If Drumpf was a real man he'd put his money where his racist mouth is and challenge Trudeau to a fight in the ring, and get his old misogynist ass kicked! This is what happened the last time a racist conservative threatened a REAL world leader... Drumpf wouldn't even last 1 round...
If Drumpf was a real man he'd put his money where his racist mouth is and challenge Trudeau to a fight in the ring...
>if you fight your enemies, they win
Nice proxy, Burger.
clinically obese drumpf would get knocked out faster than he did in the popular vote, too many burgers. Sad!
> they fight
>trump wins
>by losing, Trudeau wins
>they both win
>Trudeau beats trump
>by winning he loses
>they both lose
There's just no good ending
Fixed that for you, now you wait right there while I get my leaf blower.
I don't know if he would beat Trump or not and I don't care.
All I know is that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Tony Abbott would have knock the shit out of your faggot leaf cuck.
>out of shape manlet fights a slightly less out of shape lanklet
I'm fresh out of leaf memes. Could we get some in this thread?
Justin "Glass Jaw" Trudeau, webm related
Full clip, makes it funnier
I don't think Drumpf's ever been in a real fight, probably always had daddy's corrupt money to keep him out of trouble
Based Justin would wipe the floor with the orange racist gremlin.
His opponent is a drug addicted chug lel
>Turd Water would try to punch a 70 year old
I could see that happening, then Trump kicking his ass repeatedly
I like to pass in front of his house and yell Faggot
I try not to do it when his kids are there
the only person Drumpf ever beat was his first wife lol, read the divorce papers. Drumpf is a woman-beating misogynist.
>"Glass Jaw" Trudeau
>trudeau wanted to wear pink boxing gloves but network wouldnt allow it
>trudeau wanted to wear pink boxing gloves but network wouldnt allow it
Trump once saw a man being mugged in an alley as his car drove past. He told the driver to stop, got out the car, beat up the mugger and save the guy being held up.
Turdoo got knocked out by a skeleton and in all his videos appears to have no concept of keeping his guard up.
The stats are in Trump's favour, faggot.
Drumfff is 70 year old tho
and Trudeau is like 45 year old trained boxer with a physique of an athelete
sorry drumpfkin but made up stories don't count in the real world, sorry for the 'liberal bias' of reality.
>wife throws the book at her husband to collect as much as possible from her billionaire husband
You can't take anything in divorce papers seriously. Police reports or it didn't happen.
>if you fight your enemies, they win
>with a physique of a twink
Have you not seen his WWF footage? He's a boss in the ring.
>Lose fight
>"Y-yeah, b-b-b-but he didn't take me down..."
LOL. Classic conservacuck strategy: Lose, and then pretend move goalposts.
Not quite the real story, but hes a good dude.
If Trump prefers a proxy to fight for him, I'll be his huckleberry.
I'd love to snap Trudolt's head back in the ring.
alone we are mere leafs, but combined we have the sturdiness and strength of the mighty Maple Tree. Trudeau is the greatest prime minister since his father, and now that Barack isn't president soon, will take over as leader of the free world AKA not led by a racist rapist.
>Trudeau is the greatest prime minister since his father
>having a faggot dance teacher as a PM
It must suck being a cucknadian.
>Knocked out by a setup punch
>Implying a fight like that would ever happen.
If OP wasn't a faggot we'd all be a lot happier
>leaders are determined by trial by combat
>posts glass jaw Turdeu
No, a real man would tap out like that asian guy who didn't want to hurt the rookie in '14 (or '13, I can't remember)
I would hope a 40yo man could beat a 70yo man.
Would love to see this. Willing to put cashmoney towards watching Abbott curbstomp the everliving fuck out of him. How can we make this happen?
>City people voted for Hillary
Have you ever been to a large American city? I've lived in quite a few. They're largely made up of minorities from the area (blacks or Mexicans or whatever other brown people) and dumbass liberal college aged faggots.
Why am I even replying to some leafbait?
>glass jaw Trudeau
trudeau is garbage
>Cucks Internally
>implying Trudeau could beat McMahon
Inner cities are full of criminals and niggers
Some fags are known to be good fighters
Trump isn't racist and Trudeau is a communist Jew. Fucking leafs.
Is she your first female PM?
Weak bait fellow leaf. Try harder next time.
Into the trash it goes
They're telling on the other thread - " that but when some muslim lunatic with a gun entered parliament, he hid in the back of the Chamber of Commons while other politicians barricaded the doors and planned for if the guy breached."
My Indian origin socialist PM neither our Opus Dei president would be such cowards as Mr. Trudeau.