Perhaps if a lesbian kiss was enough to damage the fragile masculinity of Vladimir Pooptin, maybe he shouldn't be the leader of Russia, don't you think?


shut up you jewish faggot

Maybe children shouldn't be exposed to pandering dike propaganda.

It has to do more with social provocateurs.
Basically if putin can keep russian's masculine and traditional, nationalistic and strong he will win the grand chess board.

The united states is being destroyed by faggots, trannies, niggers and their sympathizers. The worse this gets the weaker we get as a nation.
If it continues, the USA will collapse and russia will be the sole nuclear power on earth.


"If you don't like gays then you are probably insecure / not man enough XDDDD"

Russia bans degeneracy?

They have much to teach us

Nope. Blizzard pre-emptively made it unavailable in Russia to bait this exact type of response.

>"censorship is okay when it fits in line with my retarded fundamentalist agenda!"

At what point did you realize that Sup Forums was just as slimy and hypocritical in its tactics as the SJWs they've been crying about for the last 5 years?

>Banning degeneracy
>A bad thing

Shut up.

Epic dude, you should go back to Sup Forums now.

he didnt even hang the people who made this game...
calm your titties.
Everyone who openly displays some gay shit should be killed.

I'll take your non-rebuttal as "I give up, I can't argue against logic because I'm a whiny alt-right beta who women are correct to cuck and shun."

They banned the comic, not the game.

>SJWs don't like things and Sup Forums doesn't like things
>They're basically just as bad, goy


russia doing the right thing again.

> implying he isn't right

Epic dude, you should go back to Sup Forums now.

is this supposed to be anime these days?


Putin knows ancient soviet strategies and tries to not fall for them. Very based.

I wish we weren't allowed such degenerate shit. Fuck this gay pride faggotry that's ruining the West.

Russia didn't censor it. Blizzard did, because they knew they would have to raise the age suggestion from 13 to 18 because some law in Russia demands all gay shit to be labeled as adults only

they could just be incestuous sisters



they banned the comic not the game.

This is actual censorship by a government though.


Not Overwatch, only this cartoon. Since the game's rated 12+, it falls under "lgbt propaganda among children" law. Sorry shlomo, go be queer somewhere else.

Both extremes are insufferable.

You people who think Trump is the savior of humanity before even having spent a day in office are the exact same as people who bought into the "OBAMA MONEY" meme.

MAGA is the new HOPE and CHANGE and not a single one of you caught on to it. Nobody ever learns from history.

I refuse to believe she's a lesbian. I cannot allow this. She was the only reason I played that game. She's the only good looking Brit.

Brexit was only the beginning.

Good. Might cause companies to think twice about promoting sodomy.

No it's just that they don't tolerate any of this sjw shit and have both the time and dedication to hammer down any attempt. Pussy Riot was jailed as soon as they crossed the line. Femen were whipped and beaten within minutes before being deported. And this will be another in a long list of intrusion attempts nipped in the bud.

If only our side of the pond has the balls to do this...

>Not Overwatch, only this cartoon. Since the game's rated 12+, it falls under "lgbt propaganda among children" law. Sorry shlomo, go be queer somewhere else.

This, fuck every one of you degenerate leftist.

yes, you are

Should ban game too. Lore of the game is part of the game and this makes game itself lgbt propaganda. Next stop: we should find ways to ban CS and Dota 2.

But its okay for children to be exposed to breeder propaganda?

here's your (((you))) nigger

>Blizzard actually follows the law of Russia and doesn't release a comic to Russia that could be seen as gay propaganda


Seriously, why are you conflating the situation, much less getting made about comic books about a video game, that don't even affect said video game at all?

If "faggots", "trannies", "niggers" and "their sympathizers" were so "weak" compared to Putin's "masculie tradition" then they wouldn't be dominating the most powerful country on Earth.

citation needed


>Meanwhile the kebabs hang queers and sentence dykes to be correctively raped.

Not even saying that's a bad thing.

should have banned the game and saved people from playing it.

Russians need CS;GO.
Dota and LoL should be banned and the community purged from Earth.
Also, good luck with banning games chicken.

But then those games would die off...

Oh, wait!

nigger they banned it because the game is shit

I bet Overwatch is banned in 90% of Middle East but no one seems to talk about that

They don't,"cuck"

The USSR spent most of it's KGB money on infiltrating american schools to teach these ideologies.

Banned it because Zarya represents rusland

no they didnt

Possal tebe v rot, petooshara.

>SJWs want to ban fun
>Sup Forums wants to ban fun
Pretty much the same thing, yeah.

The USA became a superpower during the Greatest generation. It's currently in decline thanks to Millennials.

Well, it was money well spent.

The comics aren't canon. Or at least I don't consider them strictly canon There is literally nothing in the game to suggest it. If anything zarya is, but not tracer. Lucio is probably gay tho.

I'm fine with this...

t. fake news

Why would the USSR spend money on convincing Americans to be more free and equal dyel?

>Team Fortress 2 but with 30 Disney like characters.

Russia did their countrymen a favor.

She could be bi-sexual?

its going to be fun watching pol discover what Russia is really like

You are either a delusional SJW, an insecure nigger, or seriously fucking retarded.

That same page has Gorilla Grodd fondly reminiscing over his former lover, Jimmy Olsen. Is it really such a problem if Harley and Ivy kiss? They were always carpet munchers and it was a secret to nobody.

That'd be nice.

who the chick in red supposed to be?

Zarya looks like the definition of a bulldyke but they made Tracer the lesbian?

A literal who

i thought it was supposed to be wind ranger, but i have no idea.

>Why would the USSR spend money on convincing Americans to be more free and equal dyel?
Rainbow politics =/= fair and equal. It creates social strife, first between Majority and various minorities, then between minorities themselves.

Fair and equal societies seek to blur cultural/political divides one way or the other, the moment you see anyone reinforcing them - it's a threat to society.



probably self insert of the artist or some shit

oh. ty.


god bless Putin

Nice user id NGG.

it wasn't banned, blizzard just didn't release it there

Plz Valve, put faggots in Dota and CS:Go

fuck of hue

cs:go doesn't even have "characters" period

You're American, why would you even care?

They will just use VPNs anyway.

Was it available before?

They didn't release it there because such "gay propaganda" has been fucking banned in Russia, it's pretty silly

If they made zyra the canon lesbian the entire game would have been banned in russia since zyra is quite obviously russian.

>first between Majority and various minorities

If only we could convince the majority to not treat minorities any different than they treat themselves.

Even if you are joking, you deserve the rope.

A fucking leaf's opinion

oh you're talking about some retarded web comic, not the game... fucking shills.

Dildo knife


Marketing gay shit to kids is pretty bad imo.
Popularizing it makes it seem like something to bandwagon on to like a fad instead of an actual identity.

It really depends on what makes the minority the minority. Pedophiles for example are a minority and should clearly be treated differently, as should criminals, the mentally ill and physically disabled, welfare queens, terrorists, cultists pretending their religion gives them excuse to do anything, etc etc etc.

Russbro here. Buuullshit. Not Overwatch, just this comics strip. And not by Russia, but by Blizzard themselves.I love Blizzard but GTFO with such low quality baiting.

Anyone else laugh out loud when they read "fragile masculinity" that seems to pop up occasionally these days?

>hyper-aggressively remove homos from country

>defend the nuclear family and suggest that men work well at being the bread-winner

Actually not. It was a Blizzard decision. Russian government would only give it 18+ raiting, but this would hurt sales so shlomos at Blizzard made this low quality bait.

To be fair the fact that russian considers pretty much any depiction of homosexuals to be "gay propganda" shows just how easily triggered they are. Remember the sochi olympics? They were getting triggered every few days any time two same sex athletes would fake kiss or hug

you realize you're arguing with someone who probably believes child porn being illegal is censorship..


identity politics is the worst hell to be unleashed upon us since communism

>because it is communism

According to Russian laws comic is allowed (Russbro here) it just needs to be labeled 18+. But being 18+ is bad for sales, thus they create this controversy. So yeah blizzard is sjw baiting scum.

Thanks fuck, the less people playing this shit game the better.

Not banned. It just needs to be labeled 18+. And this is bad for buisness. Thus Bliizard creates this controversy just to save money.

yuri fags btfo

your kind has infected my chinese comics for long enough