socialism
>be the most powerful minority on the planet
>pass laws forbidding criticism of us, ruin the lives of anyone who criticises or questions us
>subvert all that is moral and good
>control politics, money and media
>still kvetch endlessly
France again?
>Oh weh, Gewältli
Gib a ruh, Schluchtenscheißer
>be me
>meet qt3.14
>she tells me how cute this one worker in the refugee camp is
Germany or Vienna
>be me
>drive out the white devils
>natives starve
>beg the white Peale to come back
Why so butthurt? You could take russian and turkish dick but not a joke?
oh boy you lot are really cucked aren't you?
>be me
>export olives
>buy back olive oil
[Spoiler]It happened to me[/spoiler]
I was thinking of Zimbabwe but I'm sure Rhodesia fits too
>Kill your enemies
>They win
Cuckdom of Canada
To your question: very likely, yes.
Sweden? I know it's you again.
Its the same country. Zimbabwe is the native language term and Rhodesia was the name of the colony.
dog needs to have smug pepe face
>be me.
>shitposting for hours on Sup Forums after school.
>speak a retarded accent of the english language.
Worst Korea?
>Be me
>go to gay cuck parties
>accidentally gf and me get raped by muslims
>tfw its a free premium, brown master race session
Burgers ofc
>be me
>morbidly obese
>get beheaded
> be morbidly obese
> live on an island
> internet virgins want to invade
> they have a realistic chance
also, las Malvinas son Argentinas, piratas hijos de puta
Aren't Nippons all pretty skelly?
murrica again
>Wash face
>Im black
hahaha but user Israel is not a country
fucking kek
Nah its nauru but tuvalu is equally obese.
>be me
>China's Fucktoy
>America's Bitch
>be me
>we be da most educated nation n da world n sheit, rural muritards don't get them complex interactions from da cities
>*rapes dog